Be Up My Soul And Doing – Hymn Lyric

"Be Up My Soul and Doing: Embrace the Call to Action and Live a Purposeful Life Fueled by Faith. Study

Be Up My Soul And Doing – Hymn Lyric

“Be Up My and Doing” is a powerful hymn that calls us to rise up, be strong in the Spirit, and demonstrate ourselves as faithful workmen in ‘s sight. It emphasizes the importance of studying and understanding God’s word, holding fast to the truths of our faith, and seeking His guidance. By embracing this call to action, we can live lives that honor and please God, becoming workmen approved before Him.


Be Up My Soul And Doing – Hymn Lyric

Be up, my soul, and doing,
Be strong in the Spirit’s might,
A faithful workman showing
Thyself in the Master’s sight.

Study to show thyself approved God
A workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
Rightly dividing the word of truth.

The shield of truth is o’er Him,
His mail is resistless ,
He’s not ashamed before Him,
Who handles the Word aright.


If thou, in the day of ,
Would stand in His sight approved,
Hold fast the old, old story,
And ne’er from the Rock be moved.


The Word of truth dividing,
With prayer unto God its source,
Heed not the ‘s deriding,
Hold straight in the Word thy course.



Meaning of Be Up My Soul And Doing

Be Up My Soul and Doing: A Call to Action

In this powerful hymn, we are urged to rise up, be strong in the Spirit’s might, and demonstrate ourselves as faithful workmen in the eyes of the Master. Reflecting on these words, we find inspiration and encouragement to pursue a life of purpose and dedication.

The refrain calls us to “study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” These words remind us of the importance of seeking knowledge and understanding, particularly in matters of faith. By immersing ourselves in the study of God’s word, we equip ourselves to live a life that honors Him.

The hymn describes the shield of truth as being over us, symbolizing that God’s truth protects us from the lies and deceit of the world. In a world filled with uncertainties and temptations, it is crucial that we ourselves in the truth found in God’s word. When we stand firmly on this foundation, we can face any challenge with confidence, knowing that we are shielded by His truth.

The hymn paints a beautiful picture of those who are unashamed before God, who handle the Word aright. This image reminds us of the importance of integrity and authenticity in our spiritual journey. When we live in accordance with God’s teachings, we radiate His light and to those around us. There is no greater honor than to be seen as a faithful disciple who walks in the footsteps of the Master.

To stand approved in the day of glory, the hymn advises us to hold fast to the old, old story and never waver from the Rock. This message encourages us to cling to the timeless truths of our faith, resisting the pressures and influences that attempt to sway us from God’s . By remaining steadfast in our beliefs and values, we demonstrate our unwavering commitment to the Gospel.

The hymn emphasizes the importance of rightly dividing the Word of truth, with prayer as our source. This verse reminds us of the necessity of seeking God’s guidance and wisdom as we navigate through life. Through prayer, we can deepen our understanding of scripture and discern its proper application in our lives. By relying on God’s guidance, we can confidently follow the course He has set before us.

It also reminds us not to be swayed by the world’s derision. In a world that often mocks and belittles those who hold firm to their faith, it can be challenging to remain resolute. However, this hymn encourages us to disregard the opinions of others and remain firm in our commitment to God’s truth. Our dedication to living out our faith will ultimately bear witness to the authenticity and power of the Word.

In conclusion, “Be Up My Soul and Doing” serves as a passionate call to action for all believers. It urges us to rise up, be strong in the Spirit, and demonstrate ourselves as faithful workmen in God’s sight. By immersing ourselves in the study of His Word, holding fast to the truths of our faith, and seeking God’s guidance, we can live lives that are pleasing and honorable in His sight.

Let us take the words of this hymn to heart and embark on a journey of spiritual growth and transformation. May we be up, our and doing, embracing the challenges and opportunities that come our way. For in doing so, we can truly become workmen approved unto God, unashamed and rightly dividing the word of truth.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Be Up My Soul and Doing: Embrace the Call to Action and Live a Purposeful Life Fueled by Faith. Study, Reflect, and Stand Firm in God's Truth.
Be Up My Soul And Doing - Hymn Lyric - "Be Up My Soul and Doing: Embrace the Call to Action and Live a Purposeful Life Fueled by Faith. Study, Reflect, and Stand Firm in God's Truth."