We May Sing Of Sunlit Meadows – Hymn Lyric

Discover the true source of comfort and joy in the songs of Jesus. Let his love and teachings uplift your spirits and bring lasting happiness amidst the beauty of sunlit meadows. Sing the sweetest songs of Jesus.

We May Sing Of Sunlit Meadows – Hymn Lyric

“We May Of Sunlit Meadows” explores the beauty and tranquility of nature, but emphasizes that true comfort and rejoicing come from the songs that tell of Jesus. While sunlit meadows and nature’s charms are temporary, the songs of Jesus bring lasting joy and solace, reminding us of His steadfast love and guiding us towards a of compassion and generosity. These sweet songs resonate with our innermost desires, offering us the eternal love and peace that the cannot provide.


We May Sing Of Sunlit Meadows – Hymn Lyric

We may sing of sunlit meadows
Dotted o’er with daisies bright;
And of butter-cups and roses
Tinged with rays of golden light.

But the songs that tell of Jesus
Comfort and rejoicing bring;
And the songs that tell of Jesus
Are the sweetest songs we sing. [Refrain]

We may sing of streamlets gliding
Over many a moss-grown strand;
And of breezes bearing perfume
Over all the smiling land.

But the songs that tell of Jesus
Comfort and rejoicing bring;
And the songs that tell of Jesus
Are the sweetest songs we sing. [Refrain]

Nature’s charms are always fleeting,
But the beauties of our Lord,
Fill our hearts with love and sunshine
That the world cannot afford.

But the songs that tell of Jesus
Comfort and rejoicing bring;
And the songs that tell of Jesus
Are the sweetest songs we sing. [Refrain]


Meaning of We May Sing Of Sunlit Meadows

“We May Sing Of Sunlit Meadows”: Finding Comfort and Joy in the Songs of Jesus

In a world filled with so much beauty, it is truly a wonder to behold sunlit meadows, dotted with daisies and crowned with vibrant colors of buttercups and roses. These sights evoke a sense of happiness and peace within us, as if the warm rays of the sun are caressing our . As we immerse ourselves in the tranquility of nature, we often feel compelled to express our gratitude and awe through song.

However, amidst the allure of nature’s charms, there exists a deeper source of comfort and joy that surpasses the fleeting pleasures of sunlit meadows. It is the songs that tell of Jesus, that truly touch the depths of our souls and uplift our spirits in ways no other melody can. His love and teachings bring solace in times of need, and his presence fills our hearts with an joy that no landscape can offer.

The reminds us that while the songs of nature can bring a temporary sense of , it is the songs that tell of Jesus that truly bring us lasting comfort and rejoicing. Just as the sun shines brightly on the meadows, illuminating the daisies and roses, Jesus shines his light upon our lives, filling us with hope and warmth even in the darkest days. His songs resonate with our innermost desires, offering us solace, guidance, and a sense of belonging.

Just as streamlets glide over moss-grown strands and breezes carry the sweet perfume of flowers, nature’s charms are indeed delightful. However, they are also transient, ever-changing with the passing of seasons. In stark contrast, the beauties of our Lord are timeless and unchanging. His love for us, and the peace it brings, is not subject to the fickleness of this world. It is a love that remains constant, guiding us through life’s ups and downs.

When we sing of Jesus, we are reminded of the limitless love and grace he extends to us. His teachings fill our hearts with strength and courage, uplifting us in times of sorrow and struggle. In his songs, we find solace and encouragement, knowing that we are never alone. They remind us that no matter how fleeting the joys of this world may be, the love of Jesus is eternal and steadfast.

Through the songs that tell of Jesus, we discover a love that surpasses all understanding. It is a love that brings peace to troubled hearts and joy to souls. As we sing these songs, we are reminded of the he made for us, and the incredible depth of his love. His songs offer us a respite from the chaos and noise of the world, enabling us to find rest and comfort in his presence.

The songs that tell of Jesus are not merely melodies to be sung, but words that inspire and motivate us to walk in his footsteps. They guide us towards a life of compassion, generosity, and forgiveness. In his songs, we find the inspiration to be kind, to reach out to those in need, and to spread love and joy wherever we go. They remind us that we are called to be the embodiment of his teachings, sharing his light with others.

As we reflect on the beauty of sunlit meadows and the songs that tell of Jesus, let us remember that true comfort and rejoicing come from embracing his love and teachings. Let us not be swayed by the fleeting charms of this world, but instead let us find solace and joy in the everlasting love he offers us. So let us sing these sweet songs of Jesus, and may they continue to fill our hearts with love, sunshine, and a melody that brings us closer to him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the true source of comfort and joy in the songs of Jesus. Let his love and teachings uplift your spirits and bring lasting happiness amidst the beauty of sunlit meadows. Sing the sweetest songs of Jesus.
We May Sing Of Sunlit Meadows - Hymn Lyric - Discover the true source of comfort and joy in the songs of Jesus. Let his love and teachings uplift your spirits and bring lasting happiness amidst the beauty of sunlit meadows. Sing the sweetest songs of Jesus.