Was It In Vain That Jesus Prayed – Hymn Lyric

Was it in vain that Jesus prayed? Discover the power of Jesus' love and prayers

Was It In Vain That Jesus Prayed – Hymn Lyric

No, it was not in vain that Jesus prayed. Despite darkness and doubt, his love holds true and his reign remains steadfast. Through the prayers of believers united in love and faith, his grace and eternal peace are found.


Was It In Vain That Jesus Prayed – Hymn Lyric

Was it in vain that Jesus prayed
For those he to save,
When darkly o’er his path was laid
The shadow of the grave?

Hath Jesus loved and prayed in vain?
O doubting , be still!
Yet holds the Lord his glorious reign,
Despite of wrong and ill.

Though nations with their battle-cries
Profane the Almighty’s name,
Though bigots to the offended skies
Their own wild wrath proclaim,

Thousands, in every land,
Have never bowed the knee
In to the idol-band
Of strife and perfidy.

And these are one;-though some may bend
Before the Virgin’s shrine,
While others’ prayers and thanks ascend,
Father! alone at Thine,-

Yet they are one; if through their hearts
The soul of love be poured,
As swells some strain of various parts,
Yet all in sweet accord.


Meaning of Was It In Vain That Jesus Prayed

Was It In Vain That Jesus Prayed – Understanding the Enduring Impact of Jesus’s Prayer

During times of trouble and confusion, we might often find ourselves pondering deeply about the troubles in the and questioning the bigger picture. It’s incredibly normal to wonder about the impact of the past on our present , especially when it comes to the teachings and sacrifices of someone as influential as Jesus. The “Was it in vain that Jesus prayed” gracefully addresses this question and leads us into a reflection on the profound significance of Jesus’s prayer.

Let’s immerse ourselves into the essence of this hymn and the message it conveys. It begins with a poignant question: “Was it in vain that Jesus prayed for those he came to save when darkly over his path was laid the shadow of the grave?” The words paint a vivid picture of a monumental moment—Jesus praying for humanity, aware of the impending he would endure.

For many, this question may arise during times when we look around and see suffering, conflict, and heartache. It can seem as though the world has not embraced the message of love and compassion that Jesus promoted. But let us explore further what the hymn suggests.

The second verse provides a reassuring response for anyone wrestling with doubts. The heart that struggles with uncertainty is counseled to find peace: “O doubting heart, be still! Yet holds the Lord his glorious reign, despite of wrong and ill.” Here, we can interpret a message of hope and unwavering faith in the everlasting impact of Jesus’s prayer and presence. Even in the midst of turmoil and wrong, Jesus’s message continues, and his reign remains unshakable.

When looking at our world, it is true that conflict and strife can appear to dominate. Nations might raise their weapons, and individuals might use religion to justify their anger or wrath, “profane the Almighty’s name, though bigots to the offended skies their own wild wrath proclaim.” This line powerfully calls out the misuse of religious fervor for purposes that go against the core of divine love and acceptance that Jesus taught.

Yet, there is a glimmer of hope in the hymn that shines through the next lines. These lines highlight the fact that there are still countless people across different Christian lands “who have never bowed the knee in worship to the idol-band of strife and perfidy.” This is a reminder that amidst the chaos, there are people who remain faithful, who do not give in to the temptations of conflict, deceit, or treachery. These individuals continue to live out the values that transcend human-made divisions and negativity.

The hymn then touches on diversity within the Christian faith. Some may choose to direct their prayers and reverence to the Virgin Mary, while others may directly to the Father. Yet, they are united in their faith and love: “And these are one; though some may bend before the Virgin’s shrine, while others’ prayers and thanks ascend, Father! alone at Thine.” Despite the different expressions of worship, what binds them together is stronger than any contrasting practices. It’s the “soul of love” within their hearts that unites them.

As the hymn concludes, it compares this unity to a harmonious melody where “some strain of various parts, yet all in sweet accord.” Just like a choir that brings together different voices to create a beautiful song, the community of believers—though diverse in their expressions— together to form a single, powerful force of love and goodness.

The beautiful message of this hymn is clear and uplifting. It tells us that Jesus’s prayers were not in vain, as they continue to resonate in the unity, diversity, and love that are present in the world today. Every act of kindness, every moment of compassion, and every instance of understanding is a testament to the continuing influence of Jesus’s prayer and his message.

Those who wonder about the current state of the world and look for signs of that enduring prayer can take comfort in knowing that while there might be shadows, there is also light. There are people and communities actively living out values of peace, empathy, and unity that Jesus epitomized.

In our lives, we can strive to be part of that light by embracing love, seeking understanding, and reaching out to those in need. As we learn from this hymn, the spirit of Jesus’s prayer lives on when we join together in tolerance and peace, celebrating our common humanity and the divine love that links us all. Therefore, when the shadows seem overwhelming, remember the message of this hymn and know that hope and love persist, and through our actions, the prayer of Jesus continues to echo throughout time.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Was it in vain that Jesus prayed? Discover the power of Jesus' love and prayers, despite the darkness and doubt. Find hope and faith in his eternal grace.
Was It In Vain That Jesus Prayed - Hymn Lyric - Was it in vain that Jesus prayed? Discover the power of Jesus' love and prayers, despite the darkness and doubt. Find hope and faith in his eternal grace.