I Love To Hear You Tell How Jesus Used To Dwell – Hymn Lyric

Discover the inspiring stories of Jesus' humble life on earth. Learn how He dwelled in simplicity and blessed the poor. Find comfort in His nearness and find strength to live with love and compassion.

I Love To Hear You Tell How Jesus Used To Dwell – Hymn Lyric

I Love To Hear You Tell How Jesus Used To DwellI love hearing stories about Jesus, how He lived in a cot and worked with His own hands. It’s amazing that the Son of God chose to bless the poor and still lives among us, sharing in our daily struggles. Let’s remember to find rest and solace like Jesus did and strive to be a source of compassion and kindness to others.


I Love To Hear You Tell How Jesus Used To Dwell – Hymn Lyric

I love to hear you tell
How Jesus used to dwell
In such a home as mine, earthly –
A wayside cot:
How, day by day, He toiled,
How His dear hands He soiled,
Despising not His humble ,
Or lowly lot.

And when from busy street
He longed for some retreat,
‘Twas not beneath a palace dome
He made His quest:
But by the mountain side,
Away from courtly pride,
In Martha’s quiet village home
He sought for rest.

To me these stories old
The precious truth unfold,
That Jesus came to bless the poor
With life divine:
And still with us He lives,
To us His life He gives;
Today, as in the days of yore,
He comes to mine.

Within the homely room,
Or weaving at the loom,
The burden of each daily spoil
He shares with me:
The stone with which I build,
The wood I carve or gild,-
There is no task at which I toil,
He fails to see.

So near to me! and yet
How often I forget,
And in the follies I deplore
Am daily found:
So near to me, ah! yes,
So near to me to bless!
His life and mine
In one are bound.


Meaning of I Love To Hear You Tell How Jesus Used To Dwell

I love to hear you tell the stories of how Jesus used to dwell here on earth in a humble, wayside cot. It’s amazing to think that the Son of God chose to live such a simple and unassuming life, toiling with His own hands and not despising His humble birth or lowly lot. This reminds me that Jesus came to bless the poor with His divine life, and even today, He continues to live with us and give us His life.

When Jesus needed a break from the busy streets and the demands of the crowds, He sought out a simple retreat, not beneath the grandeur of a palace dome, but by the peaceful mountain side or in the quiet village home of Martha. He understood the importance of finding rest and solace in the midst of a hectic world. It’s a beautiful reminder that we too need to carve out time and space for ourselves, to seek quiet moments of reflection and rejuvenation.

The stories of Jesus’ life also teach us that He truly understands the struggles and burdens we face in our daily lives. Whether we are within the walls of a humble room or weaving at a loom to make a living, Jesus shares in our toil. He sees every task we undertake, whether it’s building with stones or carving and gilding wood. We are never alone in our , for He is always there, watching over us and offering His support.

Sometimes, though, I find myself forgetting just how near Jesus is to me. I get caught up in the follies and distractions of life, and I lose sight of His presence. It’s in those moments that I need to remember that He is so near to bless me. His life and mine are forever intertwined, bound together in a way that nothing can break. He knows my struggles, my joys, my fears, and my hopes. He is always there to offer comfort, guidance, and love.

It’s important for us to remember these stories and truths about Jesus. They are not just tales from the past, but living reminders of His constant presence in our lives. When we take the time to reflect on how Jesus used to dwell here on earth, in a simple home like mine, we can find inspiration and strength to live our lives with compassion, love, and devotion.

As we go about our days, let us strive to be like Jesus in our interactions with others. Just as He came to bless the poor and share life divine, let us also extend compassion and kindness to those in need. Let us not be consumed by worldly achievements or material possessions, but instead focus on the richness of a life lived with love and a attuned to the needs of others.

When life gets overwhelming and we feel like we’re carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders, let us remember that Jesus is there to share our burdens. He sees every task, big or small, and He wants to lighten our load. We don’t have to face our struggles alone; we can turn to Him for strength, guidance, and solace.

So let us hold on to these precious stories of Jesus’ life. Let us eagerly listen when others share their experiences and lessons learned from His time on earth. And let us never forget that His life and ours are forever intertwined. He is always near to bless us, to walk beside us, and to guide us in our journey of faith.

May we find comfort and inspiration in the knowledge that Jesus knows our struggles, shares our toil, and us unconditionally. Let us open our hearts to His presence and allow His life to shine through ours. As we do this, we will not only draw closer to Him, but we will also inspire and bless others with the love and of Jesus .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the inspiring stories of Jesus' humble life on earth. Learn how He dwelled in simplicity and blessed the poor. Find comfort in His nearness and find strength to live with love and compassion.
I Love To Hear You Tell How Jesus Used To Dwell - Hymn Lyric - Discover the inspiring stories of Jesus' humble life on earth. Learn how He dwelled in simplicity and blessed the poor. Find comfort in His nearness and find strength to live with love and compassion.