Bow Every Knee At Jesus Name – Hymn Lyric

Discover the hymn "Bow Every Knee at Jesus' Name" that invites us to acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Join in prayer and praise

Bow Every Knee At Jesus Name – Hymn Lyric

In a world where we often find ourselves bowing to various influences and desires, “Bow Every Knee at Jesus’ Name” captures the essence of our need to humbly acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior. This emphasizes the eternal nature of our relationship with Jesus and calls for continuous prayer and , reminding us to offer our lives as a daily sacrifice to Him. By incorporating the keyword “Bow Every Knee at Jesus’ Name” into our SEO strategy, we can make this powerful message accessible to a wider audience who seek a deeper understanding of Jesus’ power and glory.


Bow Every Knee At Jesus Name – Hymn Lyric

Bow every knee at Jesus’ name,
And every tongue confess;
Let the Redeem’d with joy proclaim
“The Lord our .”

To Him through all the rounds of time
Perpetual prayer be made;
O’er sea and land, from clime to clime,
Homage to Him be paid.

From young and old with every breath
Let prayer and praise arise;
be the “daily offering” – Death
“The evening sacrifice.”

Let and earth reply “Amen!”
And all their hosts adore,
The Lord of Angels and of men
For ever evermore.


Meaning of Bow Every Knee At Jesus Name

Bow Every Knee at Jesus’ Name: A Hymn Celebrating the Power and Glory of our Lord

In a world where we often find ourselves bowing to various influences and desires, there is one name that holds ultimate power and deserves our unwavering devotion. The hymn, “Bow Every Knee at Jesus’ Name,” beautifully captures the essence of this truth, encouraging us to humbly acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

As the first verse of this hymn proclaims, “Bow every knee at Jesus’ name, and every tongue confess; let the Redeemed with joy proclaim, ‘The Lord our Righteousness.'” These words remind us that Jesus is worthy of our complete adoration and acknowledgement. Regardless of our backgrounds or circumstances, we are all called to submit to His authority and recognize Him as the source of our salvation.

Throughout the hymn, there is an emphasis on the eternal nature of our relationship with Jesus. It states, “To Him through all the rounds of time, perpetual prayer be made; over sea and land, from clime to clime, homage to Him be paid.” This verse encourages believers to engage in continuous communication with the Lord, regardless of where we find ourselves. It serves as a reminder that our devotion to Jesus should transcend all boundaries and last for all eternity.

From the youngest to the oldest, the hymn calls for everyone to join in prayer and praise, stating, “From young and old with every breath, let prayer and praise arise; life be the ‘daily offering,’ death ‘the evening sacrifice.'” This sentiment highlights the idea that our lives should be characterized by a constant attitude of worship and . Every moment and every breath is an opportunity to our Lord and offer ourselves as a living sacrifice.

The hymn also urges both heaven and earth to respond to the call, saying, “Let heaven and earth reply ‘Amen!’ and all their hosts adore, the Lord of Angels and of men for ever evermore.” It emphasizes the grandeur and surrounding the name of Jesus, reminding us that even the celestial beings join in worship of the One who reigns over all. It is a call for unity and harmony across all creation, as we join together to exalt the name of our Lord.

This hymn offers much more than beautiful words and melodies. It serves as a powerful reminder of the significance and impact of Jesus in our lives. By incorporating the title, “Bow Every Knee at Jesus’ Name,” into our search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, we can ensure that this message reaches a broader audience. Through this intentional use of keywords, we can make this hymn more accessible for those searching for a deeper understanding of Jesus’ power and glory.

As we reflect on the profound message of this hymn, let us remember to bow our knees and hearts before Jesus. Let us confess Him as our Lord, express our gratitude for His righteousness, and continually lift our prayers and to Him. May this hymn resonate within us, inspiring us to live lives marked by unwavering devotion to the One who is deserving of all honor and praise.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the hymn Bow Every Knee at Jesus' Name that invites us to acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Join in prayer and praise, and let this powerful message resonate in your heart.
Bow Every Knee At Jesus Name - Hymn Lyric - Discover the hymn "Bow Every Knee at Jesus' Name" that invites us to acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Join in prayer and praise, and let this powerful message resonate in your heart.