My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joyful hymn "My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord" expressing deep gratitude and praise for God's favor

My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “My Doth Magnify The ,” the speaker expresses their overwhelming joy and for , their Savior. They believe that God has shown them favor, despite their humble state, and they anticipate being celebrated as blessed by future generations. Through this hymn, the speaker encourages others to join in celebrating and magnifying the Lord.


My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord – Hymn Lyric

My soul doth magnify the LORD;
My spirit greatly doth rejoice
In GOD my saviour; whom I praise
With joyful and exulting voice.

For greatly He regarded hath
His handmaid in her low estate:
And hence all ages of the
Shall me as blessed .

Th’ Almighty wondrous things hath done,
To me: and holy is his name:
To them who fear him flow;
From race to race they ever stream.

He with his arm hath shewed strength;
The great and proud hath scattered
In the devices of their hearts
They vainly had imagined.

Down from their seats of dignity
The high and mighty put hat He;
And has exalted those on high
Who were before of low degree.

The hungry hath with good things fill’d,
The rich has empty sent away;
His servant Isr’el greatly help’d,
His mercy minds, and will display.

As what He to our fathers spake,
So wondrously perform doth He
To Abraham and to his race,
And will ev’n to .


Meaning of My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord

In this hymn, titled “My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord,” the speaker expresses their deep joy and praise for God, their Savior. They recognize that God has shown favor and kindness to them, despite their lowly state. They believe that their blessedness will be celebrated by future generations.

The hymn begins by stating, “My soul doth magnify the LORD; My spirit greatly doth rejoice.” This shows the speaker’s intense happiness and gratitude towards God. They feel a deep connection to God and cannot contain their joy. They openly praise God with a joyful and exulting voice.

The speaker acknowledges that God has regarded them, a humble servant, even in their lowly state. They believe that throughout all ages, people will celebrate and consider them blessed. This shows their faith in God’s and favor.

The hymn then highlights the great things that God has done. The speaker acknowledges God’s power and holiness. They believe that those who fear God will continuously receive His mercies, as these mercies flow from generation to generation. This shows the speaker’s belief in the unending nature of God’s grace.

The hymn goes on to describe how God has shown strength with His mighty arm. He has scattered the proud and arrogant, who had vainly imagined their own importance. This demonstrates God’s ability to humble those who rely solely on their own power and pride.

Furthermore, God has brought down the high and mighty from their positions of honor and has exalted those who were previously of low degree. This highlights God’s justice and fairness, as He uplifts the humble and brings down the proud.

The hymn also acknowledges God’s provision for the needy and His judgments on the rich. The hungry are filled with good things, while the rich are sent away empty. This displays God’s care for the less fortunate and His concern for justice and equality.

The speaker also praises God for helping His servant Israel. They believe that God’s mercy towards Israel will be continually displayed. This shows the speaker’s faith in God’s faithfulness towards His chosen people.

Lastly, the hymn draws parallels to the promises God made to their ancestors, specifically Abraham and his descendants. The speaker believes that God will fulfill these promises in a wondrous and extraordinary way. They are confident that God’s faithfulness will endure for all eternity.

In conclusion, “My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord” is a hymn that expresses deep joy, gratitude, and praise for God. The speaker acknowledges God’s favor, strength, and mercy. They believe in God’s justice, His provision for the needy, and His faithfulness to His people. Through this hymn, the speaker encourages others to join in celebrating and magnifying the Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joyful hymn My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord expressing deep gratitude and praise for God's favor, strength, and everlasting love. Join in the celebration!
My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord - Hymn Lyric - Discover the joyful hymn "My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord" expressing deep gratitude and praise for God's favor, strength, and everlasting love. Join in the celebration!