Tell Me The Story Of Jesus Again – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound message of Jesus' love and sacrifice in the hymn "Tell Me The Story Of Jesus Again." Find comfort

Tell Me The Story Of Jesus Again – Hymn Lyric

The title, “Tell Me The Story Of Jesus Again,” encompasses the powerful message of Jesus’ love and sacrifice portrayed in the content of the . This hymn serves as a reminder of the boundless love that Jesus holds for all humanity and the incredible sacrifice he made for our . It encourages us to seek comfort, hope, and inspiration in the story of Jesus, especially in times of hardship and struggle.


Tell Me The Story Of Jesus Again – Hymn Lyric

Tell me the story of Jesus again,
Tell of His love, wonderful love;
Tell how he died for the of men,
Wonderful, wonderful love!

When I am faint with the heat of the day,
Burdened with and care by the way,
Tell me of Him who on Calvary’s tree,
Suffered and died for a sinner like me.

Wonderful, wonderful love,
Wonderful, wonderful love!
How I shall , when I meet the great King,
His wonderful, wonderful love!

Out on the byways and highways of ,
Tell of His love, wonderful love;
How it will smooth anger and strife,
Wonderful, wonderful love!

Comforts may fail me, and friends may forsake,
Evils oppress me, and sorrows o’ertake,
Yet in my heart shall this prayer ever be,-
Tell me of Jesus, who suffered for me.


Nothing on earth or in so sweet;
Tell of His love, wonderful love;
Nothing so beautiful, perfect, complete,
Wonderful, wonderful love!

When I am near where the dark waters flow,
When thro’ the valley of shadows I go,
When face to face I my Saviour shall see,
This shall my song thro’ eternity be:



Meaning of Tell Me The Story Of Jesus Again

In the hymn titled “Tell Me The Story Of Jesus Again,” the powerful message of Jesus’ love and sacrifice is beautifully conveyed. This hymn reminds us of the boundless love that Jesus holds for all humanity and the incredible sacrifice he made for our salvation. In a world filled with challenges and difficulties, the story of Jesus provides comfort, hope, and inspiration.

The hymn begins by urging us to hear the story of Jesus once more. It calls us to remember the incredible love that Jesus had for humanity. The verse speaks of how Jesus died for the children of men, emphasizing the profound nature of his sacrifice. This sacrifice demonstrates the depth of his love and his willingness to give everything for us.

As we journey through life, we often face struggles, burdens, and sorrows. The hymn encourages us to turn to Jesus when we are overwhelmed by the heat of the day or weighed down by sorrow and care. It reminds us that Jesus, who suffered and died for sinners like us, is there to provide solace and comfort. In times of hardship, we can find strength in knowing that Jesus understands our pain and is always ready to offer his loving embrace.

The hymn also highlights the transformative power of Jesus’ love. It is described as a love that can smooth away anger and strife. In a world where conflict and discord are prevalent, this love is a beacon of hope. It reminds us that through Jesus’ example, we can overcome our differences and find unity and .

Even when everything else fails us, and friends may forsake, the love of Jesus remains steadfast. The hymn acknowledges that life may present us with challenges and sorrows, but it emphasizes that our prayer should always be to hear about Jesus’ love and sacrifice for us. By keeping Jesus at the center of our lives, we can find comfort and peace in the midst of any storm.

The hymn describes Jesus’ love as unparalleled. It states that there is nothing on earth or in heaven that is as sweet as his love. This love is depicted as beautiful, perfect, and complete. It is a love that surpasses all understanding and fills our hearts with joy. By basking in the love of Jesus, we experience a love that is beyond anything we could ever imagine.

The hymn also addresses the journey we all must face—one that leads us near dark waters and through the valley of shadows. It acknowledges the reality of our mortality and the challenges we encounter as we navigate life. However, it instills hope by pointing towards the ultimate destination of our journey—meeting the face to face. When that day comes, the hymn suggests that our song for eternity will be centered on the wonderful, wonderful love of Jesus.

In conclusion, the hymn “Tell Me The Story Of Jesus Again” encapsulates the essence of Jesus’ love and sacrifice. It serves as a reminder of the comfort, hope, and inspiration that can be found in his story. By sharing this hymn, we can spread the message of Jesus’ incredible love and encourage others to seek solace and strength in his embrace. Let us hold onto the story of Jesus in our hearts and in our lives, always remembering the wonderful, wonderful love he has for us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound message of Jesus' love and sacrifice in the hymn Tell Me The Story Of Jesus Again. Find comfort, hope, and inspiration in his wonderful, wonderful love. Share the story and embrace his love.
Tell Me The Story Of Jesus Again - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound message of Jesus' love and sacrifice in the hymn "Tell Me The Story Of Jesus Again." Find comfort, hope, and inspiration in his wonderful, wonderful love. Share the story and embrace his love.