Just A Kind Word For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Spread love and hope with "Just A Kind Word For Jesus." Embrace the power of simple acts of kindness to brighten lives and create a compassionate world. Be an ambassador of love and prove the promises of Jesus.

Just A Kind Word For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Just A Kind Word For : Promoting Kindness and Compassion in a Divided World In a world filled with sadness and weariness, the “Just A Kind Word For Jesus” reminds us of the power of simple acts of kindness. It urges us to speak kind words, sow seeds of , and offer support to those in need. With each small act, we can make a positive impact and create a brighter world where kindness reigns supreme.


Just A Kind Word For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Just a kind word for Jesus,
Speak it while yet you may;
There are so many sad ones,
Walking ‘s way.

Something for Jesus ev’ry day,
Seed by the wayside, we can sow alway
Words for the Master, deeds of love,
Help us dear ,
The promises to prove.

Something each day for Jesus,
O, there is much to do;
Perishing are longing,
For a kind , and true. [Chorus]

Just a kind deed for Jesus,
Swiftly the days go by;
Though you are weak, He’ll help you,
On His strong arm rely. [Chorus]


Meaning of Just A Kind Word For Jesus

Just A Kind Word For Jesus: Spreading Love and Hope for a Brighter World

In today’s fast-paced and often challenging world, it’s easy to lose sight of the power of simple acts of kindness. However, the hymn “Just A Kind Word For Jesus” reminds us of the tremendous impact that a few kind words and actions can have on others, and ultimately on ourselves.

The first verse of this hymn urges us to speak kind words for Jesus while we still have the chance. It highlights the fact that there are so many sad individuals walking life’s weary way. By taking the time to offer a kind word, we have the opportunity to brighten someone’s day, to lift their spirits, and to remind them that they are not alone in their struggles. It is a call for empathy and compassion.

The chorus serves as a powerful reminder that each day presents us with the chance to do something meaningful for Jesus. It encourages us to sow seeds of love and kindness, just as a farmer sows seeds by the wayside. Although it may seem like a small gesture, offering kind words and deeds can have a ripple effect, touching the lives of others in ways we may never fully comprehend. Just as seeds grow into beautiful plants, our simple acts of kindness can grow into something remarkable, creating a positive impact on our communities and the world as a whole.

The second verse emphasizes the abundance of tasks waiting for us to accomplish each day. It acknowledges the existence of perishing souls longing for a kind and true friend. This verse serves as a gentle reminder that everyone we encounter may be struggling in their own way, and it is within our power to be that support system they desperately need. By offering a kind deed, whether it’s a helping hand, a listening ear, or a simple act of understanding, we can help ease the burden for others and provide them with the hope and strength they seek. It is a reminder of the power of our actions and the impact they can have on those around us.

The chorus reiterates the importance of daily acts that honor our faith. It encourages us to use our words and deeds to prove our devotion and love for Jesus. Each small act, when performed with sincerity and genuine care, serves as a testament to our commitment to the teachings of Jesus. By consistently showing kindness and compassion, we demonstrate our for the we have received and our desire to share that love and compassion with others.

The final verse reminds us that even if we feel weak, we can find strength and assistance in Jesus. It encourages us to rely on His support as we strive to make a difference in the lives of others. By leaning on His guidance and love, we can overcome our own limitations and fears, allowing us to reach out and offer kindness to those around us. It is a beautiful reminder that we are never alone in our efforts, and that the power of our actions is magnified when done in collaboration with Jesus.

In a world that often feels divided and overwhelmed, the message of “Just A Kind Word For Jesus” is a beacon of hope and unity. It reminds us that regardless of our age or circumstances, we all have the ability to make a difference by simply offering kind words and deeds. The hymn encourages us to embrace the power of kindness, to sow seeds of love wherever we go, and to be a source of comfort and support for those in need. In doing so, we not only brighten the lives of others but also cultivate a brighter, more compassionate world for everyone to flourish in.

So, let us take these words to heart and make a conscious effort to incorporate a kind word or deed for Jesus into our daily lives. Whether it’s a smile, a kind compliment, or a helping hand, each act of kindness has the potential to touch a life and create a positive ripple effect. Let us be ambassadors of love, empathy, and compassion, spreading hope and happiness to those we encounter on our journey. Together, let us prove the promises of Jesus and create a world where kindness reigns supreme.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spread love and hope with Just A Kind Word For Jesus. Embrace the power of simple acts of kindness to brighten lives and create a compassionate world. Be an ambassador of love and prove the promises of Jesus.
Just A Kind Word For Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Spread love and hope with "Just A Kind Word For Jesus." Embrace the power of simple acts of kindness to brighten lives and create a compassionate world. Be an ambassador of love and prove the promises of Jesus.