Jesus Of Nazareth Passed My Way – Hymn Lyric

Experience the transformational power of Jesus Of Nazareth. Find hope and redemption in his presence. Give him your heart and embrace his forgiveness and grace. Sing a song of gladness.

Jesus Of Nazareth Passed My Way – Hymn Lyric

Of Nazareth Passed My Way” is a that beautifully captures the redemptive power of encountering Jesus. Through heartfelt lyrics and vivid imagery, it invites us to reflect on our own encounters with Jesus and to embrace the transformative power of his forgiveness and . As we sing this song of gladness, let us remember that Jesus is always passing our way, ready to redeem and transform us, filling our hearts with joy and .


Jesus Of Nazareth Passed My Way – Hymn Lyric

Jesus of Nazareth passed my way,
My heart is filled with singing,
My has turned to day,
New and gladness bringing;
My garments, soiled and stained with sin,
I cast aside, unheeding,
He clad me in his raiment clean,
In answer to my pleading.

Jesus of Nazareth passed my way,
Redeemed me by his pow’r;
Oh, hear the cry, “he passeth by,”
Give him thy heart this hour.

Jesus of Nazareth passed my way,
He gave me sight for blindness,
Tormenting doubts he did allay
With words of heav’nly kindness;
Within my heart he woke a song,
He taught my lips to praise him,
Although temptations ’round me throng
My grateful heart obeys him.


Jesus of Nazareth passed my way,
Oh, precious is the story!
I’ll sing it through life’s little day,
And chant it up in ;
The Great Physician made me whole,
Redeemed my life from sadness,
And while eternal years shall roll
I’ll sing this song of gladness.



Meaning of Jesus Of Nazareth Passed My Way

Jesus Of Nazareth Passed My Way: A Song of Redemption and Transformation

In this hymn, the author beautifully captures the profound impact that encountering Jesus of Nazareth has had on their life. As the verses unfold, we are invited to witness the journey of a person whose heart was once burdened by sin and darkness, but through an encounter with Jesus, their life is forever changed.

The hymn begins by describing how Jesus passed the author’s way, filling their heart with singing. It paints a picture of newfound joy and , illustrating the transformative power of Jesus’ presence. The imagery of darkness turning to day beautifully conveys the hope and renewal that Jesus brings.

One of the central ideas explored in this hymn is the concept of forgiveness. The author reflects on their past, acknowledging how their garments were soiled and stained by sin. However, upon encountering Jesus and pleading for forgiveness, the author is clothed in his raiment of purity. This imagery of being cleansed from the stains of sin highlights the transformative nature of Jesus’ forgiveness and grace.

The refrain of the hymn emphasizes the personal nature of Jesus’ redemption. The author calls out to those who hear their cry, urging them to give their hearts to Jesus. This heartfelt plea captures the essence of their own experience and echoes the universal invitation to accept Jesus into one’s life.

As the hymn continues, it explores the ways in which meeting Jesus brings about a profound inward change. The author speaks of Jesus giving them sight for their blindness, allaying their tormenting doubts with his words of heavenly kindness. This depiction of Jesus as the source of clarity and peace in the midst of doubt and uncertainty is both comforting and relatable.

The hymn also focuses on the transformative power of worship. The author describes how Jesus awakened a song within their heart and taught their lips to praise him. This highlights the role that worship and gratitude play in deepening one’s connection with Jesus. The presence of temptations is acknowledged, but the author’s grateful heart remains obedient to Jesus.

The title of the hymn, “Jesus Of Nazareth Passed My Way,” encompasses the central message of the song. It emphasizes the personal encounter with Jesus and the profound impact it has on one’s life. The repetition of this phrase throughout the hymn creates a powerful emphasis on the significance of this encounter and the importance of recognizing and embracing it.

As we delve deeper into the meaning and significance of this hymn, we cannot help but reflect on our own lives and the ways in which Jesus has passed our way. Every person’s journey with Jesus is unique, and this hymn serves as a reminder that encountering Jesus can bring about a radical transformation, filling our hearts with singing and joy.

In our own lives, we may have experienced times of darkness, doubt, and sin. Yet, just as the author found hope and redemption in Jesus’ presence, we too can find solace and transformation when we invite him into our hearts. The hymn’s emphasis on the personal nature of Jesus’ redemption invites us to reflect on our own encounters with him and to embrace his forgiveness and grace.

Furthermore, this hymn serves as a call to action. The refrain’s plea to give Jesus our hearts reminds us that encountering Jesus is not simply a one-time event, but an ongoing journey of faith and . It challenges us to continually turn toward Jesus, allowing him to guide us and transform us.

In conclusion, “Jesus Of Nazareth Passed My Way” is a hymn that beautifully captures the redemptive power of encountering Jesus. Through its heartfelt lyrics and vivid imagery, it invites us to reflect on our own encounters with Jesus and to embrace the transformative power of his forgiveness and grace. As we sing this song of gladness, let us remember that Jesus is always passing our way, ready to redeem and transform us, filling our hearts with joy and hope.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the transformational power of Jesus Of Nazareth. Find hope and redemption in his presence. Give him your heart and embrace his forgiveness and grace. Sing a song of gladness.
Jesus Of Nazareth Passed My Way - Hymn Lyric - Experience the transformational power of Jesus Of Nazareth. Find hope and redemption in his presence. Give him your heart and embrace his forgiveness and grace. Sing a song of gladness.