Only A Step To Jesus The Door Stands Open – Hymn Lyric

Take the Step to Jesus and Find Salvation: Embrace the Open Door for Eternal Life. Find Rest

Only A Step To Jesus The Door Stands Open – Hymn Lyric

“Only A Step To The Door Stands Open” is a beautiful hymn that invites us to forsake and enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ. The poem assures us that the door to Jesus is open wide, and taking that step towards Him is simple and accessible, leading us from into light. It reminds us of Jesus’ plea for us to come to Him and experience rest, peace, and salvation, urging us not to delay in embracing this opportunity.


Only A Step To Jesus The Door Stands Open – Hymn Lyric

Only a step to Jesus!
The door stands open wide,
Forsake sin and enter in,
And with thy Lord abide.

This night thy soul is standing
Just outside mercy’s door;
Oh, hear His call, trust Christ for all,
And pass the threshold o’er.

Only a step, only a step,
From darkness into light,
Only a step, only a step,
Oh, take that step tonight.

Only a step to Jesus!
He with to come,
Oh, enter now, before Him bow,
And rest in peace at .

So near, so near to safety,
So near the open door-
Alas for those who see it close
To open never more.


Only a step He asketh,
How small a thing to do
For Him who died, the Crucified,
For you, for you, for you.

A step to joy from sorrow,
A step to peace from strife,
To ‘n at last, when earth is past,
A step from death to .



Meaning of Only A Step To Jesus The Door Stands Open

Only a Step to Jesus: The Door Stands Open

In our journey through life, we often encounter obstacles and challenges that make us feel distant from God. We may find ourselves lost in darkness, burdened by sin, and longing for a way out. But in the midst of this despair, there is hope. There is a door that stands open wide, inviting us to forsake our sin and enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ. This hymn, titled “Only a Step to Jesus,” beautifully captures the essence of this invitation and encourages us to take that step towards light, peace, and eternal life.

The verse of this hymn reminds us that the door to Jesus is open wide. It tells us that all we need to do is forsake our sin and enter in. The language used here is simple and accessible, making it easy for anyone, regardless of their literacy level, to understand. The message is clear: Jesus is calling us to trust in Him and to pass through the threshold of mercy.

The refrain reinforces this message, emphasizing that taking that step towards Jesus is not a difficult or complicated process. It is simply a matter of moving from darkness into light. It urges us to take that step tonight, not to delay or procrastinate, but to embrace the opportunity for spiritual transformation that is available to us right now.

Jesus pleads with us to come to Him, offering us the chance to find rest and peace in His presence. The hymn encourages us to respond to this call, to bow before Him and accept His invitation. It stresses the proximity of safety and the open door, reminding us that the opportunity to find salvation is right within our reach. However, it also serves as a warning to those who see the door close and never open again. This emphasizes the importance of seizing the opportunity while it is still available.

The hymn emphasizes that the step Jesus asks of us is small and insignificant in comparison to what He has already done for us. He died on the cross, taking our sins upon Himself, so that we may have eternal life. The hymn reminds us that this step to Jesus is one of joy and peace. It leads us away from sorrow and strife, offering us a glimpse of the heavenly joy that awaits us when our time on earth is over.

As we reflect on the message of this hymn, we are reminded of the simplicity and accessibility of Jesus’ invitation to all. It doesn’t matter who we are or what we have done. Jesus calls each one of us to come to Him, to take that step towards Him, and to experience His and grace.

In conclusion, the hymn “Only a Step to Jesus” beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ invitation to all. It emphasizes the open door and the simplicity of taking that step towards Him. It reminds us that Jesus pleads with us to come to Him, offering rest, peace, and salvation. It serves as a reminder to seize the opportunity while it is still available, for once the door closes, it may never open again. May we all heed the message of this hymn and take that step towards Jesus, embracing the light, joy, and eternal life that He offers.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Take the Step to Jesus and Find Salvation: Embrace the Open Door for Eternal Life. Find Rest, Peace, and Joy in His Presence Tonight.
Only A Step To Jesus The Door Stands Open - Hymn Lyric - Take the Step to Jesus and Find Salvation: Embrace the Open Door for Eternal Life. Find Rest, Peace, and Joy in His Presence Tonight.