I Will Follow Thee My Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the joy and dedication of following Jesus with unwavering devotion. Find comfort in His guidance through storms and sacrifices. Count all things but lost for true fulfillment.

I Will Follow Thee My Jesus – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “I Will Follow , My Jesus” captures the dedication and joy of being a follower of Christ. It encourages us to trust in Jesus and follow Him wherever He leads, even through difficult times. The hymn reminds us that the sacrifices we may make to follow Jesus are worth it, as our relationship with Him brings true fulfillment and joy.


I Will Follow Thee My Jesus – Hymn Lyric

I will follow thee, my Jesus,
Where leadest I will go;
Will not murmur; will not question;
Simply follow, here below.

I will follow with my Jesus,
I will follow anywhere;
I will follow, yes, I’ll follow
With my Jesus anywhere.

It may be that thou wilt take me
Thro’ a dark and stormy way;
Loss of friends and death may test me,
Jesus, only, will I say.

Yes, I’ll follow, gladly follow,
For I’ve reckoned up the cost,
And with Jesus, precious Jesus,
I will count all things, but lost.


Meaning of I Will Follow Thee My Jesus

When we hear the words “I will follow thee, my Jesus,” it prompts us to think about the joy and dedication that comes with being a follower of Christ. This hymn reminds us that wherever Jesus leads, we should be to go without questioning or murmuring. The lyrics express a deep commitment to following Jesus, even through difficult times, and acknowledging that He is worth any sacrifices we may endure.

As , we are called to be followers of Jesus, not just in words but in our actions and choices. The hymn speaks to the willingness to surrender our will and desires to follow Jesus’ plans for our lives. It encourages us to trust in Him even when faced with uncertainty, , or storms. Just as the hymn suggests, it may be through these challenging moments that we grow closer to our and Savior.

Following Jesus is not always easy. The hymn acknowledges that we may face loss of friendships and even death as we walk this path. Yet, in the face of these trials, the hymn reiterates that our loyalty and devotion to Jesus should remain unwavering. We can find comfort in knowing that Jesus himself went through trials and hardships during his time on earth, and by following him, we are embracing a similar journey.

The chorus of the hymn emphasizes the determination to follow Jesus anywhere and everywhere. It reflects a desire to align our lives with His teachings and commands. This commitment may require sacrifices and may take us to places we never expected, both physically and spiritually. However, the hymn reassures us that we can trust Jesus to guide us every step of the way.

When we say, “I will follow with my Jesus,” we acknowledge that Jesus is not only our leader but also our companion. He is the one who walks alongside us, providing comfort, strength, and guidance. Through the highs and lows of , Jesus is there to hold our hand and lead us through the darkest storms. As followers of Jesus, we find solace in knowing that no matter what we may face, we do not face it alone.

The final verse expresses a joyful willingness to follow Jesus, despite the sacrifices that may be required. Counting all things but lost means realizing that nothing compares to the preciousness of having a relationship with Jesus. The hymn encourages us to evaluate the cost of following Jesus and recognize that it is a price worth paying. The joy and fulfillment we experience in following Jesus far outweigh any temporary worldly pleasures or comforts we may have to leave behind.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Will Follow Thee, My Jesus” beautifully captures the heart of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. It encourages unwavering devotion, trust, and surrender to His plans for our lives. It reminds us that through the joys and the storms, Jesus is always there, leading and guiding us. The hymn calls us to count all things but lost and find true fulfillment in following Jesus. May this hymn inspire us to live out our and follow Jesus, wherever He may lead us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the joy and dedication of following Jesus with unwavering devotion. Find comfort in His guidance through storms and sacrifices. Count all things but lost for true fulfillment.
I Will Follow Thee My Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Embrace the joy and dedication of following Jesus with unwavering devotion. Find comfort in His guidance through storms and sacrifices. Count all things but lost for true fulfillment.