Blessed Jesus Here We Stand – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Gift of Salvation with Blessed Jesus Here We Stand! Discover the profound message of renewal and hope in this hymn about being born again and embracing baptism. Surrender to Jesus and find eternal love and grace.

Blessed Jesus Here We Stand – Hymn Lyric

“Blessed Here We Stand” is a beautiful that captures the essence of and the importance of baptism. Through heartfelt verses, it emphasizes being born again, renewed in heart and , and becoming heirs to the kingdom of heaven. This hymn encourages us to surrender to Jesus, entrusting our lives and the lives of our children into His loving embrace, as we embrace the gift of salvation that it beautifully encapsulates.


Blessed Jesus Here We Stand – Hymn Lyric

Dearest Jesus, we are here,
gladly your command obeying.
With this child we now draw near
in response to your own saying
that to you it shall be given
as a child and heir of heaven.

Your command is clear and plain,
and we would obey it duly:
“You must all be born again,
heart and renewing truly,
born of water and the Spirit,
and my kingdom thus inherit.”

This is why we come to you,
in our arms this infant bearing.
Truly, here your we view.
Let this child, your mercy sharing,
in your arms be shielded ever,
yours on earth and yours forever.

Gracious Head, your member own;
, take your lamb and feed it;
Prince of Peace, make here your throne;
Way of life, to heaven lead it;
precious Vine, let nothing sever
from your side this branch forever.


Meaning of Blessed Jesus Here We Stand

Blessed Jesus Here We Stand: Embracing the Gift of Salvation

In the beautiful hymn, “Dearest Jesus, we are here,” we are reminded of the powerful message of salvation and the significance of baptism. The verses highlight the importance of being born again, renewed in heart and spirit, and becoming an heir to the kingdom of heaven. As we delve into the meaning behind these lyrics, we find a profound message brimming with hope, grace, and .

The hymn begins with these heartfelt words: “Dearest Jesus, we are here, gladly your command obeying.” This opening verse sets the tone for our response to Jesus’ calling. It reflects the joyous acceptance of His words and the willingness to follow His teachings.

The hymn speaks of the act of drawing near with a child, as a response to Jesus’ saying that “to you it shall be given as a child and heir of heaven.” This verse emphasizes the importance Jesus placed on the and purity of children, as well as the significance of baptism as a gateway to salvation.

Jesus’ command is described as clear and plain: “You must all be born again, heart and life renewing truly, born of water and the Spirit, and my kingdom thus inherit.” This verse underscores the idea that salvation and entry into God’s kingdom require a transformation—a spiritual rebirth through water and the Holy Spirit. It serves as a poignant reminder that baptism is not merely a ritual but a sacred act symbolizing our commitment to follow Jesus and live a renewed life.

The hymn then beautifully expresses the purpose behind our coming to Jesus with a child in our arms: “Truly, here your grace we view. Let this child, your mercy sharing, in your arms be shielded ever, yours on earth and yours forever.” These lines reveal the understanding that through baptism, we are enveloped in God’s grace and protection. It stresses the significance of entrusting our children, as well as ourselves, into Jesus’ arms, knowing that His love and mercy will forever be our shield.

As the hymn continues, it addresses Jesus using various titles that portray His roles in our lives. He is referred to as the “Gracious Head” and the “Shepherd.” These titles highlight His caring and guiding nature—the one who nourishes and leads us. Jesus is also acknowledged as the “Prince of Peace,” showing that through our surrender to Him, we find true tranquility and inner harmony.

The hymn then proclaims Jesus as the “Way of life.” This title illustrates His role as the path to eternal salvation. Through our faith in Him, we are led towards heaven—our ultimate destination. Lastly, Jesus is depicted as the “precious Vine.” This particular symbol represents our connection to Him, highlighting the importance of remaining attached to Jesus—the source of our spiritual nourishment and growth.

In conclusion, “Blessed Jesus Here We Stand” encapsulates the essence of salvation and the role of baptism in a heartfelt and accessible manner. The hymn emphasizes the significance of being born again, immersed in God’s grace, and embracing Jesus’ teachings. It encourages us to fully surrender to Jesus, entrusting our lives and the lives of our children into His loving embrace. Through baptism, we become part of God’s family, with Jesus as our guide, protector, and source of eternal life. May we continue to reflect on the profound message within this hymn and embrace the gift of salvation that it beautifully encapsulates.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Gift of Salvation with Blessed Jesus Here We Stand! Discover the profound message of renewal and hope in this hymn about being born again and embracing baptism. Surrender to Jesus and find eternal love and grace.
Blessed Jesus Here We Stand - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Gift of Salvation with Blessed Jesus Here We Stand! Discover the profound message of renewal and hope in this hymn about being born again and embracing baptism. Surrender to Jesus and find eternal love and grace.