Jesus Lives Thy Terrors Now – Hymn Lyric

Discover comfort in the resurrection of Jesus with the hymn "Jesus Lives Thy Terrors Now." Learn how his triumph over death brings hope and reassurance.

Jesus Lives Thy Terrors Now – Hymn Lyric

Lives Thy Terrors Now: Finding Comfort in the Resurrection” explores the powerful message and behind the hymn. It emphasizes how Jesus’ resurrection conquers death and the grave, offering comfort and reassurance to those who believe. The hymn reminds us that nothing can separate us from Jesus’ love and that ultimately, our leads us to a future in with him.


Jesus Lives Thy Terrors Now – Hymn Lyric

Jesus lives; thy terrors now
Can, O death, no more appall us;
Jesus lives: by this we know
Thou, O grave, cannot enthrall us.

Jesus lives: henceforth is death
But the gate to life immortal;
This shall calm our trembling breath
When we pass its gloomy portal.

Jesus lives: our hearts know well
Nought from us his love shall sever;
Life nor death nor pow’rs of hell
Tear us from his keeping ever.

Jesus lives: to him the throne
Over all the is given:
May we go where he is gone,
Rest and reign with him in heaven.


Meaning of Jesus Lives Thy Terrors Now

Jesus Lives Thy Terrors Now: Finding Comfort in the Resurrection

In the hymn “Jesus Lives Thy Terrors Now,” we are reminded of the incredible power of Jesus’ resurrection and the hope that it brings to our lives. Death, once a fearful and intimidating concept, loses its ability to appall us when we believe in the life-giving presence of Jesus. This hymn reassures us that Jesus’ resurrection has conquered not only death but also the grave itself, freeing us from its enthralling grasp. With each joyful of “Alleluia!” we are reminded of the we have in Jesus’ eternal life.

The first verse of the hymn declares, “Jesus lives; thy terrors now can, O death, no more appall us.” These words hold tremendous significance, especially when confronted with the inevitability of death. Death is often seen as a frightening and final end, but the resurrection of Jesus offers us a different perspective. By conquering death through his resurrection, Jesus removes its power to terrify us. Though death may still be a gateway to the unknown, it is now seen as the gate to life immortal.

The second verse continues the theme of the first, stating, “Jesus lives: henceforth is death but the gate to life immortal.” This line provides reassurance that death is no longer the end but instead a doorway to eternal life. It acknowledges the fear that many of us feel when confronted with death’s “gloomy portal” but also encourages us to find solace in the knowledge that Jesus has gone before us and conquered death.

The third verse of the hymn reminds us that nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus. It proclaims, “Jesus lives: our hearts know well nought from us his love shall sever.” This verse captures the unbreakable bond between Jesus and his followers. No matter what challenges we face in life, whether it be life itself, death, or even the powers of hell, we can rest assured that nothing can tear us from the love of Jesus. This is a powerful message of hope and comfort, particularly for those who may feel abandoned or alone.

The final verse of the hymn speaks to the ultimate destiny that awaits those who believe in Jesus. It states, “Jesus lives: to him the throne over all the world is given: may we go where he is gone, rest and reign with him in heaven.” This verse reminds us that Jesus’ resurrection not only guarantees our own eternal life but also promises the opportunity to join him in heaven. It paints a picture of a glorious future where we can find rest and reign alongside Jesus in his heavenly kingdom. This vision can provide great comfort and hope, especially during times of struggle and uncertainty.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Lives Thy Terrors Now” beautifully captures the essence of the Easter story and the joyous hope it brings. Through the power of Jesus’ resurrection, death and the grave lose their ability to terrify us. We can find comfort in knowing that Jesus’ love is always with us, unbroken by any circumstance. Ultimately, our faith in Jesus leads us to a future in heaven, where we can rest and reign alongside him. As we the refrain of “Alleluia!” let us be reminded of the eternal victory we have in Jesus’ resurrection and find solace in the knowledge that he conquered death for all .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover comfort in the resurrection of Jesus with the hymn Jesus Lives Thy Terrors Now. Learn how his triumph over death brings hope and reassurance.
Jesus Lives Thy Terrors Now - Hymn Lyric - Discover comfort in the resurrection of Jesus with the hymn "Jesus Lives Thy Terrors Now." Learn how his triumph over death brings hope and reassurance.