My Beloved Haste Away – Hymn Lyric

Experience the heartfelt longing and desire for Jesus in the hymn "My Beloved Haste Away." Discover the passionate expressions and unwavering faith that make this hymn a timeless worship piece.

My Beloved Haste Away – Hymn Lyric

In “My Beloved Haste Away,” a heartfelt , the author expresses their deep longing for the presence of Jesus. With words of desperation and passion, they plead for Jesus to quickly and make their His . The hymn’s emotional depth, powerful imagery, and unwavering make it a timeless expression of longing and .


My Beloved Haste Away – Hymn Lyric

My Beloved, haste away,
Sick of Love, for thee I languish;
Fails my at thy Delay,
Feels a dying Lover’s :
Quickly, quickly, Jesus come,
O make my Breast thy native Home.

Ev’ry Moment seems an Age,
‘Till thy Presence shall relive me,
‘Till thy Smiles my Woes assuage,
And thine Absence no more grieve me:
Quickly, quickly, Jesus come,
O make my Breast thy native Home.

Great the Force and Power of Love,
Whence springs all my strong Desires;
I, thy Presence, Lord, to prove,
Burn, consumed, with inward Fires:
Quickly, quickly, Jesus come,
O make my Breast thy native Home.

Honour, Wealth, and Ease I scorn,
Trifles by the World approved;
To superior Joys I’m born,
Cent’ring in my Well-beloved:
Quickly, quickly, Jesus come,
O make my Breast thy native Home.

O’er the spicy Mountains fly
Hart and Roe, yea Winds out-stripping;
Whilst thou tarry’st, Love, I die,
Sighing, longing, loving, weeping;
Quickly, quickly, Jesus come,
O make my Breast thy native Home.


Meaning of My Beloved Haste Away

In this beautiful hymn titled “My Beloved Haste Away,” the author expresses their deep longing and for the presence of Jesus in their life. Through heartfelt words and passionate expressions, the author conveys their eagerness for Jesus to come and make their heart His home.

The hymn begins with the line, “My Beloved! haste away, Sick of Love, for thee I languish.” These words reveal the author’s intense yearning for Jesus, portraying a sense of desperation and longing. It is as if the author’s soul is suffering from the delay of Jesus’ arrival, experiencing the anguish of a dying lover. This vivid imagery conveys the depth of the author’s love and the urgency they feel for Jesus to come quickly.

The repeated refrain, “Quickly, quickly, Jesus come, O make my Breast thy native Home,” emphasizes the author’s plea for Jesus to hasten His arrival and establish a permanent dwelling within their heart. The repetition not only adds to the musical quality of the hymn but also reinforces the urgency and desire present in the author’s words.

As the hymn progresses, the author describes the passage of time as each moment feeling like an age until Jesus’ presence relieves them. They long for the calming and comforting effect of Jesus’ smiles, which they believe will alleviate their sorrows and free them from the ache of His absence. The imagery of Jesus’ smile as a balm for their woes provides a sense of hope and relief amidst the author’s emotional turmoil.

The hymn then explores the power of love and its influence on the author’s desires. They acknowledge that their strong desires stem from the force and power of love itself. The author’s desire to experience the presence of Jesus is so overwhelming that it consumes them with inward fires, symbolizing the burning passion they feel for Him. This portrayal of love as a powerful force highlights its transformative nature and its ability to ignite a fervent longing for divine connection.

Throughout the hymn, the author displays an unwavering commitment to their faith, seen in their disregard for worldly pursuits such as honor, wealth, and ease. They find these external symbols of success to be trivial in comparison to the superior they experience when they are centered in their beloved, Jesus. This perspective reflects the author’s understanding that true fulfillment comes from a deep connection with their faith rather than material possessions or societal approval.

In the final stanza, the author employs vivid imagery to convey their desperation for Jesus’ presence. They implore Jesus to fly over mountains, faster than a hart and a roe, and even faster than the wind. This imagery adds a sense of urgency and yearning to the hymn, as the author conveys their readiness to embrace Jesus with open arms. They express their feelings of dying, sighing, longing, loving, and weeping, showcasing the depth of their emotional state while awaiting Jesus’ arrival.

In conclusion, “My Beloved Haste Away” is a heartfelt hymn that beautifully captures the essence of deep longing for Jesus’ presence. Through its poetic verses and passionate expressions, the hymn conveys the author’s intense desire for Jesus to make their heart His home. The hymn’s emotional depth, powerful imagery, and unwavering faith make it a timeless piece of worship that continues to resonate with believers who seek a profound connection with their beloved, Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the heartfelt longing and desire for Jesus in the hymn My Beloved Haste Away. Discover the passionate expressions and unwavering faith that make this hymn a timeless worship piece.
My Beloved Haste Away - Hymn Lyric - Experience the heartfelt longing and desire for Jesus in the hymn "My Beloved Haste Away." Discover the passionate expressions and unwavering faith that make this hymn a timeless worship piece.