We Thank Thee Jesus Dearest Friend – Hymn Lyric

Experience gratitude and trust in Jesus Christ with the hymn "We Thank Thee Jesus Dearest Friend." Celebrate His ascension

We Thank Thee Jesus Dearest Friend – Hymn Lyric

We Thank Thee Jesus, Dearest : A Hymn of Gratitude and TrustIn the beautiful hymn, “We Thank Thee, Jesus, Dearest Friend,” we find a heartfelt expression of gratitude and trust in Jesus Christ. Written by an unknown author, this hymn reminds us of the blessings we receive through Christ’s ascension to heaven and His continuous presence in our lives. Through themes of gratitude, trust, and focus, this hymn resonates with believers of all ages, reminding us of the immeasurable love and care Jesus has for His followers.


We Thank Thee Jesus Dearest Friend – Hymn Lyric

We thank Thee, Jesus, dearest Friend,
That Thou didst into heav’n ascend.
O Savior, bid us live
And strength to soul and body give.

Ascended to His throne on high,
Hid from our sight, yet always nigh,
He rules and reigns at God’s right hand
And has all pow’r at His command.

The man who trusts in Him is blest
And finds in Him rest;
This world’s allurements we despise
And fix on Christ alone our eyes.

We therefore heartily rejoice
And sing His praise with cheerful voice;
He captive led captivity,
From bitter death He set us free.

Through Him we heirs of heav’n are made;
O Brother, Christ, extend Thine aid
That we may firmly trust in Thee
And through Thee live eternally.


Meaning of We Thank Thee Jesus Dearest Friend

We Thank Thee Jesus, Dearest Friend: A Hymn of Gratitude and Trust

In the beautiful hymn, “We Thank Thee, Jesus, Dearest Friend,” we find a heartfelt expression of gratitude and trust in Jesus Christ. Written by an unknown author, this hymn reminds us of the blessings we receive through Christ’s ascension to heaven and His continuous presence in our lives.

The opening verse of the hymn rejoices in Jesus’ ascension to heaven. It acknowledges Jesus as our dearest friend who has gone before us and now intercedes for us from His heavenly throne. Though we cannot see Him, we are assured that He is always near, ruling and reigning with God. This imagery paints a picture of Jesus as a powerful and caring friend who has our best interests at heart.

As the hymn continues, the second verse emphasizes the blessedness of those who trust in Jesus. When we put our faith in Him, we discover eternal rest and find the strength to resist the allurements of the world. By fixing our eyes on Christ alone, we are able to navigate the challenges and temptations that come our way. Through this verse, the author encourages us to place our trust in Jesus and rely on His guidance and protection.

The third verse of the hymn invites us to rejoice in Jesus’ over death. With a cheerful voice, we sing His praises for setting us free from the bitterness of death. We remember how Jesus, through His on the cross, conquered sin and death, leading captivity captive. This imagery evokes a sense of celebration and gratitude for the freedom we have obtained through Christ’s victory.

In the final verse, we acknowledge Jesus as our brother and beseech Him for His assistance. Recognizing that He has made us heirs of heaven, we humbly ask Him to help us firmly trust in Him and live eternally through Him. This verse reinforces our dependence on Jesus, acknowledging His role as our Savior and the source of our for .

As we dive deeper into the meaning of this hymn, we can draw out several key themes that resonate with our own lives. Gratitude is a central theme, as the hymn repeatedly expresses thankfulness for Jesus’ ascension, His blessings, and His deliverance. This theme serves as a reminder for us to cultivate an attitude of gratitude in our own lives, recognizing the countless ways Jesus enriches and sustains us.

Another theme that emerges is trust. The hymn repeatedly encourages us to trust in Jesus, to fix our eyes on Him alone, and to rely on His strength. This theme speaks to the challenges we face in life and encourages us to lean on Jesus as our unfailing source of support and guidance. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles, but rather have a friend who is always near, ready to extend His aid.

Furthermore, the hymn highlights the importance of focusing on eternal treasures rather than worldly allurements. It encourages us to recognize the fleeting nature of earthly pursuits and set our sights on Christ above all else. This reminder is especially relevant in today’s society, where we are constantly bombarded with messages enticing us to pursue material wealth and instant gratification. The hymn offers a counter perspective, inviting us to find true contentment and rest in Jesus alone.

Overall, “We Thank Thee, Jesus, Dearest Friend” is a hymn that speaks to our hearts as we reflect on the blessings and grace we receive through Christ. Its themes of gratitude, trust, and heavenly focus resonate with believers of all ages and remind us of the immeasurable love and care Jesus has for His followers. Let us continually express our thankfulness to Jesus, our dearest friend, and seek to live in the strength and He provides. Allelujah!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience gratitude and trust in Jesus Christ with the hymn We Thank Thee Jesus Dearest Friend. Celebrate His ascension, find rest in Him, and rejoice in His victory over death. Place your trust in Jesus and live eternally with Him. Allelujah!
We Thank Thee Jesus Dearest Friend - Hymn Lyric - Experience gratitude and trust in Jesus Christ with the hymn "We Thank Thee Jesus Dearest Friend." Celebrate His ascension, find rest in Him, and rejoice in His victory over death. Place your trust in Jesus and live eternally with Him. Allelujah!