My Soul Has Found A Hiding Place – Hymn Lyric

Find refuge in the arms of love. Discover solace

My Soul Has Found A Hiding Place – Hymn Lyric

“My Has Found a Hiding : Taking Shelter in the Arms of ” is a hymn that reminds us of the refuge and comfort we can find in amidst life’s storms. It reassures us that we are not alone in our struggles and that there is hope, , and protection available to us. So, when the tempests of life come our way, we can trust that Christ is the refuge of our troubled souls.


My Soul Has Found A Hiding Place – Hymn Lyric

My soul has found a hiding place
When storms are fierce and wild,
Enfolded in the arms of love
I am my ‘s child.

Jesus is my hope, Jesus is my stay,
He is my refuge from day to day,
Tho’ the blow,
Tho’ the billows roll,
Christ is the refuge of my troubled soul.

The shadow of a rock is Christ
Within a weary land,
A helper in our soul’s distress
A covert near at hand.


In the pavilion of ‘s love
My soul shall safely hide,
Until life’s storms are overpast,
IN Christ will I abide.


O all ye troubled souls of men
Full of distress and fear,
Behold, behold your refuge nigh,
Behold a Saviour near.



Meaning of My Soul Has Found A Hiding Place

My Soul Has Found a Hiding Place: Taking Shelter in the Arms of Love

In life, we all face storms that rage and threaten to engulf us. Whether these storms come in the form of challenges, disappointments, or hardships, they can leave us feeling helpless and lost. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there is a place of refuge, a sanctuary where we can find solace and peace. This hymn, “My Soul Has Found a Hiding Place,” beautifully captures the essence of this safe haven and reminds us of the one who offers us comfort and protection.

The verse starts with the powerful declaration, “My soul has found a hiding place.” Immediately, we are invited to envision a sanctuary where we can seek shelter during life’s fiercest storms. It is a place where we can find solace, strength, and guidance. Like a loving parent enfolding their child in their arms, we are reminded that we are cherished and protected by a higher power. We are reassured that we are not alone in our struggles; we are our Father’s child.

This notion of being embraced in the arms of love sets the tone for the entire hymn. It provides us with a sense of security and reminds us that we have a refuge from day to day. No matter how turbulent the external circumstances may be, we can find hope and stability in Jesus. He becomes our anchor, holding us steady and peace to our troubled souls.

As we delve into the refrain, we are encouraged to take comfort in the unwavering presence of Jesus. The hymn tells us that He is our hope, our stay, and our refuge. In other words, Jesus is our source of optimism and strength. He is the one who offers us stability and provides a safe haven in the midst of the tempests and rolling billows of life. Just as a lighthouse guides sailors through treacherous waters, Jesus guides and protects us through the storms we face.

The following verse describes Jesus as the “shadow of a rock within a weary land.” Here, imagery is used to illustrate how Jesus becomes a shelter for our souls in a barren and difficult . Just as a weary traveler seeks shade under a rock in the scorching sun, we can find rest and respite in Jesus. He is our helper when our souls are distressed, and He offers His loving presence as a soothing balm to our troubles.

The hymn continues by portraying the pavilion of God’s love, where our souls can safely hide. Like a secure fortress, this pavilion protects us from the onslaught of life’s storms. It is in this place of refuge that we can find solace and strength until the storms are overpassed. Remaining steadfast in Christ, we can weather any storm that comes our way.

Finally, the hymn reaches out to all troubled souls, inviting them to behold their refuge and their savior who is near. It extends a comforting hand to those who are filled with distress and fear, reassuring them that there is hope to be found in the midst of their troubles. It offers them a glimpse of the sanctuary that awaits, where they too can find solace and peace.

In conclusion, “My Soul Has Found a Hiding Place” is a hymn that beautifully captures the essence of finding shelter and comfort amidst life’s storms. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that there is a refuge available to us. Jesus becomes our hope, our stay, and our refuge, providing us with stability, peace, and protection. So when the tempests blow and the billows roll, let us take comfort in knowing that Christ is the refuge of our troubled souls.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find refuge in the arms of love. Discover solace, strength, and guidance. Jesus is the hiding place for your troubled soul.
My Soul Has Found A Hiding Place - Hymn Lyric - Find refuge in the arms of love. Discover solace, strength, and guidance. Jesus is the hiding place for your troubled soul.