Bright Hours In Jesus Find – Hymn Lyric

Find joy and happiness in Jesus with "Bright Hours In Jesus Find." Discover the source of true joy and experience His love that surpasses all earthly pleasures. Embark on a journey to everlasting joy in our Savior.

Bright Hours In Jesus Find – Hymn Lyric

“Bright Hours In Jesus Find” invites us to discover everlasting joy and happiness in our . Through His goodness and , Jesus brings a joy that surpasses any temporary pleasure. By following His teachings, serving others, and engaging in prayer and praise, we can experience true and lasting joy that grows brighter until we meet Him in heavenly bliss.


Bright Hours In Jesus Find – Hymn Lyric

Bright hours in Jesus find;
Sunny hours, happy hours;
His ways are good and kind;
And His light shines through the show’rs.

In our Saviour, there is joy,
When He rules within the heart;
Happy songs our lips employ,
When we choose the better part;
We find in Him alone,
The pleasures earth has never known;
And joy in wondrous love,
Grows brighter till we meet above.

Bright hours in service blest,
Sunny hours, happy hours;
Serve Him who us best,
Helping us with heav’nly pow’rs.

Bright hours in pray’r and praise,
Sunny hours, happy hours;
Till after earthly days,
We arise to fadeless bow’rs.


Meaning of Bright Hours In Jesus Find

Bright Hours in Jesus Find: Discovering Joy and Happiness in Our Savior

In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, it is often difficult to find true joy and happiness. We seek comfort and contentment in various aspects of life, only to realize that they are fleeting and temporary. However, there is a source of everlasting joy that can be found in the person of Jesus Christ. Just as the “Bright Hours in Jesus Find” beautifully expresses, we can discover joy and happiness in our Savior, who pours out His love and upon us.

The verse of the hymn proclaims, “Bright hours in Jesus find; Sunny hours, happy hours; His ways are good and kind; And His light shines through the show’rs.” These words remind us that Jesus is the source of true joy and happiness. When we align our lives with His teachings and walk in His ways, we experience the brightness and warmth of His presence. Even during the storms of life, His light illuminates our path and fills our hearts with His goodness and kindness.

The refrain further emphasizes the joy we find in Jesus, “In our Savior, there is joy, When He rules within the heart; Happy songs our lips employ, When we choose the better part; We find in Him alone, The pleasures earth has never known; And joy in wondrous love, Grows brighter till we meet above.” These words speak of the transformative power of allowing Jesus to rule in our hearts. As we surrender our lives to Him and choose to follow Him, our songs of praise become joyful melodies that overflow from hearts filled with His love.

The hymn also highlights the importance of service, stating, “Bright hours in service blest, Sunny hours, happy hours; Serve Him who loves us best, Helping us with heav’nly pow’rs.” Through serving others, we not only reflect the love of Christ, but we also experience a deep sense of fulfillment and happiness. When we use our gifts and talents to help those in need, we become vessels of ‘s heavenly powers, bringing light and to a broken world.

Prayer and praise are also identified as avenues to find joy in Jesus, as stated in the lines, “Bright hours in pray’r and praise, Sunny hours, happy hours; Till after earthly days, We arise to fadeless bow’rs.” When we spend time communing with God through prayer and lifting our voices in praise, we enter into a place of intimacy with Him. In those sacred moments, we can experience the unshakable joy of His presence. Furthermore, the hymn reminds us that our joy in Jesus extends beyond our earthly existence, as we anticipate an life in His presence.

The overarching message of “Bright Hours In Jesus Find” is that true joy and happiness can only be found in a relationship with our Savior. Earthly pleasures may bring temporary satisfaction, but they do not compare to the deep and lasting joy that comes from knowing and serving Jesus. As we embrace His love, grace, and teachings, our joy grows brighter and more profound, leading us to an eternal destiny where joy and happiness will abound.

In conclusion, “Bright Hours In Jesus Find” is a beautiful hymn that invites us to discover joy and happiness in our Savior. It reminds us that Jesus’s ways are good and kind, His light shines through the storms of life, and His love brings a joy that surpasses any earthly pleasure. By following His teachings, serving others, and engaging in prayer and praise, we can experience the true joy that only Jesus can give. May we continually seek His presence and allow His joy to illuminate our lives, growing brighter until we meet Him in the everlasting joy of .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find joy and happiness in Jesus with Bright Hours In Jesus Find. Discover the source of true joy and experience His love that surpasses all earthly pleasures. Embark on a journey to everlasting joy in our Savior.
Bright Hours In Jesus Find - Hymn Lyric - Find joy and happiness in Jesus with "Bright Hours In Jesus Find." Discover the source of true joy and experience His love that surpasses all earthly pleasures. Embark on a journey to everlasting joy in our Savior.