Shall We Not Love Thee Mother Dear – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the profound love and devotion of Mary

Shall We Not Love Thee Mother Dear – Hymn Lyric

“Shall We Not Thee, Mother Dear: A Tribute to Mary’s Love and Devotion” explores the deep love and devotion Mary had for her son Jesus. Through the hymn’s verses, we learn about the unique bond between mother and son, Mary’s sacrifice for humanity, the joy she felt in knowing Jesus’ love, and the eternal connection between Mary and Jesus. This hymn serves as a reminder to cherish our relationships and find true joy in devotion.


Shall We Not Love Thee Mother Dear – Hymn Lyric

Shall we not love thee, Mother dear,
whom Jesus loves so well,
and to his glory, by year
thy praise and honour tell?

Thee did he choose from whom to take
true , his flesh to be;
in it to suffer for our sake,
and by it make us free.

O wondrous depth of love divine,
that he should bend so low;
and, Mary, O what joy was thine
the Saviour’s love to know.

Joy to be mother of the ,
yet thine the truer bliss,
in ev’ry thought and deed and word
to be for ever his.

Now in the realm of life above
close to thy Son art,
while on thy soul glad streams of love
flow from his .

Jesu, the Virgin’s holy Son,
praise we thy mother blest;
grant when our earthly course is run,
life with the saints at rest.


Meaning of Shall We Not Love Thee Mother Dear

Shall We Not Love Thee, Mother Dear: A Tribute to Mary’s Love and Devotion


In this hymn, “Shall We Not Love Thee, Mother Dear,” we are reminded of the deep love and devotion that Mary, the mother of Jesus, had for her son. As we delve into the verses of this beautiful hymn, we will explore the significance of Mary’s role in Jesus’ life and the joy she experienced in being chosen as the mother of the Lord. Let us take a journey through the lyrics, honoring Mary’s unwavering love and devotion, as well as reflecting on our own relationships and connections.

Verse 1: Unique Bond with Jesus

“Shall we not love thee, Mother dear, whom Jesus loves so well…”

In these opening lines, we are reminded of the special bond between Mary and Jesus. Mary was not just an ordinary mother; she was chosen by God to be the mother of His Son. Jesus loved her deeply, and in return, she loved Him with all her heart. Mary’s love for Jesus is a testament to the power of maternal love and the unique relationship between a mother and her child.

Verse 2: Mary’s Sacrifice

“Thee did he choose from whom to take true flesh, his flesh to be; in it to suffer for our sake, and by it make us free.”

This verse highlights Mary’s incredible sacrifice. She willingly allowed Jesus to take on human flesh through her, knowing that He would suffer for the sake of humanity. Mary’s love for us was so profound that she was to let her own son endure immense pain to bring us freedom from sin. It is through Mary’s selflessness and Jesus’ sacrifice that we are offered .

Verse 3: The Joy of Knowing the Savior’s Love

“O wondrous depth of love divine, that he should bend so low; and, Mary, O what joy was thine, the Saviour’s love to know.”

The third verse celebrates the joy that Mary experienced in knowing the love of her Savior. Imagine the immense happiness she felt in realizing that she was chosen to be the mother of the Messiah. Mary’s joy was not rooted in worldly accomplishments or material possessions, but in the knowledge that she was loved and cherished by Jesus himself. It serves as a reminder to us that true joy can be found in spiritual connections and relationships.

Verse 4: True Bliss in Devotion

“Joy to be mother of the Lord, yet thine the truer bliss, in every thought and deed and word to be forever his.”

This verse emphasizes that Mary’s true bliss and happiness did not solely come from being the mother of Jesus. While that was undoubtedly a great honor, her ultimate joy stemmed from dedicating herself completely to God’s will. Mary’s thoughts, actions, and words were aligned with her devotion to Jesus. Her unwavering commitment to being “forever his” teaches us the importance of aligning our lives with our values and dedicating ourselves to a higher purpose.

Verse 5: Eternal Connection with Jesus

“Now in the realm of life above close to thy Son, thou art, while on thy soul glad streams of love flow from his sacred heart.”

In the final verse, we are reminded of the eternal connection between Mary and Jesus. After Mary’s earthly life to an end, she resides in the realm of life above, close to her Son. The imagery of “glad streams of love flow from his sacred heart” depicts the everlasting love between mother and son. This verse invites us to contemplate the depth of love that we can experience in our own relationships, both earthly and spiritual.


Through the hymn “Shall We Not Love Thee, Mother Dear,” we have taken a glimpse into the extraordinary love and devotion of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Her unwavering dedication and selflessness serve as an inspiration to us all. As we reflect on the lyrics, we are reminded to cherish and honor the relationships we hold dear, and to seek a deeper connection with the divine. May we, like Mary, find true joy in our devotion and strive to align our thoughts, actions, and words with a higher purpose.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound love and devotion of Mary, the mother of Jesus, in 'Shall We Not Love Thee, Mother Dear'. Reflect on the unique bond between mother and son and find true joy in devotion. Explore the hymn now.
Shall We Not Love Thee Mother Dear - Hymn Lyric - "Discover the profound love and devotion of Mary, the mother of Jesus, in 'Shall We Not Love Thee, Mother Dear'. Reflect on the unique bond between mother and son and find true joy in devotion. Explore the hymn now."