There Is Sweet Contentment In My Soul Today – Hymn Lyric

Discover the sweet contentment that comes from trusting in the blessed Christ. Let go of doubts and fears

There Is Sweet Contentment In My Soul Today – Hymn Lyric

Experience the sweet contentment that comes from trusting in the blessed . Let go of doubts and fears, and embrace the love and grace that He offers. Rest upon His golden promises and find solace in His faithfulness.


There Is Sweet Contentment In My Soul Today – Hymn Lyric

There is sweet contentment in my soul today,
I am trusting in the blessed Christ.
He, my , has taken doubts and fears away,
I am trusting in the blessed Christ.

Trusting, sweetly trusting,
I am trusting in the blessed Christ.
! Hallelujah!
I am trusting in the blessed Christ.

He is true and and of friends the best,
I am trusting in the blessed Christ.
In each golden promise, I securely rest,
I am trusting in the blessed Christ. [Refrain]

When the grief-clouds gather making dark our sky,
I am trusting in the blessed Christ.
Soon the clouds are rifted when He draweth nigh,
I am trusting in the blessed Christ. [Refrain]

I will love and trust Him till my race is run,
I am trusting in the blessed Christ.
I will trust my Saviour till bright heaven is won,
I am trusting in the blessed Christ. [Refrain]


Meaning of There Is Sweet Contentment In My Soul Today

Do you ever have days when everything just feels right? When you wake up and there is a sweet contentment in your soul? That feeling of peace and joy that radiates from within? Well, that is exactly how I am feeling today, and it’s all because I am trusting in the blessed Christ.

You see, my Lord has taken away all doubts and fears that used to plague my mind. He has washed them away with His love and grace. And as a result, I am filled with a sense of sweet contentment. It’s as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can finally breathe easy.

In a world that can sometimes feel chaotic and overwhelming, it’s comforting to know that I have someone who is true and faithful by my side. The blessed Christ is not just a , but the best friend I could ever ask for. He is always there to , to comfort, and to guide me through life’s ups and downs.

And speaking of guidance, I find great solace in the golden promises that He has given me. Each promise is like a precious gem that I securely rest upon. They remind me that I am never alone, that I am loved unconditionally, and that there is always hope for a better tomorrow.

But what about those times when the dark clouds of grief gather and the sky seems so gloomy? Even in those moments, I choose to trust in the blessed Christ. For I know that He is the ultimate that can penetrate even the thickest clouds. Whenever He draws near, the clouds are rifted and the sun begins to shine again.

It’s amazing how a simple act of trust can transform our outlook on life. By trusting in the blessed Christ, I have found a love and peace that surpasses all understanding. I know that no matter what challenges may come my way, I can face them with confidence, knowing that my Savior is right beside me.

And I don’t just trust Him for today or for a season. No, I will love and trust Him until my race in this life is run. There is no expiration date on my in Him. I am committed to walking this journey hand in hand with my Savior, and I will not waver.

In fact, I am trusting Him all the way until bright heaven is won. This world is not my ultimate destination, but rather a stepping stone towards something far greater. And as I journey towards that heavenly realm, I know that I can rely on the blessed Christ to lead me .

So today, I want to encourage you to experience the sweet contentment that comes from trusting in the blessed Christ. Let go of your doubts and fears, and embrace the love and grace that He offers. Rest upon His golden promises and find solace in His faithfulness. And above all, know that you are never alone. The blessed Christ is with you every step of the way.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I am trusting in the blessed Christ. And you can too.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the sweet contentment that comes from trusting in the blessed Christ. Let go of doubts and fears, embrace His love and grace, and find solace in His faithfulness. You are never alone.
There Is Sweet Contentment In My Soul Today - Hymn Lyric - Discover the sweet contentment that comes from trusting in the blessed Christ. Let go of doubts and fears, embrace His love and grace, and find solace in His faithfulness. You are never alone.