Come Ye Weary And Oppressed Jesus Now Is Calling You – Hymn Lyric

Find rest and hope in Jesus' invitation. Come

Come Ye Weary And Oppressed Jesus Now Is Calling You – Hymn Lyric

Feeling tired and overwhelmed? Jesus offers rest and invites you to to Him in the hymn “Come Ye and Oppressed, Jesus Now Is Calling You.” No matter the weight of your or how lost you may feel, Jesus is calling you to find forgiveness, freedom, and peace in His loving embrace. Answer His call and find rest for your weary soul.


Come Ye Weary And Oppressed Jesus Now Is Calling You – Hymn Lyric

Come, ye weary and oppressed,
Jesus now is calling you;
Come to him, he’ll give you rest-
Still he bids you come.

Jesus now is calling, calling, calling,
Jesus now is calling you-
Calling you to come.

Tho’ your sins like mountains ,
Jesus now is calling you;
He has made the sacrifice-
Still he bids you come. [Refrain]

Tho’ your sins like scarlet be,
Jesus now is calling you;
From your sins he’ll set you free-
Still he bids you come. [Refrain]

Come, ye wand’rers from the fold,
Jesus now is calling you;
Oh, his love can ne’er be told! –
Still he bids you come. [Refrain]


Meaning of Come Ye Weary And Oppressed Jesus Now Is Calling You

Are you feeling tired, burdened, and overwhelmed? Do you feel like there is no or way out of your current situation? Well, I have some good news for you – Jesus is calling you! In this hymn titled “Come Ye Weary and Oppressed, Jesus Now Is Calling You,” we are reminded of the invitation that Jesus extends to all who are weary and in need of rest.

The hymn begins with the powerful statement, “Come, ye weary and oppressed.” These words are a comforting reminder that Jesus sees and understands our struggles. He knows the weight we carry and the burdens that weigh us down. And in the midst of it all, He calls out to us, inviting us to come to Him.

The refrain of the hymn repeats the phrase, “Jesus now is calling, calling, calling, Jesus now is calling you – calling you to come.” This repetition emphasizes the urgency and sincerity of Jesus’ invitation. He is not just passively waiting for us to come to Him; He actively beckons us to come and find rest in Him. It’s as if Jesus is standing before us, extending His hand, and speaking directly to our weary souls.

One of the reasons we are invited to come to Jesus is because He offers rest. The hymn reminds us that Jesus will give us rest from our weariness. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness and demands of , but Jesus offers a respite from all that. He provides a of peace and tranquility where we can find refreshment for our weary souls.

The next verse of the hymn addresses the weight of our sins. It says, “Tho’ your sins like mountains rise, Jesus now is calling you; He has made the sacrifice – still he bids you come.” This verse speaks to the forgiveness and grace that Jesus offers. No matter how big or how numerous our sins may be, Jesus has made the ultimate sacrifice on the to pay for our sins. He offers forgiveness and a fresh start to all who come to Him.

In the following verse, the hymn proclaims, “Tho’ your sins like scarlet be, Jesus now is calling you; From your sins he’ll set you free- still he bids you come.” These words echo the promise found in Isaiah 1:18, where declares, “Come now, let us settle the matter. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” Jesus’ invitation is not just for the worn-out and burdened; it is for everyone, regardless of the extent of their sins. He offers redemption and freedom from the guilt and shame that sin brings.

The last verse of the hymn speaks to those who may feel lost or disconnected. It says, “Come, ye wand’rers from the fold, Jesus now is calling you; Oh, his love can ne’er be told! – Still he bids you come.” This verse reminds us that Jesus’ invitation is not limited to a specific group of people. It is extended to all who feel lost, abandoned, or disconnected from God. Jesus’ love knows no bounds, and He longs to bring the wanderers back into His fold.

In conclusion, the hymn “Come Ye Weary and Oppressed, Jesus Now Is Calling You” is a beautiful reminder of the invitation that Jesus extends to all who are weary and burdened. Through His sacrifice on the cross, He offers forgiveness, rest, and freedom from sin. No matter how lost or overwhelmed we may feel, Jesus is calling us to come to Him and find the peace and rest that our souls long for. So, if you are feeling weary and oppressed, remember that Jesus is calling you. Answer His call and find comfort, hope, and rest in His loving embrace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find rest and hope in Jesus' invitation. Come, weary and oppressed, for He offers forgiveness and freedom from sin. Jesus is calling you. Answer His call and find comfort in His embrace.
Come Ye Weary And Oppressed Jesus Now Is Calling You - Hymn Lyric - Find rest and hope in Jesus' invitation. Come, weary and oppressed, for He offers forgiveness and freedom from sin. Jesus is calling you. Answer His call and find comfort in His embrace.