O Savior Thou Whose Pitying Love – Hymn Lyric

Embracing Grace and Finding Victory in Life

O Savior Thou Whose Pitying Love – Hymn Lyric

Immersed in the Sweet Love of O Savior Thou Whose Pitying LoveThis highlights the boundless and compassionate love of our Savior, offering solace and strength in ‘s challenges. The hymn speaks of how the Savior’s love heals brokenness, transforms lives, and fills us with abundance. As we embrace His love, it becomes our driving force, awakening and beautifying the dormant parts of our lives. Through our transformed lives, we can inspire others to seek and experience the incredible love of our Savior.


O Savior Thou Whose Pitying Love – Hymn Lyric

O Saviour, Thou whose pitying love
Has made a for me,
Whose touch has healed a broken ,
And turned its love to .

Thou who hast changed a barren life
To verdant summer land,
And filled my cup to overflow
By Thine abundant hand.

Oh magnify wondrous grace
In this poor heart of mine,
That all the energies of life
Henceforward may be Thine.

And touch the broken, voiceless chords
Which long have silent lain,
That filled with melody may be
The hours that still remain.

Thus may the world that reads my life
A risen Saviour see,
And own that life lived out in Him
In constant victory.


Meaning of O Savior Thou Whose Pitying Love

O Savior Thou Whose Pitying Love: Embracing Grace and Finding Victory in Life

In the midst of life’s challenges and struggles, we can find solace and strength in the vast and all-encompassing love of our Savior. The hymn “O Savior Thou Whose Pitying Love” beautifully captures the transformative power of this love and the profound impact it can have on our lives.

The opening verse of the hymn speaks of how the Savior’s love has made a place for us. It is a love that is full of compassion and understanding. It is a love that sees our brokenness and offers and restoration. Just like a touch from the Savior can heal a broken heart, His love can mend the broken pieces of our lives and turn our hearts towards Him.

Indeed, the Savior’s love has the power to completely change our lives. The hymn mentions how He can transform a barren life into a verdant summer land. It is His love that brings life and vitality to the desolate areas of our existence. When we allow His love to fill us, our cup overflows with and abundance. We are no longer living in a state of lack but in a state of overflow, showered with His goodness and grace.

As we experience the magnificence of His love, it is only natural to that it becomes the driving force in our lives. The hymn calls for the wondrous grace of the Savior to be magnified in our hearts. We long for His love to consume us entirely so that every aspect of our being is dedicated to His purposes. In doing so, we can truly live a life that is in alignment with His will.

One of the most beautiful aspects of the Savior’s love is its ability to awaken and revive dormant parts of our lives. The hymn speaks of broken and voiceless chords that have long lain silent. These are the parts of ourselves that have been wounded or neglected, the aspects that have been muted or ignored. However, when touched by the love of the Savior, these broken chords can be filled with melody once again. His love has the power to bring harmony and beauty to the areas of our lives that have been silent for far too long.

Our transformed lives, filled with the melody of His love, can serve as a testament to the world. The hymn expresses the hope that as others observe our lives, they will see a risen Savior. Through our actions, words, and attitudes, we can reflect the love and grace that we have received. Our lives can become a living testament to the power of His love, bearing to the victory we have found in Him.

In conclusion, the hymn “O Savior Thou Whose Pitying Love” beautifully portrays the transformative and all-encompassing nature of the Savior’s love. It is a love that heals, transforms, and fills our lives with abundance. When we allow His love to magnify in our hearts, we become vessels of His grace and agents of His victory. Through our lives, may we inspire others to seek and experience the wondrous love of our Savior.


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O Savior Thou Whose Pitying Love - Hymn Lyric - Embracing Grace and Finding Victory in Life