Due Praises To The Incarnate Love – Hymn Lyric

"Reflecting on the magnificent birth of Jesus

Due Praises To The Incarnate Love – Hymn Lyric

Reflecting on the Magnificent Birth of Jesus, this hymn calls us to give due to the incarnate love of God. It celebrates the awe-inspiring and remarkable nature of Jesus’ birth, inviting us to join together in joyful worship. Let us honor and uplift our voices in Hallelujah as we recognize and embrace the immense love poured out through the birth of Jesus.


Due Praises To The Incarnate Love – Hymn Lyric

Due praises to th’ incarnate Love,
Manifested from above!
All men and angels now adore
What we, nor they have seen before.

The blessed Father’s only
Chose a manger for his throne:
In the mean vest of and blood,
Was clothed God, th’ eternal good.

Who had the world at his command,
Wants his mother’s swaddling band.
Th’ Almighty Word was pleased to come
A helpless infant from the womb.

Th’ eternal splendor is in sight;
Gives the world its saving light;
And drives the clouds of sin away,
To make us children of the day.

God’s only Son, and equal God,
Took amongst us his abode;
And opened, through this world of ,
A way to everlasting life.

In poverty he came on earth,
To enrich us by his birth,
And make us heirs of endless bliss,
With all the darling saints of his.

This all he did that he might prove
Unknown wonders of his love;
Then let us all unite to sing
to our new- God and King.


Meaning of Due Praises To The Incarnate Love

Due Praises To The Incarnate Love: Reflecting on the Magnificent Birth of Jesus

In this hymn, we are called to give due praises to the incarnate love of God, manifested through the birth of Jesus. It is a joyous occasion that all men and angels now adore, something so remarkable and awe-inspiring that it has never been seen before. Let us come together with joyful hearts and uplift our voices in Hallelujah.

The blessed Father’s only Son, Jesus, chose a humble manger as his throne. This act exemplifies the humility and love that radiates from the . It shows us that God, in all his and majesty, was willing to cloak himself in the mere vest of flesh and blood to be with us. Hallelujah, for in this act, the eternal goodness of God was clothed.

Even though Jesus had the world at his command, he did not come adorned with riches and splendor. He did not want his mother’s swaddling band, but instead chose to be born as a helpless infant from the womb. This act of vulnerability shows us the depth of God’s love for us and his desire to intimately connect with us. Hallelujah, for the Almighty Word willingly humbled himself for our sake.

The eternal splendor is now in sight, as Jesus gives the world its saving light. As the light shines, it drives away the clouds of sin and , transforming us into children of the day. How marvelous it is to be guided by this divine light, leading us to and eternal life. Hallelujah, for Jesus brings us into the light of God’s love.

Jesus, being God’s only Son and equal to God, chose to dwell amongst us. He ventured into our world, experiencing the struggles and challenges we face. Through his presence, he opened a way for us to attain everlasting life. Hallelujah, for Jesus came to bridge the gap between humanity and divinity, offering us the hope of eternal life through His sacrifice.

Though born into poverty, Jesus came to enrich us through His birth. His birth serves as a reminder that true riches and blessings come from God alone. By accepting Jesus into our lives, we become heirs of endless bliss, joining the company of all the beloved saints who have gone before us. Hallelujah, for Jesus’ birth brings us the promise of everlasting joy and peace.

All of these wonders, all of these incredible acts, Jesus performed to show us the unknown depths of His love. Let us unite in joyful song, praising our new-born God and King. Through Jesus, God’s love has been made tangible and accessible to all. In this season of celebration, let us not forget the true reason for our joy and hold in our hearts the immense love that was poured out through the birth of Jesus. Hallelujah, for our lives are forever transformed by this incarnate love.

In conclusion, as we reflect on the hymn “Due Praises To The Incarnate Love,” we are reminded of the extraordinary birth of Jesus and the immeasurable love that God has shown us through His Son. This hymn calls us to unite and give thanks for this incredible act of love, and to recognize Jesus as our God and King. May our hearts be filled with joy and gratitude as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and the hope that He brings to the world. Hallelujah!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Reflecting on the magnificent birth of Jesus, give due praises to the incarnate love of God in this joyful hymn. Unite in Hallelujah, as we celebrate Jesus, our God and King.
Due Praises To The Incarnate Love - Hymn Lyric - "Reflecting on the magnificent birth of Jesus, give due praises to the incarnate love of God in this joyful hymn. Unite in Hallelujah, as we celebrate Jesus, our God and King."