Come Take A Stand For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Embrace a life of faith and redemption. Take a stand for Jesus and experience rest

Come Take A Stand For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Come Take A Stand For Jesus: Embracing a Life of Faith and Redemption” invites us to renounce our sins and begin a life filled with peace and joy in our Redeemer’s embrace. This hymn emphasizes the urgency of taking a stand for Jesus in our everyday lives and highlights the transformative power of His . Let us respond to the call, find rest and purpose in Him, and experience the true meaning of faith and redemption.


Come Take A Stand For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Come, take a stand for Jesus,
Renouncing all thy sin;
Come, take a stand for Jesus,
The Christian life begin.

The world is now thy treasure,
But cannot give thee rest;
Come, find serenest pleasure
On thy Redeemer’s breast.

Come, take a stand for Jesus,
Renouncing all thy sin;
Come, take a stand for Jesus,
The Christian life begin.

Now take a stand for Jesus,
While so loudly calls;
Now, take a stand for Jesus,
Before His anger falls.

Tonight this life of sorrow
May take its earthly end,
And ere another morrow,
With the eternal blend.


Oh! take a stand for Jesus,
Thou weary tempest tossed;
Oh! take a stand for Jesus,
Before thy is lost.

God gives thee faithful warning,
To flee the wrath to come;
Delay not thy returning;
Haste! while He calls, “Come .”



Meaning of Come Take A Stand For Jesus

Come Take A Stand For Jesus: Embracing a Life of Faith and Redemption

Have you ever felt a longing for something more? Something that the world, with all its treasures and distractions, simply cannot provide? In the hymn “Come Take A Stand For Jesus,” we are invited to renounce our sins and begin a Christian life filled with serenest pleasure and rest in our Redeemer’s embrace. Let us delve into the empowering message of this hymn and explore the importance of taking a stand for Jesus in our everyday lives.

The opening verse encourages us to make a conscious decision to stand for Jesus, to renounce all the sins that may have entangled us. This call to action is not meant to or judge us but is an invitation to experience the freedom and joy that comes from walking in the path of . As we take that stand, we embark on a journey filled with love, forgiveness, and grace.

The chorus repeats the call to action, emphasizing the need to renounce sin and begin the Christian life. It serves as a reminder that taking a stand for Jesus is not a one-time event but a daily commitment. It is an ongoing process of aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with the teachings and example of Jesus.

The hymn also highlights the urgency of taking a stand for Jesus now, while we still have the opportunity. It reminds us that our time on earth is finite, and tomorrow is never promised. We are urged not to delay seeking redemption and salvation, for tonight this life of sorrow could come to an end, and our will blend with .

In the second verse, the hymn speaks to those who may feel weary and tossed by the storms of life. It acknowledges the challenges and hardships we may face but encourages us to find solace and strength in taking a stand for Jesus. He is our anchor amidst the storm, offering us comfort, peace, and a sense of purpose.

As we consider the urgency of the call, the hymn reminds us that God gives us faithful warnings to flee from the wrath to come. This is not a warning inflicted with fear or punishment but a loving gesture from a Father who desires our well-being and eternal happiness. God beckons us to turn away from our old ways and come home to Him, embracing the life of faith and redemption that Jesus offers.

The hymn’s powerful lyrics demonstrate the transformative nature of taking a stand for Jesus. It is not merely a change of belief or ideology but a profound shift in perspective and lifestyle. When we take that stand, our hearts are opened to experience the love and grace of God in ways we never thought possible. We become vessels of His light, reflecting His goodness and mercy to the world around us.

Taking a stand for Jesus also means embracing a life of purpose and meaning. It is not a passive act but an active choice to align our lives with His teachings. It means living with integrity, kindness, and compassion towards others. It means seeking justice, defending the oppressed, and extending a helping hand to those in need. Through our actions, we become ambassadors of Christ, shining His light and bringing hope to a world that desperately needs it.

In conclusion, “Come Take A Stand For Jesus” is an inspiring hymn that urges us to renounce our sins and embark on a life of faith, redemption, and purpose. By taking a stand for Jesus, we find true rest and serenest pleasure in His loving embrace. It is a call that is meant for everyone, regardless of our past mistakes or current circumstances. We are reminded of the urgency of this call, the need to embrace the Christian life now, before it’s too late. So let us heed the invitation, take a stand for Jesus, and experience the transformative power of His love in our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace a life of faith and redemption. Take a stand for Jesus and experience rest, joy, and purpose. Find serenest pleasure in His loving embrace. Come take a stand for Jesus today! (159 characters)
Come Take A Stand For Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Embrace a life of faith and redemption. Take a stand for Jesus and experience rest, joy, and purpose. Find serenest pleasure in His loving embrace. Come take a stand for Jesus today! (159 characters)