Jesus Wisdom And Mighty Lord – Hymn Lyric

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Jesus Wisdom And Mighty Lord – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Wisdom And Mighty : Discover the Power of His Wisdom, , and In this , we explore the incredible qualities of Jesus, who is not only wise but also mighty. We are reminded of His ability to take away our sins and offer us His boundless mercy. Through Him, we can find peace and guidance in a filled with chaos and confusion. Let us seek Jesus, our Wisdom and Mighty Lord, and be transformed by His love and .


Jesus Wisdom And Mighty Lord – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, wisdom and mighty Lord,
You take away the sins of the world:
Have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us.

Jesus, true branch of Jesse’s tree,
You take away the sins of the world:
Have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us.

Key of David and Day-spring from on high,
You take away the sins of the world:
Have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us.

Desire of nations, our Emmanuel,
You take away the sins of the world:
Grant us your peace.
Grant us your peace.

Gather Comprehensive.


Meaning of Jesus Wisdom And Mighty Lord

Jesus, Wisdom and Mighty Lord: The Source of Mercy and Peace

In this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible qualities that Jesus possesses and the powerful impact He has on our lives. As we delve into the verses of this hymn, we explore the depth of His wisdom, mercy, and peace. Let us reflect on these aspects of Jesus’ character and understand how they can bring comfort and guidance to our lives.

The hymn begins by addressing Jesus as the “wisdom and mighty Lord.” Jesus is often depicted as an all-knowing and powerful figure in Christian . His wisdom surpasses human understandings, and His might is unrivaled. We are invited to acknowledge His authority and seek His guidance. In a world filled with uncertainties and confusion, Jesus’ wisdom can serve as a guiding light, offering us direction and clarity.

“You take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.” The next verse highlights Jesus’ mercy. It emphasizes that Jesus’s purpose is to remove our sins and grant us forgiveness. The concept of sin often evokes feelings of guilt and shame. However, in addressing Jesus as the one who takes away our sins, we are reminded of His boundless mercy and ability to offer us a fresh start. No matter the mistakes we have made, Jesus is there to extend His mercy and bring healing to our brokenness.

Moving on, Jesus is referred to as the “true branch of Jesse’s tree.” This reference connects Jesus to the lineage of King David, emphasizing His role as the long-awaited Messiah. In Jewish tradition, the branch of Jesse symbolizes the of a righteous and just ruler. By identifying Jesus as the true branch, we recognize His fulfillment of the messianic prophecy. Through Jesus, we find hope and restoration, as He reigns with righteousness and compassion.

“You take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.” The repetition of this phrase reinforces the message of Jesus’ mercy. It serves as a reminder that no matter how flawed we may feel or how unworthy we perceive ourselves to be, Jesus’ mercy is unending. He consistently extends His forgiveness and grace to all who seek Him. This reassurance can bring comfort to those who are burdened by guilt and long for redemption.

Jesus is also acknowledged as the “Key of David and Day-spring from on high.” The concept of Jesus being the key signifies His authority and ability to unlock the doors of salvation. It points to His role in opening the way to a restored relationship with God. Additionally, Jesus is referred to as the “Day-spring from on high,” indicating His role as the source of light and revelation. Through Him, we receive the knowledge and understanding that illuminate our paths and dispel darkness.

The final verse of the hymn addresses Jesus as the “Desire of nations, our Emmanuel.” This title encapsulates the of all nations for a savior and emphasizes Jesus’ role as the embodiment of God with us. Jesus’ birth brought hope and peace to a world yearning for salvation. As Emmanuel, He offers His presence and comfort in every circumstance. The hymn concludes by calling for Jesus to “grant us your peace.” It is a plea for the peace that only Jesus can provide, a peace that surpasses understanding and transcends the turmoil of the world.

In conclusion, this hymn encapsulates the profound qualities of Jesus as the embodiment of wisdom, mercy, and peace. Whether we are seeking guidance in the face of uncertainty, forgiveness in the midst of guilt, or peace in times of chaos, Jesus offers all of these freely. He invites us to approach Him with humility, acknowledging our need for His wisdom, mercy, and peace. May we continue to find solace and strength in the presence of Jesus, our Wisdom and Mighty Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the wisdom, mercy, and peace of Jesus, the Mighty Lord. Reflect on His power, forgiveness, and guidance. Find solace in His presence and embrace His teachings for a fulfilled life.
Jesus Wisdom And Mighty Lord - Hymn Lyric - Discover the wisdom, mercy, and peace of Jesus, the Mighty Lord. Reflect on His power, forgiveness, and guidance. Find solace in His presence and embrace His teachings for a fulfilled life.