Souls Are Dying Now Lost In Sin And Woe – Hymn Lyric

Souls Are Dying Now Lost In Sin And Woe: Discover the urgent call to bring hope and salvation to those lost in sin and despair. Join the mission and spread the light of hope in a dark world.

Souls Are Dying Now Lost In Sin And Woe – Hymn Lyric

Are Dying Now Lost In Sin And Woe: Spreading the Light of In this hymn, we are reminded of the urgent call to action that Jesus has given us. As we look around, we see souls lost in sin and woe, desperately in need of the love and that only Jesus can offer. The world is full of darkness, and it is our duty to bring the light of hope to those who are wandering aimlessly. As we sing this hymn, let us be filled with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Let us be inspired by the words and remember that there is for us to do. May we find strength in the Savior and His abiding love as we go , bringing the wanderers back and spreading the light of hope to a world in need.


Souls Are Dying Now Lost In Sin And Woe – Hymn Lyric

Souls are dying now, lost in sin and woe,
And the lab’rers still are few;
Into all the world Jesus bids us go,
There is work for me to do.

I must bring the wand’rers in,
Savior, strengthen me anew,
I must bring the wand’rers in,
There is work for me to do.

While the bonds of sin shall unbroken be,
And each pitfall far from view,
And while aching hearts should be glad and free,
There is work for me to do.


With the love of God in my heart today,
I will give His message true;
Point the lost of earth to the living way,
There is work for me to do.



Meaning of Souls Are Dying Now Lost In Sin And Woe

Souls Are Dying Now Lost In Sin And Woe: Spreading the Light of Hope

In this hymn, we are reminded of the urgent call to action that Jesus has given us. As we look around, we see souls lost in sin and woe, desperately in need of the love and salvation that only Jesus can offer. The world is full of darkness, and it is our duty to bring the light of hope to those who are wandering aimlessly.

As we sing this hymn, we feel a sense of responsibility and a to fulfill our purpose in bringing the wanderers back to Jesus. It is a task that requires strength and perseverance, and we find comfort in knowing that the Savior will strengthen us anew each day.

The first verse of the hymn invites us to reflect on the state of the world. Souls are dying, trapped in the grip of sin. The laborers, those who have answered the call to share the good news, are still few in number. This realization should stir our hearts to action. It is not enough to see the need and turn a blind eye. Jesus compels us to go into all the world, to reach out to those who are lost, and to be the laborers who bring them back.

The refrain reminds us of our mission: “I must bring the wanderers in, Savior, strengthen me anew.” These words resonate deeply, as we acknowledge our responsibility and our need for divine strength to fulfill it. It’s not a choice but a calling; we are compelled to share the message of salvation and to lead the lost back to Jesus.

While the bonds of sin remain unbroken and pitfalls lurk around every corner, we are reminded that there is still work to be done. Our hearts should ache for those who are suffering, and we must strive to bring them gladness and freedom. We cannot sit idly by while others are in need. Every soul matters, and it is our duty to offer them hope and salvation.

The second verse of the hymn reminds us of the power of love. With the love of God in our hearts, we can be a of light in a dark world. We have been entrusted with His message of truth, and it is our responsibility to share it with others. By pointing the lost of the earth to the living way, we can offer them a to salvation.

In a world filled with despair and hopelessness, our mission is to bring hope and a sense of purpose to those who feel lost. It is not enough to keep the message of Jesus to ourselves; we must actively seek out those who are hurting and share His love. By embodying the love of God and living out our faith, we have the power to transform lives and bring healing to broken hearts.

This hymn serves as a reminder of the urgency of our mission. Souls are dying now, lost in sin and woe, and we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a hurting world. We cannot be complacent or indifferent to the needs of others. We must be willing to step out of our comfort zones and reach out to those who are in need.

As we sing this hymn, let us be filled with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Let us be inspired by the words and remember that there is work for us to do. May we find strength in the Savior and His abiding love as we go forth, bringing the wanderers back and spreading the light of hope to a world in need.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Souls Are Dying Now Lost In Sin And Woe: Discover the urgent call to bring hope and salvation to those lost in sin and despair. Join the mission and spread the light of hope in a dark world.
Souls Are Dying Now Lost In Sin And Woe - Hymn Lyric - Souls Are Dying Now Lost In Sin And Woe: Discover the urgent call to bring hope and salvation to those lost in sin and despair. Join the mission and spread the light of hope in a dark world.