Jesus Thine All Victorious Love – Hymn Lyric

Experience the transformative power of Jesus' love. "Jesus Thine All Victorious Love" hymn speaks to the longing in our hearts for stability and purpose. Surrender to His all-victorious love and be transformed.

Jesus Thine All Victorious Love – Hymn Lyric

Thine All Victorious Love” is a powerful that speaks to our for rootedness in ‘s love. It invites the transformative power of Jesus’ love into our hearts, purifying and illuminating us. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can embrace this love and become vessels of His and agents of His kingdom on earth.


Jesus Thine All Victorious Love – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, thine all-victorious love
shed in my heart abroad;
then shall my feet no longer rove,
rooted and fixed in God.

O that in me the sacred fire
might now begin to glow;
burn up the dross of base desire
and make the mountains flow!

O that it now from heaven might fall
and all my sins consume!
Come, Holy Ghost, for I call,
Spirit of burning, come!

Refining fire, go through my heart,
illuminate my soul;
scatter life through every part
and sanctify the whole.


Meaning of Jesus Thine All Victorious Love

Jesus Thine All Victorious Love: A Hymn of Transformation

In the depths of our hearts, we find a longing for something greater. A desire to be rooted and fixed in God’s love. This hymn, titled “Jesus Thine All Victorious Love,” speaks directly to this yearning and the transformative power that can come from embracing the love of Jesus.

The first verse of this hymn paints a beautiful picture of the love of Jesus spreading throughout our hearts. It is a love that conquers all, casting away our wanderings and uncertainties, and grounding us in the assurance of God’s presence. It is a love that gives us stability and purpose.

As we sing these words, we are reminded of the immense power that Jesus’ love possesses. It has the ability to ignite a sacred fire within us, a fire that burns away the impurities and distractions of our lives. It is a fire that purifies and refines, making our hearts and minds ready vessels for God’s .

Oh, how we long for this fire to begin to glow within us! To be set ablaze with God’s love and to be consumed by it. We yearn for our base desires to be burned up, for our selfish ambitions to be melted away, and for the mountains of obstacles in our lives to be moved by the flow of God’s love.

But we cannot achieve this transformation on our own. We need the help of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of burning, to come and do His work within us. We invite the Holy Ghost to fall from heaven and consume our sins, to purify us completely and make us new.

It is with a humble heart that we call upon the refining fire of the Holy Spirit to go through every corner of our hearts. We ask for illumination, for the light of God’s truth to penetrate every dark area of our souls. We desire for His life-giving power to be scattered throughout every part of our being, so that we may be vessels of His grace and love.

We recognize that this transformation is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. It is a journey of sanctification, where God continues to work in us and mold us into His image. We understand that this transformation is not just for our personal benefit but also to sanctify the whole world. As we allow God’s love to flow through us, we become instruments of His peace and agents of His kingdom on earth.

So here we stand, singing this hymn of transformation with hearts open to receive Jesus’ all-victorious love. We our lives to Him, allowing Him to work in us and through us. We embrace the sacred fire that burns away the dross of our desires and fills us with His light. we invite the Holy Ghost to come, to sanctify us, and to make us vessels of His love.

In conclusion, “Jesus Thine All Victorious Love” is not just a hymn, but a heartfelt prayer for transformation. It invites us to open our hearts and allow Jesus’ love to take root within us, transforming our lives from the inside out. May this hymn continue to resonate in our hearts and lead us closer to the all-victorious love of Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the transformative power of Jesus' love. Jesus Thine All Victorious Love hymn speaks to the longing in our hearts for stability and purpose. Surrender to His all-victorious love and be transformed.
Jesus Thine All Victorious Love - Hymn Lyric - Experience the transformative power of Jesus' love. "Jesus Thine All Victorious Love" hymn speaks to the longing in our hearts for stability and purpose. Surrender to His all-victorious love and be transformed.