A Friend I Have Called Jesus Whose Love Is Strong and True – Hymn Lyric

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A Friend I Have Called Jesus Whose Love Is Strong and True – Hymn Lyric

Discovering Comfort and Hope in Times of Trouble: A Friend I Have Called Jesus Whose Love Is Strong and TrueDespite doubts and challenges, the heartening hymn “A Friend I Have Called Jesus” assures us of His unwavering love. This hymn serves as a reminder that Jesus is always there, ready to roll the clouds of our troubles and bring us and hope. Through heartfelt words and powerful imagery, it reminds us that no matter what we face, Jesus’ love is strong, true, and ever-present.


A Friend I Have Called Jesus Whose Love Is Strong and True – Hymn Lyric

A friend I have called Jesus,
Whose love is strong and true,
And never fails howe’er ’tis tried,
No matter what I do;

I sinned against this love of His,
But when I knelt to pray,
Confessing all my guilt to Him,
The sin-clouds rolled away.

It’s just like Jesus to roll the clouds away,
It’s just like Jesus to keep me day by day.
It’s just like Jesus all along the way,
It’s just like His great love.

Sometimes when clouds of trouble
Bedim the sky above,
I cannot see my Savior’s face,
I doubt His wondrous love;

But He, from Heaven’s mercy seat,
Beholding my despair,
In pity bursts the clouds between,
And shows me He is there. (Chorus)

When ‘s clouds o’ertake me,
And break upon my head,
When life seems worse than useless,
And I were better dead;

I take my grief to Jesus then,
Nor do I go in vain,
For ‘nly hope He gives that cheers
Like after rain. (Chorus)

Oh, I could forever
Of Jesus’ love ,
Of all His care and tenderness
For this poor life of mine;

His love is in and over all,
And wind and waves obey
When Jesus whispers, “Peace, be still!”
And rolls the clouds away. (Chorus)


Meaning of A Friend I Have Called Jesus Whose Love Is Strong and True

A Friend I Have Called Jesus Whose Love Is Strong and True: Finding Comfort and Hope in Times of Trouble

In life, we often across challenges and difficulties that make us question our and doubt the love and presence of our Savior, Jesus. However, the beautiful hymn “A Friend I Have Called Jesus” reminds us that His love is indeed strong and true, never failing us no matter what we do. This hymn, filled with heartfelt words and powerful imagery, serves as a comforting reminder that Jesus is always there for us, ready to roll away the clouds of our troubles and bring us peace and hope.

The first verse of the hymn shares a personal experience of the songwriter, confessing their sin to Jesus and witnessing the sin-clouds rolling away as they knelt in prayer. It beautifully illustrates the forgiving nature of Jesus’ love and emphasizes the power of repentance and seeking forgiveness. No matter how much we may have strayed or sinned, when we turn to Jesus with sincerity and humility, He gladly forgives and cleanses us, wiping away our guilt and restoring us to a state of grace.

The chorus of the hymn echoes the title, emphasizing the consistency of Jesus’ love and His ever-present help in our lives. It’s just like Jesus to roll the clouds away and keep us day by day. This powerful declaration reminds us that no matter how hopeless or turbulent our circumstances may seem, Jesus is always by our side, guiding us, protecting us, and providing the strength we need to face each day. His love is unwavering, and His faithfulness is unchanging, offering us comfort and assurance as we navigate through life’s challenges.

As the hymn moves forward, it acknowledges that there are times when our faith wavers and we struggle to see Jesus amidst the clouds of trouble that surround us. In these moments, we may question His love and become overwhelmed by despair. However, the songwriter reminds us that Jesus, seated at the mercy seat in Heaven, sees our despair and rushes to our aid. His love and compassion burst through the clouds, reassuring us of His presence and reminding us that we are never alone. In our darkest moments, Jesus is there, shining His light and offering us hope.

The third verse touches upon the pain of sorrow and the feeling that life may seem better off without us. However, the songwriter shares that when they take their grief and struggles to Jesus, it is never in vain. Instead, Jesus offers heavenly hope that uplifts and rejuvenates their , much like sunshine after rain. This verse illustrates the transformative power of surrendering our pain and burdens to Jesus. He can take our deepest sorrows and turn them into blessings, providing us with a newfound sense of purpose and strength to face the challenges that come our way.

The final verse of the hymn speaks of the enduring nature of Jesus’ love and the authority He holds over the natural elements. It is a testament to His divinity and the fact that His love extends beyond our human comprehension. When Jesus whispers, “Peace, be still!” the wind and waves obey, illustrating His power to calm the storms that rage within us and around us. Jesus’ love is not limited to our personal burdens but extends to all aspects of creation. He is the creator and sustainer of life, and His love has the power to bring order and peace to our chaotic and turbulent world.

In conclusion, the hymn “A Friend I Have Called Jesus” beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ love and the comfort and hope it brings to our lives. It serves as a reminder that, no matter what we face, Jesus’ love is strong and true, never failing us. Whether we are burdened by sin, facing trouble and despair, or overwhelmed by sorrow, Jesus is there, ready to roll away the clouds and offer us His peace. His love is constant, unwavering, and all-encompassing. As we navigate through life’s challenges, may we hold onto the promise of His great love, knowing that Jesus is indeed our friend, whose love is strong and true.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Maximize your comfort, hope, and faith with A Friend I Have Called Jesus Whose Love Is Strong and True. Discover the unwavering love of Jesus, always there to roll away the clouds of troubles and bring peace.
A Friend I Have Called Jesus Whose Love Is Strong and True - Hymn Lyric - Maximize your comfort, hope, and faith with "A Friend I Have Called Jesus Whose Love Is Strong and True." Discover the unwavering love of Jesus, always there to roll away the clouds of troubles and bring peace.