Footprints Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty of following in the Footprints of Jesus through this heartfelt hymn. Let His path of love

Footprints Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Footprints Of In this lovely hymn, titled “Footprints of Jesus,” we are reminded of the gentle and inviting call of our Lord to follow Him. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of walking in the footsteps of Jesus, finding guidance and along the way. It encourages us to serve and show compassion to others while reminding us of the ultimate reward of eternal with Jesus.


Footprints Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Sweetly, Lord,
have we heard Thee calling, Come, follow Me!
And we see where
footprints falling Lead us to Thee.

Footprints of Jesus,
That make the pathway glow;
We will follow the steps of Jesus
Where’er they go.

Though they lead o’er
the cold, dark mountains, Seeking His ;
Or along by Siloam’s fountains,
Helping the weak.

If they lead through
the temple holy, Preaching the Word;
Or in homes of the poor and lowly,
Serving the Lord.

Though, Lord,
in Thy pathway keeping, We follow Thee;
Through the of that place of weeping,

If Thy way and
its sorrows bearing, We go again,
Up the slope of the hillside, bearing
Our cross of pain.

By and by,
through the portals, Turning our feet,
We shall walk, with the glad immortals,
Heav’n’s golden street.

Then at last when
on high He sees us, Our journey done,
We will rest where the steps of Jesus
End at His throne.


Meaning of Footprints Of Jesus

In this beautiful hymn, titled “Footprints of Jesus,” we are reminded of the loving call of our Lord and the path that He has set before us. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of following in the footsteps of Jesus, wherever they may lead.

The hymn begins with the lyrics, “Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling, Come, follow Me! And we see where Thy footprints falling, Lead us to Thee.” These lines illustrate the gentle and inviting nature of Jesus’ call to His followers. He beckons us to walk in His footsteps, showing us the way to find Him.

The following lines speak of the footprints of Jesus that make the pathway glow. Just as the light illuminates our way through darkness, the footsteps of Jesus guide and lead us in the right direction. This imagery reminds us that Jesus is the source of light and hope in our lives. By following His example, we can navigate through the challenges and struggles we may face.

The hymn then delves into various scenarios where Jesus’ footprints might lead us. It mentions crossing cold and dark mountains, searching for His lost sheep. This imagery represents the effort and determination required to those who are lost or struggling back to the loving fold of Jesus. It reminds us of the importance of being compassionate and caring for others, just as Jesus did.

The lyrics also mention walking alongside the fountains of Siloam, helping the weak. This alludes to Jesus’ miracles and acts of kindness towards those who were suffering physically or emotionally. It teaches us the value of lending a helping hand to those in need, following Jesus’ example of compassion and empathy.

The hymn then speaks of following Jesus through holy temples, preaching the Word, and visiting the homes of the poor and lowly, serving the Lord. This reminds us that our faith should not be confined to a church building. Rather, it should be lived out in our daily lives, as we share the love of Jesus with others through our words and actions. It calls us to serve those around us, especially the less fortunate, with humility and love.

As the hymn progresses, it takes a poignant turn, referencing the pathway of Jesus through Gethsemane, a place of deep and agony. This signifies the sacrifices and struggles that Jesus endured for our sake. It reminds us that following Jesus may involve moments of pain and hardship, but we can find strength and courage in knowing that He has walked this path before us.

The lyrics then shift towards the future, expressing the hope of walking through the shining portals and joining the glad immortals on Heav’n’s golden street. This portrays the promise of eternal life with Jesus, where our journey will be complete and we will find rest and peace at His glorious throne. It encourages us to keep our eyes fixed on the ultimate destination, knowing that there is a reward awaiting those who faithfully follow in Jesus’ footsteps.

In conclusion, the hymn “Footprints of Jesus” serves as a beautiful reminder of the call to follow Christ and the path that He has set before us. It encourages us to walk in His footsteps, wherever they may lead, and to embrace the challenges and joys that come with living a life of faith. By doing so, we can find comfort, guidance, and ultimately, the eternal reward of resting where the steps of Jesus end at His throne.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beauty of following in the Footprints of Jesus through this heartfelt hymn. Let His path of love, compassion, and sacrifice lead you to eternal joy.
Footprints Of Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Discover the beauty of following in the Footprints of Jesus through this heartfelt hymn. Let His path of love, compassion, and sacrifice lead you to eternal joy.