Jesus Once An Infant Small – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Once An Infant Small - Reflect on the humble beginnings and sacrifice of Jesus. Invite Him into your daily life and seek His guidance and transformation. Embrace your Christian identity and live according to His teachings. Call upon Jesus

Jesus Once An Infant Small – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Once An Infant Small” is a hymn that reminds us of the humble beginnings of Jesus Christ and invites His presence and guidance in our lives. From His birth in a stable to His ultimate sacrifice on the , this hymn encourages us to embrace our Christian identity and seek Jesus’ transformative power in all aspects of our lives. By calling upon Jesus, we can find strength, happiness, and purpose in our journey of .


Jesus Once An Infant Small – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, once an infant small,
Cradles in the oxen’s stall,
Though the Lord and of all:
Hear us, Holy Jesus.

Be thou with us every day,
In our work and in our play,
When we learn and when we pray.
Hear us, Holy Jesus.

When we lie asleep at ,
Ever may angels bright
Keep us safe till morning :
Hear us, Holy Jesus.

Make us brave without a fear,
Make us , full of cheer,
Sure that thou art always near:
Hear us, Holy Jesus.

May we prize our Christian name,
May we guard it free from blame,
Fearing all that causes shame:
Hear us, Holy Jesus.

May we ever try to be
From all sinful tempers free,
Pure and gentle, Lord, like thee:
Hear us, Holy Jesus.

Jesus, Son of God most high,
Who didst in a manger lie,
Who upon the cross didst die:
Hear us, Holy Jesus.


Meaning of Jesus Once An Infant Small

In the hymn “Jesus Once An Infant Small,” we are reminded of the humble beginnings of Jesus Christ, who was born in a simple stable, yet is the Lord and God of all. This hymn serves as a prayer, addressing Jesus directly, and asking for His presence and guidance in various aspects of our lives.

The first verse speaks of Jesus as an infant, cradled in the oxen’s stall. It reminds us of the miraculous birth of Jesus, a momentous event that holds great significance for Christians around the world. Despite being the all-powerful Son of God, Jesus chose to enter the world in the most humble of circumstances. This verse sets the tone for the hymn, emphasizing Jesus’ accessibility and willingness to hear our prayers.

The second verse calls upon Jesus to be with us every day, during our work and play, as we learn and pray. This verse highlights the importance of inviting Jesus into every aspect of our lives. Whether we are engaged in our daily tasks or seeking a moment of spiritual connection, we are asking for Jesus’ presence and guidance. By acknowledging Him in all that we do, we are reminded of His constant love and support.

The third verse focuses on our sleep and the that Jesus’ angels will keep us safe until morning light. It acknowledges the vulnerability we experience during sleep and the comforting presence of God’s heavenly messengers. This verse teaches us to trust in the protection provided by Jesus, knowing that even in our rest, we are under His watchful care.

The fourth verse asks for bravery and happiness, free from fear, recognizing that Jesus is always near. It encourages us to face the challenges of life with courage, knowing that Jesus is by our side. By keeping our focus on Him, we can approach difficulties with confidence, knowing that His strength is within us. This verse also reminds us that true happiness comes from our connection to Jesus and His love for us.

The fifth verse directs our attention to the importance of our Christian name. It urges us to guard it from blame and to fear anything that causes shame. This verse emphasizes the need for us to live in a way that reflects our faith, and to be mindful of our actions and choices. By honoring and valuing our Christian identity, we strive to to God and to live as Christ-like examples to others.

The sixth verse encourages us to always strive to be pure and gentle, in imitation of Jesus. It acknowledges that we will face temptations and challenges, but asks for Jesus’ help in remaining free from sinful tempers. This verse reminds us of the transformative power of following Jesus and seeking to align our lives with His teachings. Through His example, Jesus shows us the way to live a life of love, kindness, and forgiveness.

The final verse concludes the hymn by acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God, who was born in a manger and died on the cross. It reflects on the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and the profound love that He has for humanity. This verse serves as a reminder of the depth of Jesus’ love and His willingness to give His life for our salvation.

In conclusion, “Jesus Once An Infant Small” is a beautiful hymn that invites us to reflect on the birth and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It encourages us to invite Jesus into every aspect of our lives, seeking His guidance, protection, and transformation. By embracing our Christian identity and striving to live in accordance with Jesus’ teachings, we can experience the joy and love that He offers us. May we always remember to call upon Jesus, our Holy Savior, in times of need and joy alike.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Jesus Once An Infant Small - Reflect on the humble beginnings and sacrifice of Jesus. Invite Him into your daily life and seek His guidance and transformation. Embrace your Christian identity and live according to His teachings. Call upon Jesus, our Holy Savior, in all moments.
Jesus Once An Infant Small - Hymn Lyric - Jesus Once An Infant Small - Reflect on the humble beginnings and sacrifice of Jesus. Invite Him into your daily life and seek His guidance and transformation. Embrace your Christian identity and live according to His teachings. Call upon Jesus, our Holy Savior, in all moments.