Come Justified Soul To The Cross – Hymn Lyric

Discover the invitation to find sanctification and rest in God's presence through the hymn "Come Justified Soul To The Cross." Explore the meaning of sanctification and the transformative power of surrendering at the cross.

Come Justified Soul To The Cross – Hymn Lyric

Justified Soul To The : Finding Sanctification and Rest in God The hymn “Come Justified Soul To The Cross” invites us to seek sanctification and rest in God’s presence. It reminds us of the grace and freedom we can experience when we ourselves to His will. Through studying His Word, seeking sanctification, and accepting the cleansing power of , we can find rest and become vessels of holiness.


Come Justified Soul To The Cross – Hymn Lyric

Verse 1:
Come, justified soul, to the cross,
The fullness is waiting for thee;
The will of the Lord is revealed in His Word,
That thou shouldst now sanctified be.

Come, seek it today,
No longer delay,
Before Him in humbleness bow;
And low at the cross,
Count all things but loss,
Oh, come and be sanctified now.

Verse 2:
Why harbor a foe in thy breast?
Why have such a battle within?
Oh, come and be blest with a perfect soul-rest-
A rest of full freedom from sin.


Verse 3:
The veil of the holiest place
Is rent and wide open for thee;
A new living way entrance today
To grace that is boundless and free.


Verse 4:
The blood of the will cleanse
From all the inherited sin;
Then grace to thy heart will the Spirit impart,
Thus make and keep holy within.



Meaning of Come Justified Soul To The Cross

Come Justified Soul To The Cross: Finding Sanctification and Rest in God


In the hymn “Come Justified Soul To The Cross,” the songwriter invites us to seek sanctification and rest in God’s presence. This hymn is a powerful reminder of the grace and freedom we can experience when we surrender ourselves to the will of the Lord. Let’s delve deeper into the ideas presented in this hymn and explore what it means to come to the cross, find sanctification, and experience a perfect soul-rest.

Verse 1: The Invitation to Seek Sanctification

The first verse of the hymn serves as an invitation for the justified soul to come to the cross. It emphasizes that the fullness of sanctification is waiting for us. What does it mean to be justified? It signifies that our have been forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. However, sanctification takes us a step further. It means being set apart, cleansed, and purified by the Holy Spirit, transforming us into vessels of holiness.

The Will of the Lord Revealed in His Word:

The hymn suggests that the will of the Lord for us to be sanctified can be found in His Word. The Bible provides guidance and instructions on how to live a holy and sanctified . By studying and meditating upon the Scriptures, we can gain a better understanding of God’s will and purpose for our lives.

Refrain: Urgency to Seek Sanctification

The refrain of the hymn reinforces the urgency to seek sanctification. It encourages us not to delay our pursuit of sanctification but to humbly approach God and surrender ourselves at the foot of the cross. The phrase, “come and be sanctified now,” reminds us that the time for sanctification is now. We should not put it off for another day.

Verse 2: Letting Go of Inner Battles

The second verse asks a thought-provoking question: why should we harbor a foe in our breasts or have a battle within? This verse highlights the internal struggle we often face as believers, caught between our desires for and the temptations of sin. The hymn offers a solution – by seeking sanctification, we can experience a perfect soul-rest. This rest refers to freedom from the burden of sin, finding in knowing that we are aligned with God’s will.

The Veil of the Holiest Place:

The third verse draws our attention to the torn veil of the holiest place. In biblical times, the veil separated the Holy of Holies, where God’s presence dwelled, from the rest of the temple. However, when Jesus died on the cross, the veil was torn from top to bottom, symbolizing direct access to God’s presence. Through His sacrifice, Jesus opened a new living way for us to enter into God’s grace freely.

Verse 3: The Cleansing Blood and Inner Transformation

The final verse emphasizes the cleansing power of the Savior’s blood. It highlights that the blood of Jesus can cleanse us from all inherited sin, offering us graced-filled hearts. When we accept His forgiveness and surrender to His Spirit, our hearts are transformed and made holy. We become vessels for His love, kindness, and righteousness to permeate every aspect of our lives.

Finding Rest and Sanctification:

The hymn’s overarching message is the invitation to come to the cross, seeking sanctification and finding rest in God. Sanctification involves a continuous process of surrendering ourselves to God, allowing Him to work in us and through us. It is not a one-time event but a lifelong journey of growth.


“Come Justified Soul To The Cross” encourages us to seek sanctification and rest in God’s presence. By surrendering ourselves at the cross, we open ourselves to be transformed from the inside out. As we study His Word, we understand the will of the Lord for our lives, and by the power of His blood and the work of His Spirit, we are cleansed and made holy. Let us respond to the invitation of this hymn and come to the cross, experiencing the fullness of sanctification and finding rest in God.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the invitation to find sanctification and rest in God's presence through the hymn Come Justified Soul To The Cross. Explore the meaning of sanctification and the transformative power of surrendering at the cross.
Come Justified Soul To The Cross - Hymn Lyric - Discover the invitation to find sanctification and rest in God's presence through the hymn "Come Justified Soul To The Cross." Explore the meaning of sanctification and the transformative power of surrendering at the cross.