Pressed My Soul With Future Prospect – Hymn Lyric

Experience the haunting hymn

Pressed My Soul With Future Prospect – Hymn Lyric

“Pressed My Soul With Future Prospect” is a vivid and haunting hymn that explores the end times and judgment day. Through poetic language and vivid imagery, the hymn conveys the terror and anguish that will accompany this event. It emphasizes the importance of salvation and redemption, as those who have been saved will join Jesus in heaven.


Pressed My Soul With Future Prospect – Hymn Lyric

Press’d my soul with future prospect,
Sing creation’s dismal end;
Long foretold by sacred ,
Holy Muse succours lend.

Say what horror what confusion,
Will each sinful heart dismay
What distresses, tortures, anguish
Reign in that tremendous day.

Rumbling Thunders forky shinings,
Ghastly glaring thwart the ;
Nature shaking to her center,
Groans prophetic of her doom.

Cliffy rocks and lofty mountains,
O’er the trembling basis rock;
While Earth yawns in dreaful chasme,
With the each strong repeated shock.

Seas with horrid palpitation,
Ravage round their frighted shores,
Blustering wind with frantic fury,
Through each ruin’d fabric roars,

The Suns’ bright orb is veil’d in sackcloth
Stripp’d of all his sparkling beams;
The moon has dropp’d her silver radiance
And dissolves in purple streams.

Stars of light divinely brilliant,
Studding night, Cimmerian robe;
Hurl’d in darkness from their orbits,
Each a darken’d ruin’d globe.

Hark! the martial trumpet sounding
Rends in twain the crystal sky;
Vengeance blazing lights the concave
Of profound .

See the sovereign Aether furling;
Nobler scenes salute mine eyes;
‘n in solemn pomp ,
Crimson banners dress the skies.

On the arched striped rainbow,
Sits entrhon’d the eteranl God,
Myriads of Celestial Warriors
Round him wait his awful nod.

Go, he grieves, ye winged herald,
Bring my saints from ev’ry wind,
Those my blood from death has ransom’d
Those in ‘s fair volume penn’d,

Strait a holy troop obsequious,
Swift as lightning skim’d along,
And from ev’ry grave collecting,
Jesus’ dear redeemed Throng.

Death no more with livid aspect,
Spurs his sallow steed to stay;
Now the ravenous foe disgorges,
All his long imprison’d prey,

Rous’d from Tombs each wicked rises,
By the trumpet’s thrilling sound
Round they stare with wild amazement,
Wond’ring at the scene profound.

Fill’d with horror dread and anguish,
Rocks and mountains they implore,
To fall and crush them out of being;
Wishing now to be no more.

Hark the Herald calls to judgment,
Justice draws her glittering sword,
Lightning glances from his aspect;
Thunder clothe his awful word.

Go ye cursed fill’d with vengeance,
Nor for peace my name invoke;
Ye who once despis’d my mercy,
And my fury dare provoke:

Go to pits of burning sulphur,
Ever banish’d from my rest,
Where the larum,
Ceaseless beats your pulsive breast.


Meaning of Pressed My Soul With Future Prospect

“Pressed My Soul With Future Prospect” is a hymn that explores the theme of the end times and the judgment day. Through vivid imagery and poetic language, the hymn paints a picture of the terror and anguish that will accompany this event. It also emphasizes the importance of salvation and redemption, as those who have been saved by the blood of Jesus will be gathered to join Him in heaven.

The hymn begins by describing the future prospect that weighs heavily on the soul. It speaks of the end of creation, which has long been foretold by sacred prophets. In this dire moment, the hymn calls upon the Holy Muse for assistance in conveying the horror, confusion, distress, tortures, and anguish that will consume sinful hearts on that tremendous day.

The imagery intensifies as the hymn describes the signs and premonitions of the impending end. Rumbling thunders with forky shinings, ghastly glaring through the gloom, symbolize the upheaval and chaos that will shake nature to its core. Cliffy rocks and lofty mountains rock over the trembling ground, while the earth opens up in a dreadful chasm, causing strong repeated shocks. The seas palpitate with horrid anticipation, ravaging their shores, and the blustering wind howls with frantic fury through the ruins.

The celestial bodies also bear witness to the approaching judgment day. The sun’s bright orb is veiled in sackcloth, stripped of its sparkling beams. The moon drops its silver radiance, dissolving into purple streams. The stars, divinely brilliant, are hurled into darkness from their orbits, becoming darkened, ruined globes.

In the midst of this chaos, the hymn introduces the sound of the martial trumpet, tearing apart the crystal sky. It signifies the call to judgment, with vengeance blazing and lighting up the realms of profound eternity. The scene shifts to heavenly pomp, as heaven itself descends with crimson banners adorning the skies. The eternal God is enthroned on the arched striped rainbow, surrounded by myriads of celestial warriors awaiting His command.

At this moment, the hymn shifts its focus to the gathering of the saints. The winged herald is dispatched to bring the redeemed from every corner of the earth. Swift as lightning, they are gathered from their graves, forming a holy troop obedient to Jesus’ call. Death, no longer with a livid aspect, releases his captives who have been ransomed by Jesus’ blood.

As the wicked rise from their graves, they are filled with horror, dread, and anguish. They implore the rocks and mountains to fall and crush them out of existence, wishing to be no more. The herald sounds the call to judgment, and justice unsheathes her glittering sword, accompanied by lightning and thunder. The cursed ones, who have despised God’s mercy and provoked His fury, are consigned to the pits of burning sulfur, banished from His rest. Their eternal punishment is marked by the ceaseless beating of their pulsive breast.

In conclusion, “Pressed My Soul With Future Prospect” is a vivid and haunting hymn that explores the theme of the end times and the judgment day. It emphasizes the terror and anguish that will accompany this event, as well as the importance of salvation and redemption through Jesus Christ. Through its poetic language and vivid imagery, the hymn seeks to instill a sense of awe and reverence for the divine power and justice that will ultimately prevail.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the haunting hymn, Pressed My Soul With Future Prospect, exploring the end times and judgment day. Find solace in the importance of salvation and redemption through Jesus Christ.
Pressed My Soul With Future Prospect - Hymn Lyric - Experience the haunting hymn, "Pressed My Soul With Future Prospect," exploring the end times and judgment day. Find solace in the importance of salvation and redemption through Jesus Christ.