Wanderer From Jesus Weary Sad And Lone – Hymn Lyric

Feeling lost and alone? Find hope and love in the hymn "Wanderer From Jesus Weary

Wanderer From Jesus Weary Sad And Lone – Hymn Lyric

Feeling lost, tired, and alone? This hymn, “ From Weary, Sad, and Lone,” offers hope and love to those who have strayed. Jesus promises to love us freely and heal our backslidings, turning our darkness into day. Let’s embrace his invitation, come to him, and experience the fullness of his grace.


Wanderer From Jesus Weary Sad And Lone – Hymn Lyric

Wanderer from Jesus,
weary, sad, and lone,
Hear him gently calling now for thee;
Hear his precious promise
to the erring one,
“I will love you freely;
come to me.”

We are coming, loving ,
We are coming in our wretchedness and woe;
Oh, receive us!
Oh, relieve us!
Do the fullness of thy grace on us bestow.

He will love you freely,
your backslidings heal;
he will turn your darkness into day;
Pleasant paths of peace
the Spirit will reveal,
He will lead you in the King’s highway.


Wanderer from Jesus,
why not now return?
Why in sin and darkness longer stay?
Hasten to the feet of Jesus,
there to learn
All about the Life,
the Truth, the Way.



Meaning of Wanderer From Jesus Weary Sad And Lone

Are you feeling lost, tired, and alone? Do you find yourself wandering from Jesus? Well, my , this hymn has a message of hope and love specially for you. In this beautiful song called “Wanderer From Jesus Weary, Sad, and Lone,” we are reminded of a precious promise that Jesus has for each and every one of us.

The verse begins by calling out to all those who feel weary, sad, and alone. It is a gentle invitation from Jesus himself, reaching out to anyone who feels lost and offering them comfort and solace. Just hearing these words can such a sense of relief and peace to our hearts.

In the midst of our wretchedness and woe, Jesus assures us that we are always welcome in his presence. He promises to love us freely, without any conditions or judgments. This, my friend, is a love like no other. It’s a love that embraces us in our brokenness and offers us a chance for redemption and renewal.

As we the chorus, we join together in response to Jesus’ invitation. We declare that we are coming, embracing the opportunity to be in the loving Savior’s presence. We acknowledge our wretchedness and woe, recognizing that we are in need of his grace and mercy. Our plea is simple – “Oh, receive us! Oh, relieve us!” We are asking Jesus to shower us with the fullness of his grace, to pour his love upon us and bring us to a place of healing and restoration.

The hymn continues by emphasizing Jesus’ power to heal our backslidings. When we have strayed from his path, when we have chosen sin and darkness over his light, Jesus is always ready and willing to welcome us back. He can turn our darkness into day, his light upon our troubled hearts and guiding us towards pleasant paths of peace.

Not only does Jesus promise to heal us and lead us to peace, but he also offers us the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will reveal to us the pleasant paths of peace and will guide us in the King’s highway. With Jesus as our guide, we can be confident that we are walking in the right direction, following the path of and truth.

The verse concludes with a loving question directed to those who have wandered away from Jesus. It asks why we would choose to stay in sin and darkness when we have the opportunity to return to our Savior’s feet. It reminds us that Jesus is the source of life, truth, and the way. He is our ultimate teacher, showing us how to live a life aligned with his teachings and filled with love and grace.

Now, let’s take a moment to reflect on the title of this hymn, “Wanderer From Jesus Weary, Sad, and Lone.” This title beautifully encapsulates the essence of the hymn, summarizing the emotions and journey of those who have strayed from Jesus. It serves as an important SEO keyword, allowing more people to discover this hymn when they are searching for solace and hope. By including this specific title in our discussions and content, we can ensure that those who are in need of its message can easily find it and be blessed by its words.

In conclusion, this hymn is a poignant reminder that no matter how lost, weary, sad, or alone we may feel, Jesus is always there for us. His love is free, unconditional, and all-encompassing. We need only to heed his gentle call, return to his loving presence, and allow him to guide us back to a life of peace and wholeness. So, my friend, if you find yourself wandering away from Jesus, I encourage you to embrace his invitation, join us in singing this hymn, and experience the fullness of his grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Feeling lost and alone? Find hope and love in the hymn Wanderer From Jesus Weary, Sad, and Lone. Jesus invites all to return to Him and experience His unconditional love, grace, and guidance.
Wanderer From Jesus Weary Sad And Lone - Hymn Lyric - Feeling lost and alone? Find hope and love in the hymn "Wanderer From Jesus Weary, Sad, and Lone." Jesus invites all to return to Him and experience His unconditional love, grace, and guidance.