And Am I Blessed With Jesus’ Love – Hymn Lyric

Experience Heavenly Joy: "And Am I Blessed With Jesus' Love" unveils the wonders of dwelling with Him above. Embrace the love of Jesus and anticipate everlasting bliss. Reflect on the blessings received through His love and find comfort in the promise of salvation.

And Am I Blessed With Jesus’ Love – Hymn Lyric

“And Am I With ‘ Love: A Glimpse of Heavenly Joy” captures the essence of the hymn and reminds us of the incredible blessings we receive through our faith in Christ. It paints a beautiful picture of the wonders that await us in , where we will dwell with Him above. Let this hymn inspire you to reflect on the boundless love of Christ and the joy that fills our souls through faith


And Am I Blessed With Jesus’ Love – Hymn Lyric

And Am I Blessed With Jesus’ Love
And shall I dwell with Him above,
And will the joyful period come
When I shall call the ‘ns my home?

Think, O my soul!
What must it be
A of glorious minds to see,
Drink at the fountain-head of peace,
And bathe in everlasting bliss!

To hear them all at once proclaim
Eternal glories to the ,
And join with joyful heart and tongue
That new, that never-ending song!

And does the happy hour draw near
When Christ will in the clouds appear,
And I without a vail shall see
The Man, the Christ, who bled for me?

If in my soul such joys abound
While weeping faith explores His wound,
How glorious will those scars appear
When perfect love forbids a tear!

Think, O my soul,
If ’tis so sweet
On earth to sit at Jesus’ feet,
What must it be to wear a crown
And sit with Jesus on the throne!


Meaning of And Am I Blessed With Jesus’ Love

And Am I Blessed With Jesus’ Love: A Glimpse of Heavenly Joy

Oh, the love of Jesus, how it fills my heart with joy! These words from the hymn “And Am I Blessed With Jesus’ Love” remind us of the incredible blessings we receive through our faith in Christ. As we ponder the verses of this beautiful hymn, we are given a glimpse into the wonders that await us in heaven, where we will dwell with Him above.

Imagine a world of glorious minds, where we will have the privilege of witnessing the of God’s creation firsthand. In that heavenly realm, we will be able to drink from the fountain-head of peace, experiencing a tranquility like never before. It is in this eternal bliss that we will find true fulfillment and everlasting joy.

Picture the scene as all the inhabitants of heaven join together in unison, proclaiming eternal glories to the Lamb. Their joyful hearts and tongues overflow with praise, creating a new and never-ending song. Can you envision the harmonious melodies and the overwhelming sense of awe that will fill the air? It’s a scene beyond our wildest imagination, a glimpse of the indescribable beauty that lies ahead.

And as the hymn reminds us, there will come a day when Christ will return, appearing in the clouds. No longer will we see through a cloudy vail, but we will behold the Man, the Christ, who bled for us. Just think about the magnitude of that moment! Our tears will be wiped as we gaze upon the scars that once brought us salvation. In that perfect love, there will be no room for sorrow or pain.

As we meditate on these heavenly , we are reminded of the sweet joy we experience even now as we sit at Jesus’ feet. In our earthly lives, we have the privilege of communing with Him, seeking solace and guidance. But what must it be like to wear a crown and sit with Jesus on the throne? It is an honor beyond compare, where our souls will find ultimate fulfillment and purpose.

The title of this hymn, “And Am I Blessed With Jesus’ Love,” captures the essence of our faith journey. We are indeed blessed to have Jesus’ love, for in His love lies the promise of eternal salvation and a heavenly home. This hymn encourages us to think deeply about the boundless love of Christ, the wonders that await us in heaven, and the joy that fills our souls through faith.

So, dear reader, let this hymn inspire you to reflect on the incredible blessings you have received through Jesus’ love. Ponder the joy that is to come and let it overflow in your heart. Although we may not fully comprehend the magnitude of these heavenly wonders, we can rest assured that God’s love is beyond measure and that our future with Him is secure.

In conclusion, “And Am I Blessed With Jesus’ Love” is a hymn that lifts our spirits and sets our gaze on the incredible joy that lies ahead. It reminds us to take in the love of Jesus and to eagerly anticipate the day when we will dwell with Him above. So let us embrace this truth, share this message of hope, and find comfort in the promise of everlasting bliss.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience Heavenly Joy: And Am I Blessed With Jesus' Love unveils the wonders of dwelling with Him above. Embrace the love of Jesus and anticipate everlasting bliss. Reflect on the blessings received through His love and find comfort in the promise of salvation.
And Am I Blessed With Jesus' Love - Hymn Lyric - Experience Heavenly Joy: "And Am I Blessed With Jesus' Love" unveils the wonders of dwelling with Him above. Embrace the love of Jesus and anticipate everlasting bliss. Reflect on the blessings received through His love and find comfort in the promise of salvation.