Let The Saints New Anthems Raise – Hymn Lyric

"Let The Saints New Anthems Raise: A celebration of faith

Let The Saints New Anthems Raise – Hymn Lyric

“Let The Saints New Anthems Raise” is a hymn that celebrates the courage, , and of the martyrs. Through powerful imagery and poetic language, the hymn inspires us to reflect on our own journey of faith and find strength in the face of adversity. It is a reminder that our faith can sustain us and lead us to victory, no matter the challenges we encounter.


Let The Saints New Anthems Raise – Hymn Lyric

Let the saints new anthems raise,
Wake the morn with gladness:
God Himself, to joy and praise,
Turns the martyrs’ sadness.

This the day that won their crown,
Opened heaven’s bright portal,
As they laid the mortal down,
And put on the immortal.

Never flinched they from the flame,
From the torture, never;
Vain the foeman’s sharpest aim,
Satan’s best endeavor.

For by faith they saw the land,
Decked in all its ,
Where triumphant now they stand
With the victor’s story.

Faith they had that knew not shame,
Love that could not languish,
And o’ercame
That one moment’s anguish.

Up and follow, men!
Press through toil and sorrow!
Spurn the night of fear, and then
O the glorious morrow!


Meaning of Let The Saints New Anthems Raise

Let The Saints New Anthems Raise: A Celebration of Faith and Triumph

In the hymn “Let The Saints New Anthems Raise,” we find a powerful message of hope, perseverance, and the triumph of the human . Written in the 19th century by John Ellerton, these verses paint a vivid picture of the courage and unwavering faith of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for their beliefs. It is a hymn that stirs the soul and inspires us to reflect on our own journey of faith.

The hymn begins by calling upon the saints to raise new anthems, to awaken the morning with gladness. It reminds us that even in the face of adversity and sadness, God Himself turns these emotions into joy and praise. This line sets the tone for the entire song, inviting us to join in the celebration of the martyrs’ victory over death.

We are then told that this is the day that won their crown, the day that opened heaven’s bright portal. It is a day of great significance, as the martyrs laid down their mortal bodies and put on immortality. This imagery serves to highlight the eternal reward that awaited them for their unwavering faith and steadfast love.

The hymn goes on to acknowledge that the martyrs never flinched from the flame, never wavered in the face of torture. Their strength and resolve were unyielding, and even the sharpest aim of their foes and the best endeavors of Satan were in vain. This demonstrates the incredible courage and resilience of these individuals, who held onto their faith despite the immense hardships they faced.

The verses continue with a portrayal of the martyrs’ unwavering faith. They had a vision of a land adorned with glory, a glimpse of the that awaited them. In their minds, they could already see themselves standing triumphant, with the victor’s story to tell. This speaks to the power of faith, the ability to envision a better tomorrow even in the midst of suffering.

Their faith was not only unwavering but also shameless. They knew no shame in standing up for their beliefs, even if it meant facing persecution, ridicule, or death. Their love for God and their commitment to their faith could not be extinguished or diminished. In the face of anguish, hope prevailed, and eternal hope overcame that one moment’s pain.

The hymn concludes with a call to action for all Christians. It urges us to follow in the footsteps of these courageous martyrs, to press through toil and sorrow. It encourages us to reject the darkness of fear and embrace the glorious tomorrow that awaits us. It is a powerful reminder that, just like the saints who before us, we too can find strength and triumph in our faith.

As we reflect on the message of this hymn, it is important to consider its relevance in our lives today. While most of us may not face physical persecution for our beliefs, we still encounter challenges and obstacles that test our faith. The hymn inspires us to cultivate the same unwavering faith, love, and hope that empowered the martyrs.

We live in a that is sometimes filled with sadness, pain, and uncertainty. But through our faith, we can transform this sadness into joy and praise. We can find strength to endure hardships and overcome obstacles. The hymn encourages us to wake each morning with gladness, to embrace the day as an opportunity to grow in our faith and to share our testimonies with others.

In conclusion, “Let The Saints New Anthems Raise” celebrates the triumph of faith and the indomitable spirit of the martyrs. It reminds us that, no matter the challenges we face, our faith can sustain us and lead us to victory. Let us never forget the courage and unwavering devotion of those who came before us. And let us strive to live lives that honor their memory and continue the legacy of faith and triumph.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Let The Saints New Anthems Raise: A celebration of faith, triumph, and the indomitable spirit. Join us in reflecting on the power of unwavering devotion and the victory it brings.
Let The Saints New Anthems Raise - Hymn Lyric - "Let The Saints New Anthems Raise: A celebration of faith, triumph, and the indomitable spirit. Join us in reflecting on the power of unwavering devotion and the victory it brings."