O Zion Lovely Zion Thou City Of The Faithful – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy and beauty of O Zion

O Zion Lovely Zion Thou City Of The Faithful – Hymn Lyric

O Zion, lovely Zion, city of the faithful! This hymn celebrates the beauty and splendor of Zion, a place where millions of redeemed souls dwell in eternal joy and praise their Savior and King. It is a city that cares for the lowly, where the lost are gathered and brought to find hope and . O Zion, you are a beacon of hope and a of righteousness for the faithful.


O Zion Lovely Zion Thou City Of The Faithful – Hymn Lyric

O Zion! lovely Zion! thou city of the faithful,
How often with rapture thy praises we sing!
Where millions of redeemed ones are dwelling now in brightness,
And praising forever our Saviour and King.

Where the loud swelling chorus of triumph eternal,
Rolls down from the regions of endless ,
Where the ransomed are returning with music and rejoicing,
To walk with the Saviour in garments of white.

O Zion! lovely Zion! thou carest for the lowly;
Thy banner of mercy still waving we see;
Thy watchmen thou art sending with tidings, joyful tidings,
To gather the lost ones and bring them to thee.


O Zion! lovely Zion! O when shall we behold thee,
Thy beauty and splendor for ever to share!
Where loved ones who have entered thy bright and shining portals,
Are waiting and watching to welcome us there.



Meaning of O Zion Lovely Zion Thou City Of The Faithful

O Zion, what a beautiful city you are! In this hymn, we are reminded of the joy and excitement that comes from praising and worshiping in your presence. Your name brings comfort and hope to the hearts of countless believers. You are a city that radiates light and righteousness, a place where the faithful find rest and .

As we sing these praises, we can’t help but imagine the immense joy that fills your streets. Millions of redeemed souls are dwelling in your midst, basking in the brightness of your glory. They are forever praising our Saviour and King, their voices blending together in a swelling chorus of triumph. The sound of their rejoicing rolls down from the heavens, reaching our ears and stirring our souls.

What a glorious sight it must be to witness this celestial celebration! Imagine the ransomed souls, returning to Zion with music and rejoicing. They come from all corners of the earth, drawn by the eternal and salvation found within your walls. Their garments of white symbolize their purity and victory over . They walk side by side with the Saviour, forever grateful for His sacrifice that brought them to this place of eternal bliss.

O Zion, you care deeply for the lowly. Your banner of mercy is always waving, a symbol of your never-ending love and compassion. Your watchmen diligently carry out their duties, spreading the good news of salvation. They bring tidings of joy, offering hope to the lost and guiding them towards your loving embrace.

How we long to behold your beauty and splendor, Zion! We yearn to experience the everlasting joy that your inhabitants enjoy. Our loved ones who have already entered your bright and shining portals eagerly await our arrival. They watch and wait, eagerly anticipating the day when they can welcome us into your embrace.

In your city, O Zion, there is no pain or . Tears are replaced with laughter, and darkness is banished by the radiant light of ‘s presence. It is a place where every heart finds solace and every soul finds fulfillment. It is a true paradise, unblemished by the trials and tribulations of this earthly existence.

O Zion, as we sing your praises, we are reminded of the hope and promise that your name represents. Your faithfulness and steadfast love inspire us to strive for righteousness and goodness in our own lives. We long to be counted among the faithful, walking the streets of your city, forever united with our Saviour and King.

So let us continue to sing of your beauty, O Zion, and share the hope and joy that you provide. Let us be like your watchmen, spreading the good news of salvation to all who are lost. May the come to know and experience the love and grace that emanates from your gates. O Zion, lovely Zion, you are truly a city of the faithful, a beacon of hope in a dark and weary world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy and beauty of O Zion, a city of faithful believers. Sing of the eternal triumph and reunions with loved ones in garments of white. Discover hope and solace in this radiant paradise.
O Zion Lovely Zion Thou City Of The Faithful - Hymn Lyric - Experience the joy and beauty of O Zion, a city of faithful believers. Sing of the eternal triumph and reunions with loved ones in garments of white. Discover hope and solace in this radiant paradise.