God Hath Made The Flowers Beautiful – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate the beauty of summer with "God Hath Made The Flowers Beautiful." Immerse yourself in the vibrant colors

God Hath Made The Flowers Beautiful – Hymn Lyric

“God Hath Made The Flowers Beautiful: A Celebration of Summer’s Delights” invites us to appreciate the beauty of nature and the blessings of summer. From the vibrant flowers and their fragrant perfumes to the warmth of the and refreshing raindrops, we are reminded of God’s love and care for us. Let us be thankful for these gifts and acknowledge God as the artist and caretaker of our world.


God Hath Made The Flowers Beautiful – Hymn Lyric

Welcome happy summer, you are welcome here,
God hath safely brought you through another ;
Flow’rs again are blooming, birds do sweetly sing,
Nature chants its praises to our ‘nly King.

God hath made the flowers, beautiful and fair,
How they fill with fragrance all the summer air;
God hath made the sunshine, and the rain drops too,
God hath blest His children all the ages through. [Refrain]

Let us then be thankful on this festive day,
Jesus, Thou dost lead us ever on our way;
As love hath brought us through the year that’s past,
Saviour Thy children to Thy at last. [Refrain]


Meaning of God Hath Made The Flowers Beautiful

God Hath Made The Flowers Beautiful: A Celebration of Summer’s Delights

Welcome happy summer! As the rays of the sun kiss our skin and the sweet aroma of blooming flowers fills the air, we cannot help but be filled with gratitude for the beauty that surrounds us. Just like the hymn says, “God hath safely brought you through another year,” we indeed feel blessed to witness another summer, a time when nature is at its finest and all creation seems to sing praises to our heavenly King.

Take a moment to envision the colorful tapestry that nature unfurls during this time of year. Fields of vibrant wildflowers stretch as far as the eye can see, each petal uniquely designed by our Creator. The delicate daisies and cheerful daffodils, the elegant roses and joyful sunflowers, all together in a symphony of hues to bring joy to our hearts. How magnificent is the artistry of our God!

The hymn reminds us that not only has God made the flowers beautiful, but He has also filled them with fragrance. As we breathe in the scents of freshly blossomed lilies or lavender, we are reminded of His love for us. Just as the flowers spread their aromatic perfumes, God’s love permeates the world around us, enveloping us in a sense of peace and contentment.

But it’s not just the flowers that bring delight during the summer months. The hymn acknowledges that God hath made the sunshine and the raindrops too. The warmth of the sun on our skin and the refreshing rain that quenches a thirsty earth are gifts that we often take for granted. Yet, they are essential for the growth and prosperity of all living things. Just as the flowers depend on the sun and rain for nourishment, we too rely on these elements for our well-being.

Reflecting on the hymn, we are reminded that God has blessed His children throughout the ages. From the first rays of a summer morning to the breathtaking sunsets that paint the evening sky, every day is a gift from our heavenly Father. His love and provisions have sustained us through the years, guiding us on our journey. As we celebrate another summer, let us be grateful for God’s unwavering love and protection.

As we rejoice in the blessings of summer, let us also remember the reason for our celebration. The hymn calls upon Jesus, thanking Him for leading us on our way. Just as the beauty of flowers and the warmth of the sun are testaments to God’s love, Jesus, our Savior, is the ultimate guide on our journey through life. He comforts us in times of sorrow and illuminates our path, us hope and eternal love.

Let this festive day be a reminder of the faithfulness of our Savior. As we welcome happy summer, let us also welcome Jesus into our hearts. For it is through His love that we are able to navigate the trials and tribulations that life brings. May He bring us safely home to our heavenly abode, just as the hymn implores Him to bring His children to His home at last.

In conclusion, as we bask in the of another summer, let us take a moment to appreciate the beauty of God’s creation. From the meticulously crafted flowers to the radiant sunshine and life-giving rain, every aspect of this season is a reminder of His love and providence. Let us be thankful for the blessings that surround us, and may we always acknowledge God’s role as the artist and caretaker of our world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate the beauty of summer with God Hath Made The Flowers Beautiful. Immerse yourself in the vibrant colors, fragrances, and blessings of God's creation. Welcome to a season of thankfulness and praise!
God Hath Made The Flowers Beautiful - Hymn Lyric - Celebrate the beauty of summer with "God Hath Made The Flowers Beautiful." Immerse yourself in the vibrant colors, fragrances, and blessings of God's creation. Welcome to a season of thankfulness and praise!