Come Tell Abroad A Saviors Love – Hymn Lyric

Come Tell Abroad A Savior's Love: Proclaiming the Story of Redemption. Exploring the profound message of God's love and sacrifice through sacred melody and the impact of Christ's saving name. Experience a life that defies death in the name of Jesus Christ

Come Tell Abroad A Saviors Love – Hymn Lyric

“Come Tell Abroad A Savior’s ” is a hymn filled with hope and redemption, reminding us of the selfless act of Jesus Christ who died to save us from our sins. Through sacred melody and the power of music, we can share the message of God’s love and invite others to trust in the Savior. By proclaiming His saving name, we can experience a life that will never end, finding eternal security in Jesus Christ.


Come Tell Abroad A Saviors Love – Hymn Lyric

Come tell abroad a Savior’s love
In sacred melody,
In love He came from ‘n above,
He went to .

We now proclaim His saving name,
On Christ alone, depend,
And you shall know e’en here below,
A life that ne’er shall end.

He saw us lost and doomed to die,
And when all hope had fled,
He came the law to magnify,
By dying in our stead.

Our sins had filled a bitter cup,
Which we could never drain,
In love the Savior drank it up,
He died, He lives again.

Glad tidings now to all we bring,
‘Tis God’s good news we tell;
Come trust the Savior while we sing,
He saves from and hell.



Meaning of Come Tell Abroad A Saviors Love

Come Tell Abroad A Savior’s Love: Proclaiming the Story of Redemption

In the beautiful hymn “Come Tell Abroad A Savior’s Love,” the profound message of God’s redeeming love and sacrifice is conveyed through sacred melody. This hymn reminds us of the selfless act performed by the Savior, Jesus Christ, when He left the glory of Heaven and willingly went to Calvary to save humanity from sin. Let us delve deeper into the meaning of each verse and chorus of this hymn, and explore the impact of Christ’s saving name.

In the first verse, we are invited to share the incredible news of a Savior’s love through sacred melody. This highlights the significance of using music as a means to spread the message of God’s love. Music has a unique ability to touch people’s hearts and penetrate their . It transcends language barriers and speaks to the depths of our beings, evoking emotions and connecting us to a higher power. As we raise our voices together in harmony, we have an opportunity to reflect and rejoice in the Savior’s love.

The chorus reminds us of the fundamental truth that our salvation depends solely on Christ. It emphasizes the importance of placing our trust in Him and acknowledging His role as our savior. By proclaiming His saving name, we can experience a life that will never end. This message is powerful and comforting, reminding us that true and everlasting life can only be found in Christ.

The second verse portrays the Savior’s incredible compassion and sacrifice. Jesus saw us lost, helpless, and doomed to die in our sins. Instead of turning away, He embraced His mission to redeem us. Even when all hope seemed lost, He chose to magnify the law by dying in our place. Through His death on the cross, Jesus not only fulfilled the requirements of the law but also demonstrated the depths of His love for humanity. This act of selflessness should fill us with gratitude and inspire us to follow His example of sacrificial love.

The third verse vividly describes the immeasurable weight of our sins. It likens our sins to a bitter cup that we could never drain on our own. In His immense love, the Savior willingly drank this cup of bitterness, taking upon Himself the weight and consequences of our transgressions. By doing so, He opened the door for us to receive forgiveness and salvation. The resurrection of Jesus Christ, mentioned in the chorus, is an essential part of this story. It symbolizes the triumph over sin and death, giving us hope and assurance that we too can experience new life through our faith in Him.

The final verse of the hymn calls on us to share the good news of God’s love and redemption. We are encouraged to trust in the Savior while we sing, as He is the one who saves us from sin and hell. This verse reminds us of our responsibility as followers of Christ to spread His message of love and salvation. By inviting others to trust in the Savior while we sing, we provide them with the opportunity to experience the same eternal life that we have found in Him.

“Come Tell Abroad A Savior’s Love” is a hymn filled with hope and redemption. It encourages us to reflect on the selfless act of Jesus Christ, who willingly up His life to save us from our sins. This hymn serves as a powerful reminder that our salvation depends solely on Him. By proclaiming His saving name and trusting in Him, we can experience a life that will never end.

As we share this message with others, let us remember the power of sacred melody and the impact it can have on people’s lives. Music is not only a form of expression but also a means to connect with the and convey the depth of our emotions. Through the simple act of singing, we can touch hearts, inspire faith, and invite others to encounter the Savior’s love.

May the words of this hymn resonate in our hearts and compel us to proclaim the story of redemption. Let us remember the Savior’s love and sacrifice as we share the good news with others. May we trust in Him while we sing, knowing that He alone can save us from sin and hell. In doing so, we can experience a life that defies death, knowing that our eternity is secured in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Come Tell Abroad A Savior's Love: Proclaiming the Story of Redemption. Exploring the profound message of God's love and sacrifice through sacred melody and the impact of Christ's saving name. Experience a life that defies death in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Come Tell Abroad A Saviors Love - Hymn Lyric - Come Tell Abroad A Savior's Love: Proclaiming the Story of Redemption. Exploring the profound message of God's love and sacrifice through sacred melody and the impact of Christ's saving name. Experience a life that defies death in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior.