Brightly Shines The Morning Sun – Hymn Lyric

Experience God's love and blessings as the morning sun brightly shines. Trust in His unwavering presence and celebrate the beauty of His creation. Embrace the divine birthright of His boundless love.

Brightly Shines The Morning Sun – Hymn Lyric

“Brightly Shines The Morning Sun: A Reflection on God’s Love and ” is a hymn that reminds us of the unlimited love and blessings bestowed upon us by God. It encourages us to trust in Him, find comfort in His presence, and appreciate the beauty of His creation. This hymn serves as a reminder that we are cherished by God beyond measure.


Brightly Shines The Morning Sun – Hymn Lyric

Brightly shines the morning sun,
Alike on you and me;
Softly falls the summer rain,
In blessing wide and free.

Evening breezes gently blow,
Moon and stars their radiance lend,
All alike his glory show,
His bounty has no end.

If the world of nature fair,
The handiwork of God,
Is a we all may share,
His love is still more broad.

Freer than the sun on high,
Gentler than the summer show’rs,
Wider than the starry sky,
His of love is ours.

Trust him then, in storm or calm,
To give the good we need;
Sorrow finds a heav’nly balm,
The soul from care is freed;

All for which we longing ,
More than all, is yours and mine,
Rise, O rise, where can say,
Our birthright is divine.


Meaning of Brightly Shines The Morning Sun

Brightly Shines The Morning Sun: A Reflection on God’s Love and Blessings

As the morning sun shines brightly upon the earth, its warm rays reach out to touch both you and me. We can feel the gentle caress of the soft summer rain as it falls, blessing us in its wide and free embrace. Nature’s beauty surrounds us, reminding us of the handiwork of God, and the joy that we can all share.

The world of nature, with its vibrant colors, lush greenery, and diverse creatures, is a testament to God’s creativity and love for us. From the majestic mountains to the smallest flower, every detail reveals His careful design. We are fortunate to the wonders of nature and find solace in its everlasting beauty.

Yet, as awe-inspiring as nature may be, God’s love is even more vast and all-encompassing. It surpasses the brightness of the sun, the gentleness of the summer showers, and the vastness of the starry sky. His heart of love knows no bounds, embracing us with unconditional acceptance and understanding.

In times of stormy weather or calm serenity, we can trust in God’s ability to provide us with the good we need. Just as the rain brings nourishment to the earth, so too does God provide us with the necessary resources and guidance to navigate life’s challenges. He is our refuge in times of trouble, offering solace and comfort to our weary hearts.

When sorrow finds its way into our lives, God’s love becomes a heavenly balm, soothing our souls and easing our burdens. In His presence, our cares and worries are lifted, replaced with a sense of peace and contentment. He reminds us that we are never alone in our struggles, for His love is unwavering and ever-present.

Everything we long for, everything we desire, is encompassed in God’s love. It exceeds our wildest dreams and goes beyond our greatest aspirations. His love is not limited to a select few but is available to each and every one of us. It is a birthright, bestowed upon us from the moment we enter this world.

Let us rise in faith, knowing that our birthright is divine. We are not mere specks in the vastness of the universe but beloved of God. With this knowledge, we can face the challenges that our way, knowing that His love will guide us and provide us with everything we need.

So, as the morning sun continues to shine brightly upon us, let us embrace the blessings that God upon us each and every day. May we celebrate the beauty of nature, recognizing it as a reflection of His love. And may we trust in His unwavering presence, finding comfort and peace in His everlasting .

In conclusion, the hymn “Brightly Shines The Morning Sun” reminds us of the boundless love and blessings that God showers upon us. Its gentle words invite us to trust in Him, find solace in His presence, and celebrate the beauty of His creation. May we always remember that His love knows no bounds, and that we are cherished beyond measure.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience God's love and blessings as the morning sun brightly shines. Trust in His unwavering presence and celebrate the beauty of His creation. Embrace the divine birthright of His boundless love.
Brightly Shines The Morning Sun - Hymn Lyric - Experience God's love and blessings as the morning sun brightly shines. Trust in His unwavering presence and celebrate the beauty of His creation. Embrace the divine birthright of His boundless love.