Does Darkness Now Come Over Thy Soul – Hymn Lyric

Does Darkness Now Come Over Thy Soul: Finding Light on the Other Side. In times of despair

Does Darkness Now Come Over Thy Soul – Hymn Lyric

In times of darkness and despair, it can feel like our souls are consumed by sadness. However, this hymn reminds us that there is always hope and light on the other side. By turning to Jesus and embracing faith, we can find solace and a brighter future us.


Does Darkness Now Come Over Thy Soul – Hymn Lyric

Does darkness now come o’er soul?
There’ll be light on the other side.
Some day the clouds will roll;
There’ll be light on the other side.

There’ll be light, there’ll be light,
There’ll be light on the other side.
In ‘n above there is no more night,
There’ll be light on the other side.

Does trouble dark now blight thy life?
There’ll be light on the other side.
When free from toil, and care, and strife,
There’ll be light on the other side. [Refrain]

Do shades of sorrow cross thy way?
There’ll be light on the other side.
When grief and sighing flee away,
There’ll be light on the other side. [Refrain]

To Jesus come, ye sad and lone,
There’ll be light on the other side.
And heaven make thy future ,
There’ll be light on the other side. [Refrain]


Meaning of Does Darkness Now Come Over Thy Soul

Does Darkness Now Come Over Thy Soul: Finding Light on the Other Side

In times of despair and uncertainty, it is natural for our souls to be shrouded in darkness. It can feel as if the weight of the world has come crashing down upon us, leaving us lost and searching for a glimmer of hope. However, in the timeless words of this hymn, we are reminded that no matter how dark the present may seem, there will always be light on the other side.

The verses of this hymn speak directly to the struggles we face in life. They acknowledge the presence of darkness, whether it be in the form of troubles, toil, strife, or sorrow. However, there is a sense of reassurance embedded in each line, promising that this darkness is not eternal. It is merely a passing phase that will eventually give way to the brilliance of light.

The refrain of the hymn, repeated after each verse, emphasizes the certainty of this future light. “There’ll be light, there’ll be light,” it proclaims, affirming that the darkness will be replaced by a luminosity that knows no bounds. The parallel drawn between this celestial light and the absence of night in heaven above instills a sense of everlasting hope. It reminds us that the troubles we face on Earth are temporary and that a more radiant existence awaits us on the other side.

One can imagine a soul, burdened by the trials of life, finding solace in these lyrics. The hymn beckons those who are sad and lone to come to Jesus, assuring them that not only will they find the light they seek on the other side, but also that heaven will become their eternal home. In these simple words, a ray of hope is extended to all who are willing to embrace it, promising a future free from grief and sighing.

But where does this light on the other side come from? It is not merely a physical illumination but rather an embodiment of hope, faith, and . It is the presence of a higher power that guides us through the darkest of times and leads us towards a brighter future. When we turn to Jesus, our burdens are lifted, our hearts are comforted, and the darkness that clouds our souls is gradually lifted.

By using the poetic language of this hymn, we are reminded that light and darkness are not mutually exclusive but rather two facets of the same journey. It is through the contrast of darkness that the light becomes more apparent, and it is through navigating the challenges and tribulations of life that we emerge stronger and wiser.

For a 7th grader, understanding the profound meaning behind these lyrics might require a simpler explanation. of it as a bedtime story: imagine you are lying in bed, the room enveloped in darkness, and you begin to fear what might be lurking in the shadows. As you close your eyes and to sleep, your parents switch on a nightlight, gently illuminating the room. Suddenly, the monsters under the bed disappear, and the darkness is replaced by a soft glow of reassurance. The light on the other side represents that same comfort, promising that no matter how dark life may get, there will always be a guiding light to dispel our fears and offer us solace.

So, dear reader, the next time you find yourself enveloped in darkness, remember the words of this hymn. Take comfort in the knowledge that the clouds will eventually roll away, revealing the light that has been waiting for you on the other side. Allow Jesus to guide you, let faith illuminate your path, and trust that a brighter future awaits you. There might be shadows and sorrow along the way, but remember that they are mere companions on the journey towards the eternal light. Embrace hope. Embrace faith. Embrace love. And always remember, there’ll be light on the other side.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Does Darkness Now Come Over Thy Soul: Finding Light on the Other Side. In times of despair, find hope & reassurance that the darkness is temporary. Trust in Jesus for a brighter future.
Does Darkness Now Come Over Thy Soul - Hymn Lyric - Does Darkness Now Come Over Thy Soul: Finding Light on the Other Side. In times of despair, find hope & reassurance that the darkness is temporary. Trust in Jesus for a brighter future.