Theres No Love To Me Like The Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

"Experience the incomparable love of Jesus in the beautiful hymn 'There's No Love to Me Like the Love of Jesus.' Discover a love that never wavers

Theres No Love To Me Like The Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In this hymn, titled “There’s No Love to Me Like the Love of Jesus,” we are reminded of the unwavering and unconditional love that Jesus has for us. It surpasses all other forms of love and remains constant, offering comfort and solace in our lowest moments. Jesus’s love is a selfless and sacrificial love that knows no bounds, and it has the power to transform our lives.


Theres No Love To Me Like The Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

There’s no love to me like the love of Jesus,
Ever, always just the same;
E’en tho’ of this world you may be most lowly,
Jesus still you, His Name.

There never was one like Jesus,
Ever, always true is He;
There never was one like Jesus,
There’s no love like His love to me.

When far, far away, and in condemnation,
Feeling no one cared for me,
There came a sweet voice,-I shall ne’er forget it,-
“Jesus thy Saviour still loves thee.”


Oh, wonderful love, is the love of Jesus,
Who on Calv’ry’s cruel tree
Was wounded and died to make full atonement
For a poor sinner, lost, like me.


Meaning of Theres No Love To Me Like The Love Of Jesus

In this beautiful hymn, titled “There’s No Love to Me Like the Love of Jesus,” we are reminded of the incredible love that Jesus has for every single one of us. It is a love that surpasses all others and remains constant, no matter our circumstances. Whether we are feeling lowly in this world or far away and condemned, Jesus’s love never wavers.

The hymn opens with the powerful statement, “There’s no love to me like the love of Jesus, ever, always just the same.” These words assure us that Jesus’s love is unwavering, never changing, and always available to us. In a world where love can be fickle and conditional, Jesus’s love stands out as exceptional. No matter how lowly we may perceive ourselves to be, Jesus’s love remains steadfast and reaches out to embrace us.

It is incredible to that even when we feel no one else cares for us, Jesus does. The hymn describes a moment when the songwriter felt far away and condemned, believing that no one cared. But then, a sweet voice spoke to them, a voice they will never forget. It was Jesus, their , assuring them that He still loves them. This act of reassurance reminds us that Jesus’s love is not dependent on our circumstances or worthiness. He loves us unconditionally, always extending His grace and mercy towards us.

As the refrain states, there never was one like Jesus. His love is true, unwavering, and unparalleled. We can find respite in the fact that His love remains constant despite anything we may face. It is this love that brings comfort and , knowing that we are always cherished and accepted by Him.

The hymn then shifts to acknowledge the incredible Jesus made on Calvary’s cruel tree. Jesus, out of His immense love for us, willingly suffered and died to make full atonement for our . This act of selfless love demonstrates the depth of Jesus’s compassion and the extent He is willing to go to redeem and reconcile us to . It is a love beyond compare, a love that has the power to save even the poorest and most lost of .

We are reminded that Jesus’s love is indeed wonderful. It is a love that heals our brokenness, forgives our sins, and gives us new . Even when we feel unworthy or undeserving, His love is there, ready to embrace us and transform us from the inside out. It is a love that envelops us with grace and allows us to experience the fullness of God’s mercy.

In conclusion, “There’s No Love to Me Like the Love of Jesus” is a powerful hymn that emphasizes the incomparable love that Jesus has for each and every one of us. It is a love that remains unwavering, always true, and reaches out to us even in our lowest moments. Jesus’s love is not dependent on our circumstances or worthiness; it is a selfless and sacrificial love that knows no bounds. His love brings comfort, peace, and restoration to our souls. May we always be reminded of this incredible love and strive to share it with others, just as Jesus has loved us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the incomparable love of Jesus in the beautiful hymn 'There's No Love to Me Like the Love of Jesus.' Discover a love that never wavers, transcending life's challenges and embracing us all. Find comfort, peace, and redemption in His unwavering love. (159 characters)
Theres No Love To Me Like The Love Of Jesus - Hymn Lyric - "Experience the incomparable love of Jesus in the beautiful hymn 'There's No Love to Me Like the Love of Jesus.' Discover a love that never wavers, transcending life's challenges and embracing us all. Find comfort, peace, and redemption in His unwavering love." (159 characters)