Coming Together in the Name of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

"Coming Together in the Name of Jesus: A Hymn of Worship and Unity | Find solace

Coming Together in the Name of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Coming Together in the Name of ,” believers gather to acknowledge God’s greatness, seek His blessings, and embrace the teachings of Jesus. Through collective worship, they find strength, support, and forgiveness, embodying the essence of unity. As they together in His name, their unity serves as a powerful testimony to the world of the love and of their Savior.


Coming Together in the Name of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Great God! the followers of Thy Son,
We bow before Thy mercy-seat,
To worship , the Holy One,
And pour our wishes at Thy feet.

O, grant Thy blessing here to-day!
O, give Thy people and !
The tokens of Thy love display,
And favor, that shall never cease.

We seek the truth which Jesus brought;
His path of light we long to tread;
Here be his holy doctrines taught,
And here their purest influence shed.

May faith, and hope, and love abound;
Our sins and errors be forgiven;
And we, from day to day, be found
Children of God, and heirs of heaven.


Meaning of Coming Together in the Name of Jesus

Coming Together in the Name of Jesus: A Hymn of Worship and Unity

Great God! The followers of Thy Son,

We bow before Thy mercy-seat,

To worship Thee, the Holy One,

And pour our wishes at Thy feet.

In this hymn, we come together in the name of Jesus to acknowledge and honor the greatness of our God. We humbly submit ourselves before His mercy-seat, recognizing His infinite love and grace. It is in this act of worship that we find solace, strength, and peace.

O, grant Thy blessing here today!

O, give Thy people joy and peace!

The tokens of Thy love display,

And favor, that shall never cease.

As we gather in this , we earnestly for God’s blessings to descend upon us. We seek His presence, yearning for the joy and peace that only He can provide. May His love be evident and tangible, constantly showering us with His favor that knows no end.

We seek the truth which Jesus brought;

His path of light, we long to tread;

Here, be His holy doctrines taught,

And here, their purest influence shed.

In our quest for meaning and purpose, we turn to Jesus, the of truth. His teachings serve as our guiding light, illuminating the path that we strive to follow. In this sacred gathering, may His holy doctrines be taught and understood, allowing their profound influence to touch our hearts and minds.

May faith, and hope, and love abound;

Our sins and errors be forgiven;

And we, from day to day, be found

Children of God, and heirs of heaven.

As we come together, our aim is to cultivate an abundance of faith, hope, and love. We acknowledge our failings, knowing that we are imperfect and prone to making mistakes. Yet, we cling to the promise of forgiveness, trusting in God’s infinite mercy and grace. With every passing day, may we grow closer to becoming true children of God, cherishing the hope of eternal life in heaven.

In gathering as a community in the name of Jesus, we embody the essence of unity. We set aside our differences, recognizing that our shared faith binds us together. Regardless of our background or circumstances, we come together under the common belief in our Savior. It is in this unity that we find solace and support, strengthening our journey of faith.

Throughout history, the act of coming together in the name of Jesus has been pivotal in fostering love, compassion, and understanding among believers. When we assemble, we not only worship together but also encourage and uplift one another. In a world full of division and discord, our unity is a shining beacon of hope and light.

As we reflect on this hymn, we are reminded of the importance of coming together as believers in the name of Jesus. While our worship may be diverse in expression, the core of our devotion remains the same. It is through collective worship, prayer, and study of God’s Word that we draw to Him and experience the transformative power of His love.

In conclusion, Coming Together in the Name of Jesus is a hymn that encapsulates the essence of worship, unity, and hope. It calls us to recognize the greatness of our God, to seek His blessings, and to embrace the teachings of Jesus. Through our collective worship, we find strength, support, and forgiveness. As we come together as believers, our unity becomes a powerful testimony to the world of the love and grace of our Savior. May we always strive to gather in His name, fostering a community that shines brightly with faith, hope, and love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Coming Together in the Name of Jesus: A Hymn of Worship and Unity | Find solace, strength, and forgiveness in this powerful hymn. Embrace the teachings of Jesus and unite in worship. Discover the transformative power of His love.
Coming Together in the Name of Jesus - Hymn Lyric - "Coming Together in the Name of Jesus: A Hymn of Worship and Unity | Find solace, strength, and forgiveness in this powerful hymn. Embrace the teachings of Jesus and unite in worship. Discover the transformative power of His love."