Day Is Dawning In The East Souls Are Gatering For The Feast – Hymn Lyric

Experience the beauty of each new day with the hymn "Day Is Dawning in the East." Join in the celebration of worship as souls gather for a feast

Day Is Dawning In The East Souls Are Gatering For The Feast – Hymn Lyric

“Day Is in the East” is a hymn that reminds us to appreciate the beauty of each new day and gather together for worship and . It emphasizes the holiness of God and the from heaven and earth. As we wait and worship, our hearts ascend in praise, and we look forward to an eternal morning where shadows will end.


Day Is Dawning In The East Souls Are Gatering For The Feast – Hymn Lyric

Day is dawning in the east;
Souls are gath’ring for the ;
Wait and worship while the day
Sends her glorious light away
Thro’ all the earth.


Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts!
Heav’n and earth are full of Thee,
Heav’n and earth are praising Thee,
O Lord Most High! A-men.

While before Thy throne we fall,
And upon Thy name we call,
Thro’ the glory and the grace
Of the skies that veil Thy face,
Our hearts ascend.


When forever from our sight
Pass the stars, the day, the night,
Lord of angels, on our eyes
Let eternal morning ,
And shadows end.



Meaning of Day Is Dawning In The East Souls Are Gatering For The Feast

Day Is Dawning In The East Souls Are Gathering For The Feast


In this hymn, “Day Is Dawning in the East,” we are reminded of the beauty and grandeur of each new day and how it presents an opportunity for worship and gratitude. As the day sends its glorious light, we are called to wait and worship, recognizing the presence of the Lord in heaven and on earth. This hymn emphasizes the holiness of God, the praise from all creation, and our heartfelt ascension towards Him.

Verse 1: A Celebration of Daybreak

The hymn begins by painting a vivid picture of daybreak. As the rises in the east, the awakens, and souls gather for a feast, symbolizing a spiritual nourishment that awaits us all. We can imagine the joy and anticipation in the air as people come together to celebrate the start of a new day. It is a gentle reminder that each morning brings new opportunities for growth, thanksgiving, and worship.

Refrain: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts!

The refrain serves as a joyful chorus that weaves throughout the hymn, repeating the praises of heaven and earth. “Holy, holy, holy” signifies the supreme holiness of God, where the angels and all creation declare His greatness. It is an exclamation of awe and reverence toward the Lord, acknowledging His divine nature and praising Him for His sovereignty.

Verse 2: Worshiping in His Presence

As we gather before God’s throne and call upon His name, we are enveloped in His glory and grace. The skies that veil His face symbolize the magnitude of God’s power and the mystery of His divine presence. Despite not being able to see Him directly, our hearts ascend in worship, guided by and . This verse reminds us that worship is not limited to physical expressions but is a heartfelt connection with the Lord.

Refrain: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts!

The refrain resounds once again, reiterating the continuous praise of heaven and earth in response to God’s holiness. This repetition emphasizes the importance of recognizing and proclaiming God’s greatness in our lives, continuously praising and worshiping Him.

Verse 3: Eternal Morning and the End of Shadows

The final verse shifts our focus towards eternity. It acknowledges that one day the stars, the day, and the night will pass from our sight. However, in the presence of the Lord of angels, eternal morning will dawn, and shadows will cease. This powerful imagery conveys the hope and anticipation of a future without pain or darkness, as we are united with God in heavenly bliss. It reminds us that our earthly existence is temporary, and there is an eternal realm awaiting us.

Refrain: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts!

The refrain comes alive once again, bringing us full circle in our worship and adoration. It serves as a final proclamation, a resounding chorus highlighting the eternal praise of heaven and earth, as we recognize and celebrate God’s holy nature.


“Day Is Dawning in the East” is a hymn that invites us to pause, reflect, and join the universal chorus of worship. It reminds us of the beauty present in each new day, calling us to worship God with joyful hearts as we acknowledge His holiness and divine presence. As we anticipate an eternal morning, free from shadows, this hymn inspires hope and faith in the love and grace of our Lord Most High.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the beauty of each new day with the hymn Day Is Dawning in the East. Join in the celebration of worship as souls gather for a feast, praising the Lord Most High.
Day Is Dawning In The East Souls Are Gatering For The Feast - Hymn Lyric - Experience the beauty of each new day with the hymn "Day Is Dawning in the East." Join in the celebration of worship as souls gather for a feast, praising the Lord Most High.