O What Utter Weakness Fills This Soul Of Mine – Hymn Lyric

Embrace Imperfection & Find Love in "O What Utter Weakness Fills This Soul Of Mine." Discover the comfort of Jesus' unwavering love amidst life's challenges.

O What Utter Weakness Fills This Soul Of Mine – Hymn Lyric

O What Utter Weakness Fills This Of Mine Embrace imperfection and find love in the midst of weakness. In the hymn “O What Utter Weakness Fills This Soul Of Mine,” we are reminded that despite our flaws, failures, and frailties, loves us unconditionally. Let us lean on His and allow His love to strengthen us through our vulnerabilities.


O What Utter Weakness Fills This Soul Of Mine – Hymn Lyric

Oh, what utter weakness fills this soul of mine!
How my frequent stumblings wound thy heart divine!
Count me not unworthy, Jesus, keep me thine;
Jesus, love me still.

Oh, what tender mercy! oh, what wondrous love!
Oh, what rich compassion hails me from above;
How can I but love thee, and thy grace adore!
Oh, to love thee more!

Many are the failures in my I see;
Many are the frailties clinging me;
Yet, O precious Saviour, smile complacently,
Love and bless me still.


Pity me, dear Jesus, if I sometimes fall;
I among thy servants am the least of all;
Weakest of the weak ones who upon thee call;
Jesus, love me still.



Meaning of O What Utter Weakness Fills This Soul Of Mine

O What Utter Weakness Fills This Soul Of Mine: Embracing Imperfection and Finding Love

Life is full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures. We all stumble and fall at times, feeling the weight of our weaknesses. But in those moments of vulnerability, there is solace in knowing that we are not alone. In the hymn “O What Utter Weakness Fills This Soul Of Mine,” we find comfort in our imperfections and seek the unwavering love of Jesus.

As we delve into the verses of this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the profound depth of our human frailties. The first verse acknowledges the weakness that resides within our , a weakness that sometimes wounds the heart divine. It is a humbling recognition that despite our best efforts, we often fall short. But here’s the remarkable part – in our imperfection, we are not deemed unworthy by Jesus. Instead, we are asked to be kept in His love, to be cherished and supported as we navigate through life’s challenges.

The refrain echoes the sense of awe and gratitude we feel when we experience the tender mercy, wondrous love, and rich compassion that upon us from above. It is a reminder that despite our weaknesses, there is an overwhelming grace that embraces us, lifting us up when we are down. This overflowing love leaves us with no choice but to respond in kind – to love Jesus more, to adore His grace, and to strive towards a deeper connection with Him.

The second verse acknowledges the multitude of failures and frailties that we encounter along our journey. It recognizes that we are far from perfect, and yet, even in the face of our shortcomings, the precious smiles upon us. In a world that often demands perfection, this hymn offers a refreshing perspective. It reminds us that Jesus does not expect us to be faultless. Instead, He invites us to approach Him just as we are – imperfect and vulnerable. And in that acceptance, we find the strength to keep going, to keep growing, and to keep seeking His love.

The final verse speaks to the humility that arises from recognizing our as the least among Jesus’ servants. It acknowledges our position as the weakest of the weak, but it also highlights the power of our call to Him. Despite our limitations, we have the privilege of reaching out to Jesus, calling upon Him for love and support. It is in this surrendering of our weaknesses that we find comfort, knowing that Jesus sees us in our entirety and loves us unconditionally.

In a world that often rewards strength and success, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by our weaknesses. However, this hymn reminds us that our weaknesses do not define us. Rather, it is our willingness to acknowledge them and them to Jesus that allows us to experience His love and grace more deeply.

So, let us embrace our imperfections, knowing that they are not barriers to love or obstacles to divine connection. Instead, they provide the opportunity for growth, learning, and deepening of our relationship with Jesus. Let us remember the words of this hymn and proclaim, “Oh, what utter weakness fills this soul of mine, and yet, Jesus, love me still!”

In conclusion, “O What Utter Weakness Fills This Soul Of Mine” serves as a reminder that our flaws, failures, and frailties are not reasons to feel unworthy, but rather invitations to lean on Jesus’ love and grace. Through this hymn, we find solace in knowing that Jesus embraces us just as we are, imperfect and fragile. So, let us not shy away from our weaknesses, but instead, let us embrace them and allow Jesus’ love to flow through us. For in our vulnerability, we find strength, and in our imperfection, we find His unending love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace Imperfection & Find Love in O What Utter Weakness Fills This Soul Of Mine. Discover the comfort of Jesus' unwavering love amidst life's challenges.
O What Utter Weakness Fills This Soul Of Mine - Hymn Lyric - Embrace Imperfection & Find Love in "O What Utter Weakness Fills This Soul Of Mine." Discover the comfort of Jesus' unwavering love amidst life's challenges.