Have You Heard The Song Of Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the captivating melody of love that transcends all boundaries

Have You Heard The Song Of Love – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever wondered if there is a song that can touch your heart and bring you ? The song of love is exactly that. It is a melody that seems to come from above, filling our spirits with . This song grows sweeter with each passing moment, reminding us of the unconditional love of and the incredible redemption he offers. So, have you heard the song of love? Let its melodies fill your heart and inspire you to share this beautiful gift with others. Hallelujah!


Have You Heard The Song Of Love – Hymn Lyric

Have you heard the song of love?
‘Tis like music from above,
And it sweeter grows each moment, hallelujah!

It has oft been sung before,
And I love it more and more,
O! it sweeter grows each moment, hallelujah!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
I will sing the love of Jesus, hallelujah!
‘s dark stain He washed away,
Now I’m happy all the day,
And go on my way, Hallelujah!

O, I often wondered why
Jesus left His throne on high;
Now I know ’twas love unbounded, hallelujah!

Unto me He did impart
Love which broke my stubborn heart;
O! ’twas love, ’twas love unbounded, hallelujah! [Refrain]

If the shadows round me fall,
He will answer when I call;
He’s a Friend that never faileth, hallelujah!

He will lead me by the hand,
To the happy Summerland,
Jesus never, never faileth, hallelujah! [Refrain]

, why not now believe,
And eternal life receive?
He has purchased your redemption, hallelujah!

Open now your heart of sin;
Jesus waits to enter in;
‘Tis for you, this great redemption, hallelujah! [Refrain]


Meaning of Have You Heard The Song Of Love

Have You Heard The Song Of Love

Have you ever heard a song that touched your heart and filled you with joy? A song that seems to come from above, with melodies that make your spirit soar? That is the song of love, a beautiful melody that transcends all boundaries and brings us closer to the heavens. It is a song that grows sweeter with each passing moment, filling our hearts with hallelujahs!

This song of love has been sung throughout the ages, captivating the hearts of those who truly listen. Its message is simple yet profound – it speaks of a love that is pure and unconditional. It tells of a who left His throne on high to bring us this incredible gift. It is a love that broke through the walls of our stubborn hearts, filling us with awe and gratitude.

Why did Jesus leave His heavenly to come to earth? The answer can be found in the depths of His boundless love. He came to show us that there is a love greater than anything we can imagine. A love that can wash away the dark stains of sin and bring us everlasting joy. It is a love that we can experience and share with others.

When the shadows of doubt and fear surround us, this song of love gives us comfort and reassurance. It reminds us that we are never alone. Jesus is always there, ready to answer our call. He is a friend who never fails us, guiding us through life’s challenges. With Him by our side, we can confidently walk on our journey, singing hallelujahs along the way.

To receive the full measure of this love, we are invited to believe and receive eternal life. Jesus, through His sacrifice, has purchased our redemption. He offers us a chance to turn away from our sinful ways and open our hearts to Him. In doing so, we can experience the fullness of this great redemption. It is a gift that is available to all who seek it.

Imagine the joy and peace that await us when we embrace this love. Our hearts will be transformed, and we will become instruments of love in this world. We will sing the love of Jesus with every word and every action. Our lives will be a testament to His amazing grace and mercy. Each day will be filled with happiness, knowing that we are saved and loved unconditionally.

So, have you heard the song of love? It is a melody that brings hope, joy, and . It is a song that grows sweeter with every moment. Let us join together in singing hallelujahs to the One who loves us beyond measure. Let us share this incredible gift with others, inviting them to experience the beauty and power of this song. May our lives be a continuous of love, echoing throughout eternity. Hallelujah!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the captivating melody of love that transcends all boundaries, bringing joy and salvation. Join in singing hallelujahs to the One who loves us unconditionally. Have You Heard The Song Of Love?
Have You Heard The Song Of Love - Hymn Lyric - Discover the captivating melody of love that transcends all boundaries, bringing joy and salvation. Join in singing hallelujahs to the One who loves us unconditionally. Have You Heard The Song Of Love?