Awake Glad Soul – Hymn Lyric

Awake Glad Soul: Find Joy & Comfort in Christ's Resurrection. Delve into this hymn's verses and discover the eternal spring

Awake Glad Soul – Hymn Lyric

“Awake, Glad Soul: Finding Joy and Comfort in Christ’s Resurrection” is a hymn that encourages us to awaken to the joy and that come from Christ’s resurrection. It reminds us that the grave couldn’t contain Him and that His victory over death brings new and love. When we seek Him, we find solace, gratitude, and a transformed existence.


Awake Glad Soul – Hymn Lyric

Awake, glad soul! awake! awake!
Thy Lord has risen long;
Go to His grave, and with thee take
Both tuneful heart and song.

Where life is waking all around,
Where love’s sweet voices ,
The first bright blossom may be found
Of an spring.

The shade and gloom of life are fled
This resurrection day;
in Christ are no more dead,
The grave hath no more prey.

In Christ we live, in Christ we sleep,
In Christ we wake and rise,
And the sad death makes us weep,
He wipes from all our eyes.

And every bird and every tree,
And every opening flower,
Proclaim His glorious victory,
His resurrection power.

The folds are glad, the fields rejoice,
With vernal verdure spread,
The little hills lift up their voice
And shout that death is dead.

Then wake, glad heart! awake! awake
And seek Thy risen Lord;
Joy in His resurrection take,
And comfort in His Word.

And let thy life, through all its ways,
One long thanksgiving be:
Its theme of joy, its song of —
Christ died, and rose for me.


Meaning of Awake Glad Soul

Awake, Glad Soul: Finding Joy and Comfort in Christ’s Resurrection

The hymn “Awake, Glad Soul” is a beautiful expression of the joy and hope that arise from Christ’s resurrection. As we delve into the verses of this hymn, we are reminded of the eternal spring that us, the freedom from death that Christ has secured for us, and the unending victory that resounds in all of creation.

The hymn begins by urging the soul to wake up and celebrate the risen Lord. It encourages us to bring our tuneful hearts and songs to His grave, acknowledging that He is no longer there. The grave could not contain Him, and His resurrection brings a new season of life and love. In a world where everything is waking up, where birds sing and flowers bloom, we find the first glimpse of the eternal spring that Christ’s resurrection inaugurates.

The shade and gloom of life are gone on this resurrection day. The power of death has been shattered by Christ, and we no longer need to fear its grasp. In Christ, we are alive and no longer beholden to the grave. This realization should bring immense comfort and joy to our souls. The tears we shed in the face of death are wiped away by the loving hands of our Savior. He brings us solace, knowing that death is not the end for those who belong to Him.

Nature itself joins in this glorious victory. Every bird, every tree, and every opening flower proclaims the resurrection power of Christ. As we observe the beauty of creation, we are reminded of the triumph over death. The folds are glad, the fields rejoice, and the little hills lift up their voices to declare that death is dead. The entire creation resounds with the truth that Christ’s resurrection has transformed everything.

So, we are called to wake up and seek our risen Lord. We should not remain passive but actively pursue Him. In finding Him, we will discover true joy and comfort. Our hearts can rejoice in His resurrection, knowing that we have been redeemed, and our lives are forever changed. It is through Christ that we find purpose, hope, and the promise of eternal life.

The hymn encourages us to let our lives be one long expression of thanksgiving. Every aspect of our existence should be infused with gratitude for what Christ has done. Our joy should be the theme of our life, and our song should be one of praise. We have the privilege of declaring, “Christ died, and rose for me.” These words remind us of the personal nature of Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection. He did it all for each one of us, individually and collectively.

As we reflect on the message of “Awake, Glad Soul,” we are reminded of the profound significance of Christ’s resurrection. It is not just a historical event that happened long ago. It is a reality that continues to shape and transform our lives today. Through this hymn, we are encouraged to awaken to the joy and comfort that can be found in Christ’s resurrection.

So, let us embrace this truth with childlike wonder and deep gratitude. Let us sing with tuneful hearts and seek our risen Lord. May our lives be a testimony to the victory over death that resounds in all of creation. Awake, glad soul, and find your joy and comfort in the resurrected Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Awake Glad Soul: Find Joy & Comfort in Christ's Resurrection. Delve into this hymn's verses and discover the eternal spring, freedom from death, & unending victory found in Jesus. Awaken to the profound significance & transformative power of His resurrection.
Awake Glad Soul - Hymn Lyric - Awake Glad Soul: Find Joy & Comfort in Christ's Resurrection. Delve into this hymn's verses and discover the eternal spring, freedom from death, & unending victory found in Jesus. Awaken to the profound significance & transformative power of His resurrection.