Im Jesus Little Trusting Child – Hymn Lyric

Maximize your connection with Jesus by understanding the importance of prayer in your life. Find peace

Im Jesus Little Trusting Child – Hymn Lyric

Discover the importance of prayer in the “I’m Jesus’ Little Trusting .” Through prayer, we seek Jesus’ guidance, express , find comfort in His presence, and ask for strength and grace during trials. Let’s remember to , as it deepens our connection with Jesus and allows Him to be a part of every aspect of our lives.


Im Jesus Little Trusting Child – Hymn Lyric

I’m Jesus’ little trusting child,
I need him ev’ry day,
To shield me from temptations wild-
I’ll not forget to pray.

I’ll not forget to pray,
I’ll not forget to pray;
To Jesus I’ll bear my every care;
I’ll not forget to pray.

I thank him for his loving care,
That angels near me stay;
At evening shall ascend my pray’r-
I’ll not forget to pray.


And ev’ry morn, before I start
Upon another day,
I’ll ask the Lord to keep my heart-
I’ll not forget to pray.


Or should some trial come apace
I’ll hasten then away,
To ask the Lord for strength and grace-
I’ll not forget to pray.



Meaning of Im Jesus Little Trusting Child

As Jesus’ little trusting child, we are reminded in this beautiful hymn of the importance of prayer in our everyday lives. Prayer is our way of communicating with Jesus, seeking His guidance, expressing our gratitude, and finding comfort in His presence. Through prayer, we develop a deeper connection with our and invite Him to be a part of every aspect of our lives.

In the beginning of the hymn, we are reminded that we need Jesus every day to shield us from the temptations and challenges that we may face. It is through prayer that we seek His protection, asking for His strength to resist the wild temptations that surround us. By acknowledging our reliance on Jesus through prayer, we show our trust in His power to keep us safe.

The refrain repeats the importance of not forgetting to pray, emphasizing that our communication with Jesus is a constant effort. Just as we would bear our every care to a trusted , we are encouraged to bring our concerns, worries, and joys to Jesus through prayer. By doing so, we invite Him into the depths of our hearts, allowing Him to understand and help us carry our burdens.

We are encouraged to express our gratitude to Jesus for His loving care and the presence of angels who watch over us. Through prayer, we have the opportunity to recognize and appreciate the blessings that surround us each day. By offering our thanks, we cultivate a heart of gratitude, which leads us to greater and contentment.

The hymn also highlights the importance of beginning and ending each day with prayer. In the , before we embark upon a new day, we ask the Lord to keep our hearts, guarding us against negative influences and guiding us towards righteousness. By seeking His presence and guidance at the start of our day, we set the tone for a day lived in accordance with His will.

In the evening, we are reminded to lift our in gratitude and reflection. As we prepare to rest, we express our thanks for the blessings we experienced throughout the day and seek forgiveness for any shortcomings. It is through this evening prayer that we find and comfort, entrusting our cares to Jesus as we seek rest in His loving embrace.

The hymn also acknowledges that trials and challenges are an inevitable part of life. But, instead of allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by them, we are encouraged to hasten to the Lord in prayer during difficult times. In these moments, we can find strength and grace to navigate through the trials, knowing that we do not face them alone. By turning to Jesus in prayer, we tap into His power and find solace in His presence.

In conclusion, the hymn “I’m Jesus’ Little Trusting Child” beautifully reminds us of the importance of prayer in our lives. Prayer is our way of cultivating a deeper connection with Jesus, seeking His guidance, expressing our gratitude, and finding comfort in His presence. As we trust in Jesus as our Savior and bear our every care to Him through prayer, we experience the peace, strength, and grace that only He can provide. So let us not forget to pray, understanding that through our trust and communication with Jesus, we can navigate through life’s challenges and experience the abundant blessings of His love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Maximize your connection with Jesus by understanding the importance of prayer in your life. Find peace, guidance, and love as Jesus' little trusting child through the power of prayer.
Im Jesus Little Trusting Child - Hymn Lyric - Maximize your connection with Jesus by understanding the importance of prayer in your life. Find peace, guidance, and love as Jesus' little trusting child through the power of prayer.