If You Bear The Cross For Jesus It Will Make Your Burdens Light – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of bearing the cross for Jesus. Find comfort

If You Bear The Cross For Jesus It Will Make Your Burdens Light – Hymn Lyric

If you bear the cross for Jesus, your burdens will become lighter, and your pathway will be filled with . By embracing His teachings, trusting Him, and walking in His truth, you can find relief from life’s overwhelming challenges. Jesus promises to share your and help you carry life’s burdens, offering comfort and support along the way. So embrace the cross for Jesus, and discover the lightness and joy that come from living for the right.


If You Bear The Cross For Jesus It Will Make Your Burdens Light – Hymn Lyric

If you bear the cross for Jesus,
it will make your burdens light,
And your pathway beam with sunshine
as the noonday clear and bright;

If you follow where He leads you,
trusting Him by night and day,
You will find your cares grow lighter
as you walk the narrow way.

If you bear the cross for Jesus,
you will find your cares grow light,
And your secure and happy,
as you’re living for the right.

If you bear the cross for Jesus,
in the early days of ,
And you make His word your counsel,
walking in its precious truth;

It will keep your feet from straying
and your lips from speaking guile,
And the way that leads to heaven
will grow brighter all the while. [Refrain]

If you bear the cross for Jesus,
it will lessen all your care,
For the meek and lowly Saviour says,
your sorrows He will share;

Helping you to bear life’s burdens,
making easy how to live,
Oh, such friendship this betokens,
cannot help but comfort give. [Refrain]


Meaning of If You Bear The Cross For Jesus It Will Make Your Burdens Light

If You Bear The Cross For Jesus It Will Make Your Burdens Light

At times, life can feel overwhelming. We may find ourselves weighed down by various burdens – responsibilities, problems, and challenges that seem too difficult to handle. But as the beautiful hymn suggests, if we bear the cross for Jesus, these burdens can become lighter, and our pathway will beam with sunshine.

What does it mean to bear the cross for Jesus? It means embracing and living by His teachings, following His example, and trusting in Him completely. When we choose to walk the narrow way with Jesus, our cares begin to lose their weight, and our become secure and happy.

For young people especially, bearing the cross for Jesus can be a transformative experience. The early days of youth are filled with decisions, , and influences that can shape the course of one’s life. However, if we make His word our counsel and walk in its precious truth, we can find guidance, strength, and protection against straying off the right path.

Embracing Jesus’ teachings helps us avoid speaking guile or deceit. It helps us become individuals of integrity, speaking truthfully and honestly. As a result, the way that leads to heaven grows brighter and clearer, illuminating our journey as we strive to live according to ‘s will.

The hymn also reminds us of the beautiful promise that Jesus shares our sorrows and helps us bear life’s burdens. The meek and lowly Saviour empathizes with our struggles and extends His hand to offer comfort and support. We are not alone in our trials; rather, we have a true friend who understands and walks beside us.

When we carry the cross for Jesus, our cares begin to diminish. The weight of our worries is lightened, for we have the assurance that we are not alone in our troubles. Jesus is there, ready to shoulder our sorrows and lend us His strength. With Him by our side, we can navigate the challenges of life and find ease in how we live.

This hymn speaks of the friendship and comfort that comes from bearing the cross for Jesus. It’s a friendship that offers solace and peace in the midst of a chaotic . When we build a relationship with Jesus, we tap into a source of unfailing love and compassion. Our friendship with Him becomes a source of comfort and assurance, guiding us through life’s ups and downs.

As we walk the narrow way with Jesus, we also find that our pathway is illuminated with sunshine. The troubles may not disappear completely, but they become easier to bear. The burdens that once seemed insurmountable become lighter as we trust in Jesus and place our worries in His capable hands. We discover that His yoke is easy, and His is light.

In conclusion, if you bear the cross for Jesus, your cares will grow light. By embracing His teachings, following His example, and trusting in Him, you can experience a lighter burden and a soul that is secure and happy. When we make Jesus our counsel and live according to His precious truth, our feet stay on the right path, and our lips speak with integrity. And as we journey through life, we can find comfort in the knowledge that Jesus shares our sorrows and offers us help to bear life’s burdens. So let us embrace the cross for Jesus, for in doing so, we will find our cares grow light, and our souls beam with the sunshine of God’s love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of bearing the cross for Jesus. Find comfort, guidance, and a lighter burden as you embrace His teachings and trust in Him. Your cares will grow light, and your soul will beam with sunshine.
If You Bear The Cross For Jesus It Will Make Your Burdens Light - Hymn Lyric - Discover the power of bearing the cross for Jesus. Find comfort, guidance, and a lighter burden as you embrace His teachings and trust in Him. Your cares will grow light, and your soul will beam with sunshine.