Sing About Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Sing About Jesus: Discover the Power and Hope in His Sacrifice. Find joy in praising His love

Sing About Jesus – Hymn Lyric

About : Finding Hope in His SacrificeIn this heartfelt , the songwriter invites us to rejoice and sing about Jesus, who willingly sacrificed His life to save us. The verses remind us of His love, goodness, power, grace, righteousness, and the joy we find in constantly praising His name. Let’s delve deeper into the meaning behind these powerful words and explore the hope and inspiration we can find in singing about Jesus.


Sing About Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Sing about Jesus who died to save;
Who for my soul His life He gave.
Sing for He’s reigning above the grave;
Sing about Him, yes, sing about Him.

Sing about Jesus, my loving Lord;
Sing about Him, sing about Him;
Sing of His goodness in sweet accord;
Sing about Him, yes, sing about Him.

Sing about Jesus: He took me in;
Sing of His pow’r: He saves from sin;
Sing of His grace: He keeps me clean;
Sing about Him, yes, sing about Him.

Sing about Jesus, our righteousness;
Sing for He came my soul to ;
While I with gladness His name confess,
Sing about Him, yes, sing about Him.

Sing about Jesus both day and night;
This is my theme, my ‘s delight;
Sing in the spirit, for it is right;
Sing about Him, yes, sing about Him.


Meaning of Sing About Jesus

Sing About Jesus: Finding Hope in His Sacrifice

In this heartfelt hymn, the songwriter invites us to rejoice and sing about Jesus, who willingly sacrificed His life to save us. The verses remind us of His love, goodness, power, grace, righteousness, and the joy we find in constantly praising His name. Let’s delve deeper into the meaning behind these powerful words and explore the hope and inspiration we can find in singing about Jesus.

The hymn starts by emphasizing the central theme: singing about Jesus, who died to save. The mention of His ultimate sacrifice reminds us of the immense love He has for each and every one of us. It is mind-boggling to think that someone would lay down their life for us, but Jesus did just that. He gave His life on the cross so that we could be saved from our sins and have life.

As we sing about Jesus, it is important to note that He isn’t just a historical figure who died a long time ago. He is alive and reigning above the grave. This joyous truth gives us hope. It means that Jesus conquered death, and because of Him, we too can have victory over sin and death. When we sing about Jesus, we celebrate His resurrection and the assurance it brings us.

The hymn continues by highlighting the personal relationship we can have with Jesus. We are invited to sing about Him as our loving Lord. His love for us knows no bounds, and it is this love that compels Him to save us. Through His sacrifice, Jesus offers us forgiveness and the opportunity to be in a relationship with Him. When we sing about Him, we acknowledge this incredible gift and express our gratitude.

In addition to His love, Jesus is also praised for His goodness. He is the embodiment of everything that is good and pure. When we reflect on His goodness, we find comfort and strength. We are reminded that even in times of , Jesus remains a beacon of light. Singing about His goodness brings us hope and reminds us of the blessings and favor He upon us.

The hymn then mentions Jesus’ power to save us from sin. Sin is often described as a burden weighing us down and separating us from God’s love. But through His sacrifice, Jesus offers us a way to be cleansed and freed from the chains of sin. When we sing about His power, we proclaim our belief that He can transform our lives and enable us to live according to His will.

Furthermore, the hymn acknowledges Jesus’ grace. Grace is the unmerited favor and kindness that God shows us, even though we don’t deserve it. It is through His grace that we are able to experience His forgiveness, love, and eternal life. Singing about His grace reminds us of the unconditional love and mercy that is available to us.

Jesus not only saves us from our sins but also covers us in His righteousness. When God looks at us, He sees the righteousness of Jesus imputed to us. This divine exchange means that we no longer have to rely on our own flawed efforts to earn our righteousness but can rest in the righteousness bestowed upon us through Jesus. Singing about Jesus as our righteousness helps us grasp this incredible truth and draw confidence from it.

As the hymn continues, it encourages us to sing about Jesus both day and night. This is an invitation to make Him the constant focus of our thoughts and worship. By doing so, we develop a habit of seeking His presence and acknowledging His in our lives. Singing about Jesus fills our hearts with joy and helps us abide in a place of gratitude and worship.

What’s remarkable about this hymn is its emphasis on singing in the spirit. It acknowledges that singing about Jesus is not merely a mechanical act but a spiritual one. When we sing in the spirit, we connect with the depth of our emotions and allow the Holy Spirit to move within us. Singing in the spirit brings authenticity and passion to our worship, making it more meaningful and pleasing to God.

In conclusion, this hymn reminds us of the hope and joy we find in singing about Jesus. By singing about His sacrifice, love, goodness, power, grace, and righteousness, we celebrate the transformational work He has done in our lives. We find assurance in His resurrection and the victory over sin and death that He offers. So let us join in joyful harmony and sing about Jesus, allowing His name to be continually on our lips, because in doing so, we draw closer to Him and experience the hope that only He can provide.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Sing About Jesus: Discover the Power and Hope in His Sacrifice. Find joy in praising His love, goodness, grace, and righteousness. Sing about Him day and night with heartfelt worship.
Sing About Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Sing About Jesus: Discover the Power and Hope in His Sacrifice. Find joy in praising His love, goodness, grace, and righteousness. Sing about Him day and night with heartfelt worship.