Hes The One I Love In The Morning – Hymn Lyric

Experience the love and presence of God in the morning. This hymn reminds us of God's unwavering love and support throughout the day. Find strength and purpose in your relationship with Him.

Hes The One I Love In The Morning – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “He’s the One I Love in the Morning” beautifully captures the depth of our love and relationship with God. From the moment we wake up, we can find and love in His presence. He is there for us in every moment, from morning till , guiding us and loving us unconditionally.


Hes The One I Love In The Morning – Hymn Lyric

He’s the One I love in the morning,
He’s the One I love at noon;
He’s the One at evening twilight,
He’s the One at midnight gloom;

He’s the Oak and I’m the ivy,
He’s the Potter, I’m the clay;
For my and me there’ll never be
A parting day.


Meaning of Hes The One I Love In The Morning

Imagine waking up in the morning and feeling a surge of joy and love for someone. That someone who fills your with warmth and happiness is none other than the One who is always there for you – God. Just like the verses in the hymn say, “He’s the One I love in the morning.”

Mornings are a special time of day. The is waking up, the sun is rising, and the possibilities for the day seem endless. It’s during this time that we can truly appreciate the love and presence of God in our lives. As we start our day, we can turn our thoughts towards Him, recognizing His unconditional love and that never ceases.

The hymn goes on to say, “He’s the One I love at noon.” Noon is a time when we are in the midst of our daily activities. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and lose sight of what truly matters. But in the midst of it all, we can still find solace in the fact that God is with us every step of the way. He’s there to guide us, to comfort us, and to remind us of His unending love.

As the day goes on, we find ourselves nearing the evening twilight. The hymn reminds us that, even in the fading light of day, He’s still the One we love. Evening twilight is a time of reflection and quietness. It’s a time when we can escape the noise and chaos of the world and turn our thoughts towards God. We can take a moment to appreciate His faithfulness throughout the day and seek His guidance for the evening ahead.

And then comes midnight gloom, the darkest hour of the night. Even in the midst of our deepest fears, doubts, and loneliness, God is there. He’s the One who brings light to the darkest corners of our hearts. In those moments of despair, we can find solace and in the fact that we are not alone. God is with us, holding our hand and guiding us through the shadows.

The hymn beautifully depicts the relationship between God and us using the imagery of the Oak and the ivy. The Oak is solid and strong, providing support and shelter for the ivy. In the same way, God is our , our source of strength and stability. We are like the ivy, clinging to Him for support and finding nourishment in His presence. Together, we create a beautiful partnership, intertwined and connected.

Furthermore, the hymn highlights the analogy of God as the Potter and us as the clay. Just as a potter molds and shapes the clay, God molds and shapes us. He knows our strengths and weaknesses, and He gently guides us towards becoming the best version of ourselves. We can trust in His plans for our lives, knowing that He is always working for our good.

The hymn concludes with the powerful statement, “For my Lord and me, there’ll never be a parting day.” This line reminds us that the love and relationship we have with God is . It transcends time and space. No matter what challenges or changes we may face in life, God’s love for us will never fade or diminish. He is with us from morning till night, from beginning till end.

In conclusion, the hymn “He’s the One I Love in the Morning” beautifully captures the depth of our love and relationship with God. From the moment we open our eyes in the morning to the darkest hour of the night, He is there, guiding us, comforting us, and loving us unconditionally. Just like the ivy clinging to the Oak or the clay being shaped by the Potter, we can find strength and purpose in our relationship with Him. Let us embrace each new day with the knowledge that we are loved, cherished, and never alone.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the love and presence of God in the morning. This hymn reminds us of God's unwavering love and support throughout the day. Find strength and purpose in your relationship with Him.
Hes The One I Love In The Morning - Hymn Lyric - Experience the love and presence of God in the morning. This hymn reminds us of God's unwavering love and support throughout the day. Find strength and purpose in your relationship with Him.