Is There Any Room For Jesus? – Hymn Lyric

Discover the importance of making room for Jesus in your heart and life. Embrace His love and grace

Is There Any Room For Jesus? – Hymn Lyric

In today’s world, our hearts and minds are often crowded with worldly pleasures and the cares of . It’s easy to fill our days with distractions, leaving little room for anything else. But amidst the chaos, there is a gentle knocking at the door of our hearts. It is Jesus, patiently waiting for us to let Him in. We must make room for Him, prioritize our relationship with Him, and embrace His love and transforming power. Let us always have room for Jesus in our lives.


Is There Any Room For Jesus? – Hymn Lyric

Is there any room for Jesus?
He Who died on ,
He Who standeth, knocking, waiting,
Pleading with you tenderly.

Room for Jesus, room for Jesus,
Let Him in your today,
Throwing every window open,
O receive Him while you may.

We have room for worldly pleasures,
Cares of life crowd every day,
And our hearts and minds are burdened
While the Lord is turned away.

Will you not make room for Jesus,
For the , the ?
Is there not some place to enter
In the for which He died?

Room and time and thought for Jesus,
Hasten to accept His grace
Ere the heart grows cold and careless,
And His pleading voice shall cease.


Meaning of Is There Any Room For Jesus?

In today’s world, our hearts and minds are often crowded with worldly pleasures and the cares of life. We fill our days with endless distractions, leaving little room for anything else. But amidst the chaos and noise, there is a gentle knocking at the door of our hearts. It is Jesus, the one who died on Calvary, patiently waiting for us to let Him in.

The hymn “Is There Any Room For Jesus?” paints a vivid picture of this plea. It reminds us that while we make room for worldly pleasures, we must also make room for the one who His life for us. Jesus stands outside the door, His hand extended, pleading with us tenderly. He longs to have a place in our hearts, a place where He can reside and bring us .

Making room for Jesus is not just a one-time decision. It is a daily choice that we must make. We cannot afford to turn Him away while we fill our hearts and minds with trivial matters. Instead, we should throw open every window of our souls and welcome Him in with open arms. We must receive Him today, for none of us knows what tomorrow may bring.

Sometimes, we may hesitate to make room for Jesus because we fear that we have too many flaws and failures. We question if He could ever love someone like us. But the answer is clear in the hymn – Jesus died for us. He willingly went to the cross, bearing the weight of our sins, so that we could find forgiveness and salvation. There is no soul too broken or too sinful for Him to enter. He desires to bring and restoration to every heart.

Creating space for Jesus in our lives does not mean that we have to abandon all worldly pleasures. It’s not about giving up everything we enjoy or changing who we are. Rather, it is about prioritizing our relationship with Him above all else. It means recognizing that the cares and distractions of life should never take precedence over our Creator.

So, how do we make room for Jesus in our hearts? It starts with an acknowledgement of His presence and a willingness to listen to His voice. We must be attentive to His call, ready to accept His grace. It requires setting aside time for prayer and reflection, allowing Him to speak to us in the stillness. It means seeking His guidance in every aspect of our lives and making decisions that align with His teachings.

As we make room for Jesus, we must also guard against the dangers of a cold and careless heart. It is all too easy for our hearts to grow numb to His presence, to become apathetic towards His love and grace. We must constantly nurture our relationship with Him, staying rooted in His Word and surrounding ourselves with a community of believers who can encourage and uplift us.

The hymn reminds us that there is room, time, and thought for Jesus. It urges us to hasten and accept His grace before it’s too late. We do not know when His pleading voice will cease, when the doors of opportunity to invite Him into our hearts will close. Every day is a precious gift, a chance to embrace His love and experience His transforming power.

In conclusion, the title question “Is There Any Room For Jesus?” is a profound one that each of us must consider. Will we make room for Him amidst the chaos and distractions of life? Will we prioritize our relationship with Him above all else? The choice is ours to make. Let us throw open the doors of our hearts, welcoming Him in with open arms. May we always have room for Jesus, the one who died on Calvary, in our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the importance of making room for Jesus in your heart and life. Embrace His love and grace, prioritize your relationship with Him. Find peace and forgiveness in His presence. Is there any room for Jesus in your life?
Is There Any Room For Jesus? - Hymn Lyric - Discover the importance of making room for Jesus in your heart and life. Embrace His love and grace, prioritize your relationship with Him. Find peace and forgiveness in His presence. Is there any room for Jesus in your life?